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The Puzzling Prospect of Star Wars Video Games

In the past couple years when it comes to video games, Star Wars fans have suffered tremendously.

When Disney purchased Star Wars on October 30, 2012, many people thought this would be a new era for video game titles as the shelves were sparse with Star Wars material at the time.

Well, it is now more than three years later and the shelves are practically barren.

When Disney took over Lucasfilm, they were also the new owners of the video game making division of the company, LucasArts.

But on May 6, 2013 Disney dealt the final blow to LucasArts video game creating days as they announced Electronic Arts would now develop Star Wars based games.

So, where did it all go wrong?

Well honestly, there’s enough blame to go around.


In the years leading up to Disney’s major purchase, LucasArts had a number of titles that were in various stages of production.

One of these titles was Star Wars 1313.

Star Wars 1313 was a cancelled action-adventure-based project that was centered on a bounty hunter/mercenary based game.

The game was to be a new direction of Star Wars games as it had little to no emphasis on Jedi/Force action.

What sucks most about this game being cancelled is the actual gameplay.

If you just watch that trailer of the gameplay, you’d completely understand how much this hurts Star Wars fans.

I mean, this game looks epically awesome and the fact that we most likely will never see it is just…painful.

Another video game title that was cancelled before completion was an abstract game called Rebel Warrior.


This game is something very similar to what I’ve been desperately wanting from Star Wars for a very long time.

The game is based in the early days of the Empire where you play as a Wookie who bashes Imperial Stormtrooper’s heads in with all the fury a Wookie carries within.

As the creature’s homeworld of Kashyyyk is under a heavy assault and blockade, these hairy beasts wreak havoc in a much darker, intended for a more mature audience game.

Once again, sadly we’ll never see this game come to fruition.

The next game that was cancelled is by far the most crushing of the three…

The game focused around fan-favorite Darth Maul and how our favorite double-bladed lightsaber combatant traversed the Galaxy.

The game’s direction was meant to shine light on the previously unknown tales of Maul’s journeys up to the Battle of Geonosis.


Designed by RedFly Studios, this game was another unfortunate cancellation that we will never forget.

As time goes on, it seems eerily strange that a once prominent and bountiful Star Wars genre of video games is oddly missing from today’s world.

Of course there are games like Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars Knights of the Fallen Empire and Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes but the old titles that boasted diversity, ingenuity and story mode-based adventures are gone.

They’re a thing of the past now.

It’s strangely reminiscent of Ben Kenobi telling Luke in A New Hope of the Jedi saying “For over a thousand generations the Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic…before the dark times. Before, the Empire.”


Tragically, those “dark times” are now.

Isn’t it ironic that in an age with immense and superior technology, we’re still waiting for a Star Wars game as good as those from the early 2000’s?

All we can do is hope and pray.

I wish I could influence EA somehow to just create a dozen unique and different Star Wars games.

Alas, I do not have that power.

But figuratively, I would say there has to be some optimism in this.

You have to figure that sooner than later, EA will get it together and realize the vast amount of money available in this recently untouched market and exploit it.

For now, we must wait.


-Sith Pacify out












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Disney CEO Gives Us What We Want: More Star Wars Movies

The Star Wars franchise is one of the world’s most popular and highest grossing of all time.

So it’s no coincidence that this past November a feature in Wired magazine written by Adam Rogers claimed that Disney will be releasing films as often as they possibly can.

Here is the direct quote of what Rogers had to say.

“If the people at the Walt Disney Company, which bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion in 2012, have anything to say about it, the past four decades of Star Wars are merely prologue, they are making more. A lot more.”

Now you might say, this is old news.

You’d be right. However, just recently Disney CEO Bob Iger had this to say regarding the topic of life after Episode IX…”There will be more after that.”

For Star Wars fans everywhere, this is major, groundbreaking news.

Now I won’t say it’s overly shocking news but to hear definitive and absolute confirmation that there will be more Star Wars films is a GREAT thing.

As for Disney, why wouldn’t they want to continue this 39 year old masterpiece of a franchise?

After the unbelievable showing of fans pre ordering tickets for The Force Awakens, it’s quite clear that the world can’t get enough of Star Wars.

Episode VII racked up over $100 million in ticket sales before the movie was even released!

So it’s pretty clear why Disney would want to continue this saga.


Now we know there are four films that are in the planning stages right now.

Pending delay, here are the four films expected release dates.

  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – release date: December 16, 2016
  • Episode VIII – release date: December 15, 2017
  • Han Solo Standalone Film – release date: May 25, 2018
  • Episode IX – release date: 2019

The greatest part of having Disney actually give the thumbs up for more Star Wars films is this…

Disney already has the next three years planned and all plotted out. With that being said, this gives way to the next five years or 10 years.

Because they now have time to brainstorm and put their intellectual might to work, us fans will undoubtedly influence Disney’s decisions on what to make.


I think atop fan’s wishlists sits everyone’s favorite bounty hunter: Boba Fett.

For the past couple years, it’s been rumored that there will be a Fett standalone film.

In addition to more films, Iger was also asked specifically about a possible Boba Fett film in which he reportedly responded with a “no comment.”


Now I might be reading a bit too much into this but it seems to me that a movie based on the chronicles of Boba Fett are in fact in the works.

