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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #2

The 2nd character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Luke Skywalker!

Luke Skywalker Overall = 99

Unbeknownst to the world, a human on the deserted landscapes of the Tatooine wastelands grew a boy who would change the Galaxy forever.

From farmhand to the most powerful person alive, the legend of Luke Skywalker is as illustrious as it is unlikely.

Originally thought to be a nobody, young Luke took a leap of faith and soon discovered his true identity. He was a Jedi like his father before him.

The sheer talent that surged through Skywalker’s veins was just begging to be released, yearning for an opportunity.

At the Battle of Yavin, he received that chance…

As a young and inexperienced pilot, he faced off against the Death Star with so much on the line.

The result of failure meant the vaunted Rebellion, the very force that he looked up to so dearly would be completely exterminated.

It was kill or be killed and he was up against the biggest mechanical monstrosity that eyes had ever seen.

A gargantuan task  for anyone, the young boy obliterated the battle station and saved the day.

In doing so he took that next step. A step into the shadow of his father’s brilliance. A place he would have never known existed unless his very own father had not told him himself.

As the years followed, he continuously notched more and more unfathomable victories underneath his belt.

Establishing himself as an elite military general, completing his training as a Jedi and then eventually defeating the egomaniacal tyrant of the land in the Emperor.

Throughout his time in the spotlight, one thing Luke continued to resemble was a pillar of the finest light.

Definitively turning away from the beckoning calls of the Dark Side, silencing the infamous Emperor’s attempts to convert the Jedi to a Sith, he remained true to himself and true to everything he stood for.

Skywalker represented everything that was right about existence. A symbol of untouchable purity that could never be tainted.

To his very core, Luke Skywalker was a Jedi, he was one of the good guys, he was the very meaning of hope.

In a time of eternal darkness, Luke was a rallying call.

As the oppressive regime of the Empire continued to mangle the innocence, Luke became someone for people to believe in.

He became someone who people could follow into the depths of hell and as long as they stayed close to his side, avoid the scorching of devilish fire and brimstone.

The best of the very best are like magnets, they attract those around them.

Luke wasn’t just a magnet, he was the very essence that made the magnet, he was the truth.


  • Pure of Heart (Strength, 100/100)- Throughout Star Wars, you would be hard-pressed to find anyone at all who had better character than Luke. Always trying to do the right thing, never cutting corners and always following things through, Luke was a living and breathing example of how things should be done. But why is this relevant? It’s important because through his inner purity and never-dying chivalry, Luke’s connection to the Force remained uncapped. The ability to reach deeper and climb level after level was always available. There was no limit to his potential and at the very root of it was his way of life. 
  • Power (Strength, 100/100)- There is a reason why someone as powerful as the Emperor was so hellbent on recruiting Luke to his side. Absolutely teeming with limitless strength, Luke became a desirable target for good and bad intentions. Only one person alive had ever seen such ability, but that’s for another time…Skywalker was a man in rarefied air. Through his connection with the Force, with his unstoppable physical capabilities and his exuberant youth, Luke Skwyalker was the complete package.
  • Level of Diversity (Strength, 95/100)- Luke was so skilled that anything he did, he was the best. From using the Force to piloting, Skywalker was the very pinnacle of diversification. It’s worth noting that it took Luke a while to get adjusted to using a lightsaber. In that time that he was unsure of the weapon, he crafted his marksmanship and all-around skill with a blaster. Now I know Force-users have the upper hand when it comes to reflexes and ability in situations like these but something has to be said for someone who started using a lightsaber so late in life and who then masters the weapon of the Jedi. It takes talent to be the best at something but when you get someone who is at the top in multiple categories? Now that’s just special.
  • Art of the Lightsaber (Strength, 97/100)- As I just said, Luke was a complete artist with the Jedi weapon. The whirling and dazzling beam of the weapon quickly became second-nature to Luke as he adapted surprisingly quick and became deadly. It was through intense sessions and his laborious work ethic that he was able to truly master the weapon and turn himself into one of the top swordsmen the Galaxy has seen.
  • Soft Spot (Weakness, 61/100)- Physically, Luke is flawless. Spiritually, it took him some time to get used to the Force but he figured it out and he now allows its waves of embrace to flow over him. But now emotionally and mentally, Luke has some issues. Whether it was the loss of Ben Kenobi that caused Luke to throw caution to the wind, the obsession of trying to bring his father back to the light that nearly cost him his life or his attempts to remake a Jedi Order that went painfully wrong as his nephew went berserk and demolished all that Luke fought so hard to build. Luke no doubt has some emotional attachments that he has had repeated trouble with. In Episode VIII, I hope he’s more careful or else…


