Disney, entertainment value, film, sci fi, Star Wars, Star Wars Rogue One

The Villain We’ve Been Waiting For

In six days, the much anticipated and first of its kind Star Wars standalone film drops in the United States.

Rogue One features the story before the original story that we all know and love.

Set just before A New Hope, the movie follows the (for lack of a better term) rebellious Jyn Erso as she joins up with the Rebellion in order to ascertain the information so desperately needed on this “imminent” weapons test.

Of course we know this weapons test is the diabolical world-eater or better known as the Death Star.

But who is behind this mechanical contraption from hell that seems to take on a life of it’s own?

None other than the awesomely infamous Orson Krennic…

The man in the white cape that you see in all the trailers is Krennic. Responsible for the Death Star’s completion and the overseer of the laser, Krennic is a higher up in the increasingly evil Empire.

A week ago today I took on the task of finishing the brilliant James Luceno written book Catalyst in preparation for the release of Rogue One.

As I have 20 pages left, my prime and number one thought of the book is directly in relation to Orson Krennic…


The electric personality and devious attitude of Krennic’s is something we haven’t seen since well…Tarkin!

With class and an air of royalty Orson Krennic has an aura of regal power.

His intelligence is inspiring and his quick wit is exceptional. A character of Krennic’s stature is a surefire home run for Star Wars fans.

Undoubtedly, I expect him to be at the center of attention whenever Krennic is on the screen. He lives for the moment, his analysis of his surroundings is impeccable and his actions are as precises as his cape is white.

What makes the Empire so evil that they’re cool is their crisp and flawless display of order and power.

The Imperial Officers radiate stern discipline mixed with intense ambition hellbent on burning the Galaxy down all the while looking sophisticated and sharp as ever.

This is Krennic in a nutshell. His rise to power is not due to a muscular, taut physique or a gifted skill that sets him apart from just about anybody.

No what sets him apart is his tireless attitude and his insatiable hunger for power and recognition.

He is crafty as he is guile and his smooth haughtiness reigns supreme.

Obsessed with the Death Star’s completion, Krennic will risk everything for the ultimate of achievement of being recognized as the father of the ultimate weapon.

However, if you cross him and become subject to his wrath you might feel nothing…then again you probably won’t feel a thing as his enemies had a talent for succumbing to horrible and tragic “accidents”.

What’s more to say? Krennic wields more power than most know.

It’s one thing to be a danger of a man with great importance but it’s the ones who enjoy high profile status and have zero hesitation in doing what is deemed necessary, for the “good” of the people.

Those individuals are truly terrifying.

And I got splendid news for you all, Krennic is that type of man.

Besides seeing Vader and his swashbuckling prowess, Orson Krennic wins the title for my “most interesting man” award.

Just wait and see, Krennic will bring the heat and we will bask in his fiery passions.


-Sith Pacify out


sci fi, Star Wars, WordPress

What if Tarkin evacuated the Death Star?


Here on the SithPacify blog we discuss events that occurred, people it effected or situations that ensued.

Today is a bit different. Instead, I’m going to be writing about the Grand Moff Tarkin.

We all know that he met his maker at the end of the battle above Yavin Prime when the Death Star was destroyed.

But what if he survived? After all, Imperial officer, Moradmin Bast approaches Tarkin minutes before the Death Star’s destruction claiming that there is a danger.

Of course Tarkin declines Bast’s request to prepare his ship and as they say, the rest is history.

But, what if he did evacuate? What if Tarkin survived? What would be the consequences of his continuance?

Immediate Repercussions

Tarkin was a hard-nosed, battle hardened leader. He was respected, he was strong and he was merciless. In seeing the Death Star’s decimation, his pet-project I might add, he would no doubt be furious and demand immediate retribution.

Tarkin is well known in getting his way too. I’m sure if he wanted his revenge, it would be almost a done deal.

For instance, in the Novel Tarkin written by the great James Luceno, the Moff is flawlessly described and portrayed as an ingenious military leader who gets what he wants through his own sheer will.

I assume Tarkin would instantly begin the planning on how he’d throw the return punch back at the Rebel forces as soon as he sat down on his evacuation shuttle.

He’d gather a research team and spare no resource in doing so too. His endgame would of course be utter annihilation for the likes of those who ultimately embarrassed him and took away his prized possession, the Death Star.


His Next Move

Tarkin would get crafty. He understands warfare better than anyone and he’d make sure everyone knew it too.

One way or another, he would discover the Rebel base on Hoth and unlike Vader, I would have to imagine Tarkin would order a space bombardment.

Although I wouldn’t be all that surprised if he decided to raid the base and take prosoners…

Tarkin loved to make an example….(Alderaan)

What’s Next?

When Tarkin was alive, Vader, although completely in a class of his own, had to consult with Tarkin.

Vader might have been a Sith but when it came to the Galactic Empire’s  military, few if any were ahead of Tarkin.

It’s interesting in A New Hope, Tarkin gives the orders and everyone does what he says.

Then, in The Empire Strikes Back, it’s Vader who is now calling the shots.

If Tarkin survived, he’d undoubtedly still be in that position of power. That is unless the Emperor was so bold as to punish the Grand Moff for the loss of his prized battlestation.

It’s worth giving some thought too since Vader practically puts on hold any plans for the Empire and goes on a personal vendetta in sending a massive amount of Imperial resources to chase after the Millenium Falcon.

In my opinion, if Vader would have concentrated his attention on the bulk of the Rebellion, wherever they may be, the Empire would have drastically benefitted. This is exactly what Tarkin would have done.

Tarkin wasn’t a man who messed around. He was a to-the-point, black-and-white, high ranking military official whom saw to it that his missions were completed, always.

What Does it Mean? 

So what is the final result of Tarkin surviving the Death Star? Complete annihilation of the Rebellion.

I really don’t think Tarkin would allow the Rebels to continue to win and take it to the Empire as they did.

I mean, let’s be real, Vader practically allows the Rebellion to rip the Empire little by little as he goes off on his own crusade.

The threat the Rebels posed became so legitimate that the Emperor himself made the decision that his presence and supervision was needed.

I don’t exactly know how or when but you can bet that the Grand Moff Tarkin would not mess around with the Rebellion after a near brush with death and the loss of his station.

Tarkin’s strike would be so severe, that it would be fair to pose question of long it would take for the Rebellion to cease to exist.

Maybe there wouldn’t even be three movies in the original trilogy!

With Tarkin at the helm, the Rebellion’s days would certainly be numbered and eventually, the Empire would go on to crush their nemeses “with one swift stroke.”


-Sith Pacify out