It’s almost as if this is top secret material that was stumbled upon and Iger did his best to “damage control” any further hints and prevent this small fire from turning into a blazing inferno.

Now we’re almost sure that there will be a Boba Fett film, but who else?

Who else would we like to see on the big screen in a movie dedicated to this character’s backstory?

How about Obi-Wan Kenobi?


How awesome would that be?

Arguably the most powerful and important Jedi in a film explaining his journeys on Tatooine.

Sounds absolutely awesome to me!

What about a film on Mace Windu’s upbringing?

Or what if we learn that he somehow survived the fall from the Chancellor’s window…


That would be pretty cool.

How about a film on Yoda? Something maybe explaining the first 800 years of his life??


And lastly, how about the Old Republic!!

Disney has so much to gain from using the early days of the Republic and of the Sith Empire.

I think they just need a little “push” or some encouragement to pursue that path.

I’m sure they’ll stay away from the more challenging projects for now since the “perceived” debacle of the Prequels is still fresh.

Maybe it’s not even that though.

Maybe it’s the fact that if they make a movie and put in all these resources and manpower and it fails than maybe they’d look at that as their ceiling.

That would be excruciatingly painful considering each film you’d figure possesses the potential to rake in billions.


Lastly, on the topic of the Old Republic, I think they need to make a movie about Revan.

Someway, somehow. Throw caution to the wind and put all your faith in a project that amounts to a film of the almighty Revan.


The world deserves and needs to know his story. Plus, because he is such a unique figure, Disney could turn that into another trilogy.

All I know is this: if you’re a Star Wars fan, today was a good day.

We are in this for the long haul is basically what Disney said to us today regarding Star Wars.

Well Disney, us fans are here to stay as well.

Keep ’em coming and we’ll be there.

-Sith Pacify out
















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What Disney Got Wrong

When Disney took control of Star Wars, many fans were reasonably troubled.

Some who didn’t like the Prequels and many of George Lucas’ ideas (these people annoy me) welcomed this new change of direction.

But for the most part, people were a bit wary.

For me, it was a frightening concept to relinquish the mindset of George Lucas no longer being in control.

What calmed this transition for many of us was the announcement of Episodes VII, VIII and IX.

Since before Disney, we weren’t sure if there would EVER be another Star Wars movie!

However, with this announcement many fans, myself included, were worried on how the movies would come out.

But as time went on and some concepts and ideas were leaked, which were extremely few, we all exhaled and were able to relax.

As of now, about a month and two weeks after the release of The Force Awakens, life with Disney at the helm of Star Wars seems pretty darn good.

No complaints right?

Well, I have one…

At some point last year the following statement from Disney was released.

It was announced relatively recent that as of As of April 25th, 2014, the only previously published materials that are considered canon  are the six Star Wars films and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and film, while the Expanded Universe is no longer considered canon[1] and was re-termed as the “Legends” brand. Most Star Wars material released after April 25, 2014—with some exceptions—is composed in collaboration with the Lucasfilm Story Group, making it part of the “new canon.”

The good people of Wookiepedia documented that quote which allows us to discuss it.

Before I continue, I have to say this.

First off, I love what Disney has done to Star Wars.

The years leading up to George Lucas selling Star Wars to Disney were cold, lonely times for new material in many different facets of entertainment.

Since Disney took over, they have fully exploited many different revenue streams which in turn has provided maximum enjoyment for the fans.

Now back to this Canon stuff.

The fact that everything before April 2014 is no longer Canon is deeply troubling.


There are so many powerful novels that have been absolutely astounding and now that they’re basically gone is agitating to say the least.

One of the greatest books I have ever read, Star Wars or not was Jame Luceno’s “Darth Plagueis”.

Through his words we learn Palpatine’s rise to power, we discover who this shadowy figure in Darth Plagueis is and we see how their relationship ends.


So now that this is no longer Canon, where do we go from here?

Are we supposed to pretend that Plagueis and Palpatines’ idea of ruling the Galaxy together with Palpatine being the face and Plagueis being in the shadows never existed?

Are we supposed to ignore the fact that Palpatine gruesomely murdered his mother, father and siblings just because they didn’t get along?

How does that work Disney!?


What about all the fantastic tales told during Matthew Stover’s novelization of “Shatterpoint”.

Is all the emotional journeys experienced in that story no more?

If so, and it sure seems that way, what do we really know about Mace Windu?

What about Drew Karpyshyn’s “Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan”?


Is Revan just Star Wars mythology now!?

What about Malak and Malgus, Bane and the Sith Emperor Lord Vitiate?

Are they all no more??

It can’t be!


This is so uncharacteristic of Disney.

Well, maybe not.

I believe the thinking behind this essential wiping out of everything before Episode I is to be able to remake and thus profit from the “new” material.

And I get it.

That’s all fine and dandy except for one small detail…

The most dedicated and educated Star Wars fans have no clarity on what is what now.

You see, clarity is the key word there.

Why is that you might ask?

Only recently did we discover this…and this is important so pay attention.

Some of the material before April 2014 is real and thus considered Canon.

But what!?

How are we supposed to differentiate between Canon and Non-Canon?

I can understand the reasoning behind this as they must be trying to add to some parts that have been previously concluded.