  • Bloodline (Strength, 100/100)- At the very heart of the most Force sensitive family, Luke Skywalker is the very essence of the Skywalker family tree. With his father being so powerful and in-tune with the Force, it’s no wonder Luke is so dynamically dominant. The way this normally works is anyone who has Skywalker DNA even if it’s the tiniest smidgen they’re strong. But to be the very heart and soul of the entire line? Well, it just doesn’t get any better!

Final Word

As I first began to pencil in characters where I believed they belonged in my idea of a Force-user power rankings structure, Luke was a no-brainer. He was placed in the top three almost immediately. Although I wasn’t sure however if he should be the top man or the number three guy. After giving it some thought, I realized that Luke is who people think of when someone says “Star Wars”. He is the very definition of a hero, the light that shines the brightest and the one who makes everything fit together. He is one of the most strongest and potent Force-users ever as well as the one who has the most defined and meaningful legacies. When I look at Luke, the characteristic that impresses me the most is his ability to handle pressure. He seems to never be rattled and always be under wraps with what he wants to do with himself. His discipline is so unique for someone who has as much ability as he does. In the end, Luke Skywalker’s work ethic and beliefs of justice as well as his family’s genes granted him a deep connection within the Force which allowed him to possess untapped power. He is undoubtedly one of the greats, that’s why he is the number two Force-user on my power rankings.

-Sith Pacify out

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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #3

The 3rd character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Darth Sidious!

Darth Sidious Overall = 98

The very epitome of the Dark Side, Darth Sidious is just that.

The perfect mixture of absolute evil and ruthless efficiency, with a side of infinite brilliance is who the Dark Lord is.

There is no being ever…EVER, who has the mental wherewithal as well as the pristine work ethic combined with the sheer desire to be great as Darth Sidious.

The conniving Sidious was destined for greatness from day one.

As a child of a nobleman on Naboo, Sheev Palpatine grew up in a life of luxury.

Palpatine would eventually cross paths with the legendary Darth Plagueis who would take the young Sidious on as his own apprentice.

Fed up with the restraints that was his family, Palpatine brutally murdered his parents as well as his siblings.

You see, Sidious had an intense hunger. A shockingly potent blood thirst that would only end with his death, Sidious would wreak havoc on the Galaxy until the very end.

Darth Nihilus might have been donned the Lord of Hunger but I’d argue that the Dark Lord Darth Sidious would have been a more fitting choice.

When it comes to what you want in a Dark Side acolyte, Darth Sidious is everything and more.

He truly had it all from skill and talent, to decisive action and overwhelming ability.

One might argue…what didn’t he have?