For instance, Supreme Leader Snoke.

Many say that he could be Darth Plagueis.

Well if you’ve read the novel you know that that’s impossible since Plagueis died!

But since it’s no longer Canon, it now is possible.

Regardless of Snoke, in my opinion it is just a giant, sorrowful mistake to say all of this isn’t Canon.

THAT is what Disney got wrong.

Now it’s very immoral to basically tell all the wonderful writers that created such masterful work in Star Wars novelizations that their work is no longer real…

BUT, this is a business after all.

Still, one would think that these writers must feel spurned right?

I know I wouldn’t like to be told that my work is now being disregarded in the grand scheme of things.

You see this could hurt Star Wars in the long run.

Maybe some of these writers feel some type of way towards Disney and decide they no longer want to write about Star Wars.

In the end the fans would suffer.

Now I’m sure if Disney dangled a giant wad of cash to these artists they would reconsider.

But even so, how strong would the material be if their creator’s heart isn’t in it?

That’s what I would think at least.

Well in the end, Disney will do what it wants and that’s fine.

But I would just like some clarity and a defined list on the novels that determines what exactly is still Canon if any of it is.

That’s all.

I’m a huge fan of all the Star Wars novels. I read them every single day.

I would just like Disney to be a bit more responsible and consider the many artists and their work that they just uprooted and hung out to dry.

In my opinion, the fans suffer the most.

And that’s just a shame.


Apparently Leia agrees.

-Sith Pacify out



DICE, Disney, EA, entertainment value, George Lucas, Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront, video games, WordPress

Star Wars Battlefront Announces New Material

Today the folks at EA announced new content for Star Wars Battlefront.

Surprising? No.

About time? You got that right.

The new material will be released in different time increments with the earliest portion being dropped tomorrow.

A detailed list of what’s to come was posted on the game’s Facebook account.


  • The Tatooine Survival map will now support the Blast, Droid Run, Drop Zone, Hero Hunt, and Heroes vs Villains multiplayer modes, and is called Raider Camp.
  • New Hoth-themed outfits for Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, both of which will be available to all fans when they play as these two iconic characters on Hoth – these were unlocked by our players for completing our Heroes’ Holiday community mission last month.
  • We are giving players the ability to create Private Matches, which makes playing with friends even easier.
  • The introduction of Daily Challenges and Community Events. These are designed to rally the Community around certain goals and objectives, giving players the chance to earn credits and unlocks even faster. We’ll have more news regarding Community Events and Daily Challenges in the days ahead.
  • And of course, we are also including some overall balancing tweaks to both weapons and multiplayer modes.


  • A new Survival mission on Hoth, and a brand-new Hoth multiplayer map that will support our larger game modes including Walker Assault, Supremacy, Fighter Squadron and Turning Point.
  •  Turning Point will be available on all maps that currently support Walker Assault and Supremacy in the February update.


  • A new multiplayer map on Endor that will support Walker Assault, Supremacy, and Turning Point, and an additional Tatooine Survival map.


Now that you’ve seen all of that, it’s time to talk about it.

For starters, all of this will be free.

That’s awesome and very cool of EA.

However, we gamers are not stupid and for those who payed for EA’s “epic” Season Pass, we should be quite disappointed.

Before today, no one had any clue what was going on with the Season Pass.

It was as if EA took everyone’s money and just said “Oh well, we’re just going to keep this and not give you anything extra because well, we think we deserve it…”

But alas, our disappointment has come to an end as a bit of clarity was finally introduced.

The Season Pass too was announced which gives us all quite a bit of excitement.

Here’s what we can expect.


  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Outer Rim (March 2016) – Fight among the factories of Sullust and battle within Jabba the Hutt’s palace on Tatooine
  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Bespin (Summer 2016) – It’s hunt or be hunted in this action-packed experience set in the Cloud City of Bespin
  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Death Star (Fall 2016) – That’s no moon! One of the most iconic locations in the Star Wars universe makes its debut in Star Wars Battlefront.
  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Expansion Pack 4 – Title TBA (Early 2017) – We will have more details to share about this exciting new expansion pack in the coming months.


All four of these maps seem like they’re going to be so much fun.

Although the game thus far has been mildly okay and predictably repetitive with only five maps, this is a direct injection of jubilation.

The guys over at EA are not stupid.

They’re very wise to release two maps rather than just one in the first expansion pack for the Season Pass in March.

Now besides the new maps, what I’m most looking forward to is the new costumes to Han and Luke.

As you can see in the cover photo, it looks pretty clean.

I think from an aesthetics standpoint, to see a blue lightsaber upon the crystal-white landscape on Hoth will look incredibly awesome.

For Han, his costume just looks like the same old Han. Badass.

Another important update that EA is adding (tomorrow) is the “overall balancing tweaks to both weapons and multiplayer modes.”

To put it lightly…this is very much needed.

Some weapons are just way too powerful and others are just extremely weak.

It’s a great piece of the game to improve on so, well done EA.

Just to put things in perspective, it was very important that we at long last recieved an update about the Season Pass and about the future of this game.

Believe me, it needed it in the most severest of ways.

As a Star Wars fan and a gamer, it’s very hard to play a game for hours upon hours when it only features five maps with very limited characters.

Basically, the game was getting ridiculously boring…

On top of that, so many people including myself purchased the Season Pass and since the game came out in November, no one had any idea what was the deal with it.

January is almost over and to STILL not have any idea what’s going on with that was a major problem so I’m glad EA fixed that.

All in all, EA seems to have done a nice job with these fixes and additions.

I’m really looking forward to playing them and seeing everything in action!


-Sith Pacify out










Disney, entertainment value, George Lucas, Star Wars, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars The Clone Wars, TV, WordPress

Why Star Wars Rebels Has Failed to Reach the Popularity of the Clone Wars

Star Wars Rebels returned last Wednesday  from an absence that lasted a couple of months.

Now that everyone has seen the midseason trailer, it’s safe to say the excitement has returned.

Here is the main point. Star Wars Rebels has been a good show but it’s very much below the bar set by Star Wars The Clone Wars.

The level of entertainment that Star Wars: The Clone Wars represents is about as captivating and compelling as anything Star Wars related.


From the very first episode in TCW, the action is tremendous.

But it’s not just all about the action that made this TV series absolutely sensational, it’s the vast and far-reaching storylines that accompanies all the extensive combat scenes.

We see so many different individual backstories that range from Obi-Wan and his past lover, Yoda and his struggle to keep the Order intact, Asajj Ventress trying to find belonging all the way to the many individual worlds in the Galaxy that try to pick sides during the tumultuous times that are the Clone Wars.

THAT is what is at the very core of this show. That is why TCW is so very special.

So, what’s wrong with Rebels?

Let’s get to it.

The Time Period

Rebels takes place 14 years after “Revenge of the Sith” which means the Galaxy is in a relatively quiet lull.

Since those who oppose the Empire and all that it represents are either dead or among the shadows, the opportunity for action is slim.

It’s hard to match TCW series and all its awesomeness when that show takes place right in the middle of a gruesome and bloody war!


The Characters

You see TCW benefited greatly from being in the height of the most complicated, ironic and calamitous time periods within Star Wars history.

Practically every single character was able to be utilized throughout TCW.

Even Darth Maul and Qui-Gon returned to action.

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As for Rebels, it’s a different story.

The main characters are, well, I’m just going to put it out there.

They’re pretty bland.

When you compare it to TCW, Rebels doesn’t even come close.

The Lack of Death


I’m a firm believer that TV shows in which the main cast remains alive and well regardless of the circumstances can be great.

I also believe that shows in which no character is safe at any time well, I believe these shows are the extraordinary.

Besides the top players in TCW like Anakin, Kenobi, Mace, Yoda, Palpatine etc. it was fair game on everyone else.

That risk, that idea that any character can be eliminated here or later is what kept the viewer on the edge of his or her seat.

Now with Rebels, it is exceedingly different.

We have seen only one main character die. Literally just one…


Besides the Grand Inquisitor, no other character that has been presented to us has died.

Now there is hope for this trend to end as we only recently discovered that Ezra’s parents, after much speculation, did indeed meet their end.

This might seem cold but that’s what makes good entertaining TV.

In order for Rebels to get on the level of TCW, we must see more of that, we must see more death.

The Slow-Paced Episodes

Throughout the 121 episodes in TCW, I would say only about five episodes were slow.


With that being said, Rebels is almost the opposite.

Now I want to be clear on this.

As I said before, there is a major reason for this. With a major Galaxy-wide conflict going on, TCW would of course be more action-packed.

Nonetheless, the entertainment value tends to suffer if the material is a bit slow.

Thus far, Rebels has been a bit slow.

In order for it to catch the vaunted level of enjoyment TCW has given to us, Star Wars Rebels must pick up the pace.

Why There Is Hope


I might be coming off a bit harsh on Rebels but believe me, I’m a huge fan.

With that being said, I do believe there is strong reason to be optimistic.

Before I continue, I must be fair.

This show has been awesome, it is a great show.

But as the title of this article states, it has not reached the point of TCW…yet.

If you’re reading this than you’re a Star Wars fan.

In that case, I’m sure you’ve seen the midseason trailer for Rebels.

That trailer is exactly why we should expect an uptick in the entertainment.

Things should start to get real crazy for our Rebellion friends.

As the show starts to introduce new and old characters, it certainly is starting to feel a lot like TCW.

From Princess Leia to my personal favorite Darth Maul, we’re in for a treat!

So hold on, be patient and understand this.

From a logical standpoint, Disney is calling the shots and if there is any company within the world that knows how to make money and gather excitement, it’s the Mickey Mouse corporation.


-Sith Pacify out









Disney, entertainment value, George Lucas, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, WordPress

The Greatness and Underestimation of Obi-Wan Kenobi

The characters that Star Wars has introduced to us range from heroic and masterful wielders of the light, to disciples of the dark.

But when you think of the all-time greats, who comes to mind?

Most definitely Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader.

Outside of the Force-users, Han Solo is not only a fan favorite but about as capable as any Jedi is with a sword of singeing energy.

But think about this, why is it that Obi-Wan Kenobi doesn’t jump to the forefront of this conversation?

I mean, really really think about it…

Obi-Wan appears in every single movie, including The Force Awakens (vocally).