  • Supreme Darkness (Strength, 99/100)- With his ability to control absolutely everything in the Galaxy through sheer wit and mental jousting, authoritative dominance within the Force and the understanding of life itself, Sidious reigned supreme. He is the complete package when you break it down. With his way of having a say in every single factor in a confrontation, a meeting or just everyday life, his use of Dark Side is at the very precipice within the Force.
  • “Vision” (Strength, 99/100)- The Sith Lord that so famously mocked Luke for his lack of vision as he tortured him to his “inevitable” death was blessed with the most capable and dynamic farshight throughout the history of Force-users. Even Yoda’s talent to look into the ever-changing future clouded up as a result of Sidious’ doing. It’s ironic that the Emperor saw visions of Vader bringing Luke before him and yet it ultimately would be his downfall…what a pity. Still, his powerful usage of the skill brought him to his lofty spot on top of the Galaxy.
  • He Who is the Force (Strength, 99/100)- Darth Sidious wasn’t just a high and mighty Force-user, he was the Force-user. At the time of his death, he had practically mastered every facet of his repertoire within the Force. This included his devastating and go-to ability of his Force lightning. With an enormous amount of power and drive behind the crackling electric energy, the unrelenting barrage of blueish light was a certain death sentence. As stated above, he would use his Force lightning not only as an attack but even as a disciplinary measure. His total and utter control over this debilitating tactic is just one example of many on how dominant and deserving the Dark Lord is of being the top ranked Sith.
  •  Intelligence (Strength, 99/100)- Look, this is as clear and blatant as I can be…Darth Sidious, the Emperor, Sheev Palpatine whatever you want to call him, is the most intelligent, sharpest individual and most understanding and witty being throughout Star Wars. The level of his reach permeated every single corner of the Galaxy. With his dark shadow of influence spread throughout, the fun part was all that remained for Sidious as he enjoyed the knowledge of practically everything. I guess that’s what you get when you learn under Plagueis…
  • Overconfidence (Weakness), 90/100)- You might ask why would a trait designated as a weakness be rated so high? Well the very notion of Palpatine’s confidence is what got him to his position of power in the first place! It only failed him in the end…As Luke stated to the Emperor’s face, his overconfidence was most definitely his weakness but you know what? That’s about the man’s ONLY weakness!


  • The Dark in the Light (Strength, 95/100)- From the guttural sounds to the harsh behavior, you can take one look at Sidious’ actions and behavior and immediately suspect the man to be a demon directly spawned from hell. Yet his intense combination of power, mind and position remained the physical calling card of Palpatine. To completely achieve a victory in a plot that ran throughout the very heart of the entire capital of the Republic is completely remarkable. He really was one of a kind.

Final Word

When you think of corruption, who comes to mind? What about total control over everything and everyone? And when you think of someone as a supernatural force? Yea that’s Sidious in a nutshell. His level of success throughout his time alive was miraculous, it was inspiring heck it was completely unheard of! The one individual who has very strikingly similar characteristics and qualities with Sidious is the one that is referred to as the Sith Emperor…Lord Vitiate, Lord Valkorian, whatever you want to call him, he and Palpatine’s roots run on similar paths. Of course the main difference between the two would have to be the longevity of the Sith Emperor’s and the lack there of with Sidious. Vitiate’s reign lasted thousands of years as to Sidious’ mere 23. In the end, you would have to believe that that would be Palpatine’s ultimate regret..the lack of immortality, a gift he greatly desired….

-Sith Pacify out








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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #4

The 4th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Yoda!

Yoda Overall = 98

As the last Grand Master of the Jedi Order, the legend of Yoda is as illustrious as the Jedi itself.

Small in stature and ancient in age, the Jedi Master’s place in the Force is at the very top.

In every single category one could judge a Force-user on, Master Yoda is elite.

Besides his prowess in the Force, his emotional and spiritual representation is unparalleled.

His devotion to living beings, his understanding of life itself and his dedication to all that is righteous is what this little green creature is.

As he sat atop the Jedi Council during the final days of its existence, Yoda knew the shroud of evil had grown so strong and so powerful that its consumption of the Order was eminent.

As the plot of the Sith unraveled and it was clear who Darth Sidious was, Yoda carried out his duty and attempted to right the wrong and defeat the Sith Lord.

Of course we know he ultimately failed in the battle for the ages but does that hurt his legacy? His place among the all-time Force-users?

Not in the slightest.