Not only is he in every movie but his contributions to the storyline of Star Wars is critically crucial.


From the very beginning, Kenobi is tasked with training and mentoring the supposed “chosen one”.

His role is given a major boost when his beloved Master is taken far too soon but honestly it was the type of calling that only Obi-Wan could handle.

I think it’s acutely important to point out the ability of Obi-Wan from the very start.

As a young Padawan in Episode I, he was able to overcome the emotionally devastating experience of witnessing his Master’s slaughtering and overcome the odds to best a Sith Lord.


Darth Maul was supremely better than Kenobi in every single way and should have defeated the young Jedi with relative ease.

Apparently Obi-Wan never got the memo…

By the time Episode II rolls around, Obi Wan’s responsibilities are drastically expanded.

Arguably one of the most trusted Jedi, he’s given various missions that only the most solidified members of the Jedi Order would receive.

Not only does it speak volumes of how versatile he is, but it just shows that his investigatory and detective work are exemplary.

Why is Obi-Wan Kenobi so great?

Physical victories aside, from his discovery of the Republic’s order for a clone army to his revealing of the gathering of Separatist leaders on Geonosis, Keonobi’s contributions to the Galaxy is dynamically impressive.

Don’t forget, Obi-Wan is the first Jedi to learn of the mysterious Dark Lord known as Darth Sidious.


To say that he is versatile does Kenobi an injustice, he is so much more.

When Episode III arrives, Kenobi transitions to an official Jedi Master as he once again is tasked with the most important missions the Jedi Order can facilitate.

It’s also worth noting that the achievements Obi-Wan garnishes in Episode II and III are similar yet vastly different.

I would call the majority of Kenobi’s accomplishments in Episode II interrogative and probing.

In Episode III, the victories turn to bone-crushingly physical.

From taking down the Supreme Commander of the CIS in General Grievous to besting his former apprentice in a fight for the ages, Kenobi certainly does it all.


I want to make it clear how inconceivable the outcome of the Skywalker/Kenobi bout really was…

In all of Star Wars from the expanded universe to the original trilogy, there has never been another being as supremely gifted in every possible way as Anakin Skywalker.

From his command of the Force, to his 6’1 frame and his incomparable skills with a lightsaber, there’s is no one who is even close of a match against Anakin.

Except Obi-Wan.

There’s one reason why Kenobi was victorious.

The Jedi Master’s greatest skill was not with a lightsaber, it was not with his Force abilities and it wasn’t in his competence as a warrior.

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s most vaunted ability was his capabilities to stay within the moment.

The Emperor once famously said the term “Lack of vision.”

One thing is for sure, you’ll never hear anyone say that to Obi-Wan.

He knew that he had no chance against Anakin, yes he knew.

But by putting others before himself and understanding the ultimatum of win or lose for the fate of the Galaxy.

The fact is, he didn’t care about his own safety or his own welfare.

Anakin was his own creation. Obi-Wan knew he failed him as a Master, as a friend and as a brother.

He felt it was his responsibility to eliminate the twisted creature that was once his closest and most trusted ally.


It was up to him to put an end to this monstrosity…and he most certainly did.


But at the end of Episode III, he begins possibly his most vital quest of his vaunted life.

When he drops off Luke on Tatooine, he offically transitions from warrior to mentor.

Before I continue, I just want to point out how awesome this guy is.

Who could possibly do what Kenobi did??

No one!

He does it all. From teacher, to negotiator, to warrior and now to a mentor.

From being in the center of the universe and in the midst of almost every single matter in the Galaxy on Coruscant to seeing about 20 different people over an entire year on Tatooine, Kenobi is impressive to say the least.

Not even Yoda survived the trials and tribulations of exile as we see his mind diminish significantly.

In A New Hope, Obi-Wan sees the culmination of his life materialize as he trains the offspring of his former apprentice.

As Episodes IV, V and VI continue, it is Obi-Wan who remains a constant influence in Luke as he can claim responsibility in transforming this average farm boy into the most important figure of all.

But as I mentioned earlier, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s presence can even be felt in The Force Awakens.

Although it’s just a line or two, it just further proves my point on how important Kenobi is to Star Wars as a whole.

As Rey touches the lightsaber of Anakin Skywalker, she is blindsided by the Force as a mysterious vision comes about.

“Rey?” and “You’ve taken your first steps” can be heard, both said by Obi-Wan.

Interestingly enough, the younger “prequels” Kenobi and the “original trilogy” Ben Kenobi each has a line.

The significance of this being that both sides of Obi-Wan are as vital and important as anything.


Going forward, I think it’s a safe bet that the great Obi-Wan Kenobi will have some role in Episodes VIII and IX.

I know Luke is the popular choice for “most important” and I know others would say Anakin for the same category.

But my money is on the man with the resiliency to never give up and with enough vision to achieve the impossible.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is as good as it gets, he very well could be, the greatest.


-Sith Pacify out


Advertising, Disney, entertainment value, film, George Lucas, Star Wars, Star Wars Rebels, The Force Awakens

Star Wars Rebels Season Two Midseason Trailer…WOW!

Earlier today Star Wars fans were blindsided with the surprising release of something so substantial, it has come close to the hype that surrounded The Force Awakens.

That’s right, today we got to see the future of the animated series, Star Wars Rebels.

And let’s just say, it didn’t disappoint…

From scenes that were just plain awesome to scenes of cataclysmic proportions, the midseason trailer was beyond telling.

To give you guys the rundown, I’ve written down nine main points of interest within the trailer.

The following are all of these points…except two.

Those two…will come at the end.

  1. At the beginning of the trailer, Kanan speaks as the various scenes and images flash of the seventh sister and the fifth brother engaging Kanan and Ezra in repeated battles. It also seems that another Inquisitor has joined the ranks of the Jedi hunters. The thought-provoking clips tell us one thing…Kanan and Ezra have the full attention of the section of the Empire that deals with Jedi, which inevitably means Vader..rebels-season-2-mid-season-trailer_831db0e0
  2. If you’ve read Paul S. Kemp’s book “Sith Lords”, you’ll remember the inspiring and fearless leader of the resistance on Ryloth, Cham Syndulla, Cham of course being Hera’s father. Well it appears Cham is on a collision course with Rebels as he announces himself in the trailer. cham&hera (1).jpg
  3. We knew this before but hey, it doesn’t hurt to see it again! Princess Leia will be joining the gang in next week’s episode as we get a glimpse of her before A New Hope. What I found even more interesting than Leia simply being part of the show is Hera can be heard saying “he’s sending us reinforcements” regarding Leia’s adopted father, Senator Organa. What’s compelling about this is we are truly seeing the birth of the Alliance.Star-Wars-Rebels-812x522.jpg
  4. Since the destruction of the Jedi as we knew them occurred a decade and a half ago, the remnants of the Temple were all but wiped out…or so we thought. The unimaginable was witnessed within the trailer as many Jedi Temple Guards were throughout the various scenes. What this exactly means is still up in the air. Could it be another Jedi Temple was still populated at the time of Order 66? Possibly…the destination we see Luke in during The Force Awakens!? Hmmmm databank_jeditempleguard_01_169_3416bea1.jpeg
  5. Quite possibly the coolest sight within the trailer was the return of our “little green friend” Yoda! The Grand Master of the Jedi was seen talking to Ezra in a very ominous and cautious matter. Much like the Jedi Master once did with another Jedi, Anakin Skywalker…Screenshot-2016-01-15-at-1.53.39-PM.png
  6. Now I don’t know for sure but something looked oddly familiar within the trailer. Almost like a lost planet, one that we saw in Star Wars The Clone Wars. Well I’ll just spit it out, we may have  caught a glimpse of the sinister world of Korriban. The significance of this would be extreme. Could we possibly find out more of how Supreme Leader Snoke came to power in TFA maybe? With Sith holocrons and Sith artifacts you never know.  rEzkYuY.png
  7. This might be one of my favorite scenes in the trailer. When Ahsoka is sitting with Ezra and in between them is holovids of her former Master training. But the fascination continues to grow between Anakin and Ahsoka…You’ll find out more soon!tumblr_o10e03ry4Q1tiwa1fo1_500.gif








Now that I’ve shown you the very interesting points of what was in the trailer, it’s time we delve deeper, much deeper.

The following will blow you away.

Unless you’ve already heard what else was in the trailer, get ready…

  1. As we progress with Rebels, it’s inevitable that Ahsoka will cross paths with Darth Vader. I’ve said it in past posts. To see that episode will be a dream come true. But until then, we are left with curiosity and nothing more. Until now. The trailer touches on Ahsoka and Anakin’s close friendship. If you remember from The Clone Wars show, Ahsoka walks out on the Jedi Order. This might very well be how she survived the destruction of almost all of the Jedi, most at the hands of her fallen Master. A point of chilling fascination occurs between these two as Ahsoka appears to be in meditation, she hears Anakin’s voice saying, “Ahsoka? Why did you leave? Do you know what I’ve become?” It is at this moment where Ahsoka loses it and quickly pivots and turns around and engages her lightsaber as she slashes at the empty air. The whole time with tears streaming down her face…but it is at the end of the trailer when Ahsoka leaps at the man in black: Darth Vader.starwars_size3.jpg
  2. This is my favorite part of this entire post. I had to save the best for last because it is so shockingly amazing. At some point in the middle of the trailer, a familiar voice can be heard. The voice says “The Darkside…it pulls at him. It calls to him. You seek knowledge! Call me, Old Master…” It is at this point that a hooded figure starts to turn around. You can see just enough within the hood to make out who this is…you ready? DARTH MAUL!!! One of the most unique, fearsome and intimidating characters is back! THIS is what makes this so credible. How shocking!!

Well, there you have it!

Now there’s no need to watch the trailer if you haven’t all ready since I have you covered but you know what?

Forget that.

You MUST watch this trailer…

I just want to say well done to everyone involved in Star Wars Rebels.

You have all done an unimaginably perfect job and I commend you on your excellence.

-Sith Pacify out





















Disney, entertainment value, film, George Lucas, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens

Star Wars and the Unfortunate Surrounding Pessimism

Recently it has come to my attention that some Star Wars “fans” have fallen into a rut of unequivocal pessimism towards the Star Wars material of the past.

I’m not sure if it is sensitivity on my end or if it really is that blatant.