  • “The Force is my ally” (Strength, 99/100)- Leader of the vaunted Jedi and a being of more than 800 years old, Yoda has seen and been through it all. With age comes experience and this little green individual has it all. With a complete and totally mastered arsenal, Yoda is a walking reminder of how epic and dynamic the Force really is. Not only is his combat use of the Force profound but his far sight and ability to sift through the ever turning future is what makes Yoda elite. Beings like the Emperor might have more offensive weapons than Yoda but it’s his defense that separates him from the pack…
  • Pillar of Defense (Strength, 99/100)- Undoubtedly the best, Yoda’s strongest side of combat was his legendary defense. He might not have the most powerful Force weaponry, but he does have the most comprehensive and complete defensive talent out of anyone in Star Wars history. Yoda’s maneuvering and searching for the upper hand in warfare was severely unnerving for his opponents. Count Dooku and even Darth Sidious learned the hard way that the small in stature Jedi’s defense is impenetrable. 
  •  Maestro Extraordinaire (Strength, 95/100)- What did Yoda refer to himself as most? One of the most powerful beings in the Galaxy? The most respected individual in all of Coruscant? None of the above. Yoda was a teacher and he thought of himself as one. Even though he was the most powerful being throughout the universe, Yoda’s pride and joy was in his teaching. His love for his younglings, his intense passion for his students and his admiration for his Padawans is what defines Master Yoda. Unlike the Sith who think inward, the Jedi and Yoda more specifically, is at the absolute pinnacle of humility. 
  • I Choose Hope (Strength, 97/100)- As Ben Kenobi became one of the biggest influences for Luke to follow his destiny and become a Jedi, it’s Yoda who doesn’t receive enough credit for his part. After the Galaxy fell to the control of the Empire, Yoda could have just left existence and gone into hiding as Satele Shan once did. But no, the Grand Master of the Jedi knew he would still play an invaluable part in the timeline of the Force and descended in secrecy to the jungle/forest planet of Dagobah. Of course, young Skywalker would eventually find his way there and it would be Yoda who would provide the necessary training in order to take the next step in his path to a Jedi Master.
  • Overlooked (Weakness, 40/100)- With the Clone Wars raging on and more information on the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Sidious being discovered by the day, it was Yoda who failed to register the legitimate  threat of the Sith. Of course all Jedi failed in this regard but as the Grand Master and leader of the Jedi, Yoda was most responsible. Of course it’s unfortunate for Yoda. Someone with such a pristine reputation and  level of understanding, to fall to Sidious and the Sith, that will forever plague Yoda’s legacy.


  • Level of Calm (Strength, 98/100)- In the height of the Clone Wars with intergalactic devastation throughout, with the wave of the Dark Side ever approaching and finally with the fall of practically all of his comrades, Yoda remained in a state of calm. As he assessed the situation, he fully knew that his emotions would do nothing but muddy the predicament. As the very best of the Order, you would expect no less and Yoda most certainly delivered. Unlike many other leading members of the Jedi who either showed a great deal of grief in the trying times of Order 66 or just in the thick of battle within the Clone Wars, Yoda remained relatively calm. Of course I’m obligated to point out that Yoda felt such immense pressure and weight on his conscience as more and more Jedi were lost every day but for the most part his attitude towards it all was what separated him from his peers as he was able to embrace diversity.

Final Word

Yoda is just one of those characters that deserves to be at the very top. Although he is fourth in my rankings, Yoda will forever be a mainstay as “one of the best”. With Yoda, there’s just so much to assess. His competence in the Force is at any individual’s peak, his level of understanding within the universe is top notch and all the intangibles that makes someone great are there as well. What’s there not to like about him? Of course he lost to Sidious in what would have been a Galaxy-saving victory but does that tarnish his reputation? Absolutely not. What’s fascinating is Yoda was extremely advanced in age at the time of their battle. What would have happened if Yoda was five or six hundred years younger!? Could the Jedi have emerged victorious? Of course we can only speculate but i’d tend to think the tides could have been swayed to the other side. The Light side.

-Sith Pacify out