What I am eluding to is the talk many people seem to have when they’re referring to the George Lucas era of our beloved franchise.

It seems that people write off George Lucas as some mad scientist and Star Wars being an experiment gone wrong.

My ultimate beef with all this is the prequels…

I absolutely fully enjoyed Episodes I-III.

When I think of why people dislike these films it makes me wonder…

Episode I was rather dry for sure.

The story was, to put it lightly, a bit boring in the beginning.

But when you first lay eyes on Darth Maul, all of that changes.


To be honest, the story was still a tad boring but intrigue picked up.

Since the viewer knows what is to come of this hooded figure Darth Sidious, isn’t it fantastic to see how the story plays out?

I think people tend to ignore the joy they felt for the prequels and disregard the “connecting the dots” scenes they enjoyed and joined the bandwagon of naysayers.

When this movement of “hate” on the prequels first began, (I don’t specifically remember exactly when) it was a small distinguished group.


By distinguished I mean people who savor their own opinions and think of them as written-in-stone fact.

At some point after Episode III, a year or two after the prequel dislike was solidified, the movement became entrenched in Star Wars opinion.

It was almost as if these movies were so painfully bad that they were not even considered canon.

These sentiments sadly remain today.

Have you ever seen a post from the official Star Wars Twitter page referring to something awesome in the prequels?

Then you think about your experience of first seeing that awesome thing, whatever it might be and how much you enjoyed witnessing Anakin or Obi-Wan throwing peril aside to save the Galaxy?

Well I have.

After reminiscing, I often find myself drifting to the comments section where I see too many self-righteous fans spewing their hate and pessimism towards George Lucas and the prequels.

These same fans completely ignore the value and the sheer awesomeness the prequels gave us and throw them out the window like they are as useless as expired milk.


Now what the prequels did bring us was an expansive never-before-seen-look at the Star Wars universe.

Before Episodes I-III, we had no idea what the Galaxy looked like before the Empire, heck we didn’t even know there was a before the Empire!

The prequels gave us long sought after answers like bridging the many gaps between how Darth Vader became who he was in Episode IV, to what the Jedi Order was before their practical extinction and finally to the rise to power of the vaunted Emperor.

These are all so important to the nature of Star Wars that to knock them for simply being part of the prequels is asinine.

Sadly, it has become a new fad to hate on anything before A New Hope…

I’ve heard people say the problem with the prequels is that everything is too perfect.

When Anakin and Obi-Wan are falling to their imminent doom, at the last second Anakin reaches out to catch a thread while taking hold of his Master, saving them both.

I will say that if you are someone to has trouble separating fact from fiction than yes, you might struggle in enjoying these films.


But what gets me is the ones who seem to have the most to gripe about with the prequels are self-proclaimed “dedicated” fans!

I had someone on Twitter tell me a couple weeks ago that one of the problems with the prequels is the lack of material on Queen Amidala and Qui-Gon Jinn’s personalities.

This person was trying to tell me that these characters were very poorly written…

What’s more is this person is a high-profile individual in the Sci-Fi department!

How could you possibly fail to see the regal and stoic qualities of the Queen and the rebelliousness and personable traits of QGJ?

This is what I’m talking about.

So many people bash the prequels because it just seems like the thing to do.

The saddest part of this experience though was that if this one individual came to me with those comments, just imagine the thousands more who keep it to themselves?


I for one am a staunch supporter of Episodes I, II and III.

Mr. George Lucas, you have me in your corner and I will always defend your work on your behalf.


-Sith Pacify out









Disney, entertainment value, film, sci fi, Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront, video games, WordPress

The Most Defining Moment of Star Wars

A couple days ago I was rewatching  the main space battles from the original trilogy.

When I got to the Battle of Yavin, I thought of something…

The fate of everything and anything Star Wars related rested upon this fight.

Unlike any other bout or conflict, the Battle of Yavin was the most important military entanglement throughout all of Star Wars.

You might say, well what about the attack on Geonosis? Or what about the battle above Coruscant in which the Supreme Chancellor was taken hostage?

Or what about the Battle of Hoth or even the Battle of Endor?

Nope, I assure you. The Battle of Yavin was the most significant, trumping them all.

Before I begin, I think it is also worth noting that the Star Wars Galactic Timeline is based off of the Battle of Yavin.

All events are classified by the acronym of “BBY” or “ABY”.

Of course these terms simply mean, “Before the Battle of Yavin” and “After the Battle of Yavin” respectively.

That alone shows how categorically significant this battle truly was.

Now, on to the reasoning.

The consequences were never more dire.

Both parties in this instance (the Rebel Alliance and the Empire) practically had a gun to each other’s heads whilst being in a race to pull the trigger.

The Empire was very much aware that there was a weakness and they were vulnerable.

Although the Grand Moff Tarkin famously says, “Evacuate!? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!” I’m sure he was very much aware of the potential danger.


As for the Rebels, their situation was much more severe.

At the time of the Death Star’s destruction, the massive structure was preparing to fire down and obliterate Yavin 4.

The Alliance was well aware that they had approximately 15 minutes before the Death Star was in firing range at the beginning of the battle.


That gave them little to no time to get in position and end this thing, and that was even without a response from within the confines of the mechanical monstrosity!

As the fighting progressed, it was clear that the Alliance fighters had a decisive edge as the Death Star’s defenses were ineffective against the smaller Rebel ships.

I remember reading the novelization of Episode IV in which they described the Empire’s reasoning on the Rebel Alliance assault on the Death Star.

As I recall, the Empire including Tarkin, thought the attack to be useless as they believed their enemy’s goal was to attempt to blast through the impenetrable walling surrounding the Death Star.

At the start, they were out maneuvered as the Rebellion ambushed them from plain sight and engaged in a tactic that they simply were not ready for.

Had the Empire not responded, the Rebel Alliance would have been victorious much sooner than they were.

However, the Empire did respond…and what a powerful response it was.


As Vader enters the space encompassing the Death Star, he and his two supporting pilots wreak havoc and decimate all but the most minuscule of chances the Rebellion has to win the battle.

With the action raging on, Vader’s piloting was the ultimate equalizer in the fight.

After Red Leader’s failed shot at the exposed exhaust port, it was the Dark Lord himself to shot down the last hope of the Rebellion…or so they all thought.


This right here is one of the most pivotal moments throughout Star Wars.

Darth Vader, after depleting the Rebel forces one by one, is now a shot away from victory.

Normally, Vader would sense the impending danger before it even began to materialize.

But this was not a normal moment for Vader.

Something was different and he himself notes this as he says, “The Force is strong with this one.”

That is inconceivably high praise coming from Vader but he also began to see who his opponent was or what he represented.

A streak of pure light, of untarnished surging energy bathed in the Force is what Darth Vader saw as he looked upon his target.

Something was off…

Without warning, the pilot to the right of him was instantly vaporized throwing off the Sith Lord’s focus.

As Vader stared in disbelief in the direction of where the vaporizing shot came from, the fighter to his left did the same.

Unfortunately, the pilot was not nearly as skilled as Vader was and ended up drifting course and clipping the front wing of Vader’s fighter.

THIS is the moment of difference in everything. Throughout ALL of Star Wars, this little moment proved to be the architect for everything that was to come.

It’s simple really.

If Vader’s path was unimpeded, Luke would have been annihilated along with the Rebel base on Yavin 4.

As the Death Star is in range of the Rebel base, Luke Skywalker, one of the newest members of the Rebel Alliance, makes a name for himself.

Without the guidance of his targeting computer, Luke fires away two proton torpedoes which are direct hits.


Now we all know what happens next in the grand scheme of things but the magnitude of what occurred in this moment will never be forgotten.

The lasting effects are colossal.

The Rebel Alliance delivers the immortal Empire a critical hit which cements the Rebellion now as a credible threat.

However, the Empire loses on many levels here.

  • The weapon that has been planned for decades and has cost more than the mind can process is eliminated in the blink of an eye.
  • The Rebellion has now proven they can win and thus will garnish support throughout the Galaxy.
  • One of the greatest military minds the Empire had to offer has been lost. Not only was the Grand Moff proficient in war, he was also one of the Emperor’s most trusted members of his Empire.
  • The Emperor’s reliance on his apprentice has shockingly resulted in a monumental defeat. He will have to rethink his methods and adjust accordingly should the Empire survive.

There you have it.

That’s my take on why Darth Vader almost single-handedly preserved the Death Star which inevitably would have “crushed the resistance once and for all.”

-Sith Pacify out







Disney, entertainment value, Power, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens

The Greatness of Ren

The Force Awakens brought us many great things.

But in my mind, the greatest of the great is the now infamous, Kylo Ren.


When he first descended from his command shuttle and stood at the end of the ramp within the shadows, I knew this guy meant business.

Now I know I’m not alone with these sentiments.

Kylo Ren has intrigued the fan base and became the franchise’s next IT factor.

But, why?

What makes him so captivating?

For starters, his emotion.

There is a searing scorching inferno booming in Kylo Ren’s heart.

The man is directed by emotion and motivated by his feelings.

THAT is what jumped out at me immediately.

You can hear it in his voice, you can see it in his actions and you can see it in his decisions he makes.

There’s a reason why characters like Darth Sidious and Darth Vader were so popular in the past and Kylo Ren is no different.

Bathed in cryptic secrecy, the voice of this hooded man immensely adds to the already dynamic allure of Kylo Ren.

When you first hear the sinister voice of Ren, right away you want to hear more.


As he talks to Lor San Tekka at the beginning of the movie, the conversation just got better and better.

Hearing Ren respond with that deep confidence that makes up his voice was intense.

There’s just something about a helmet wearing character that’s talking through a speaking apparatus that is so tantalizing!


Another aspect of Kylo Ren that makes him a prime candidate in popularity is his bloodline.

When you are the grandson of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, the nephew of Luke Skywalker and the son of Han Solo…you’re a pretty big deal.

The entire basis of Star Wars is predicated off of the Skywalker family tree.

With that being said, Kylo Ren is the newest member introduced to the fans that fits this category.

But infused with his high profile relatives is the unknown. We know so little about Kylo Ren and why his relationship with his family ended so badly.

And yes, it ended badly…


Now this might not be as major of a reason why he’s so popular as his emotions or his family, but it still plays a pretty big role.

The infamy of Ren’s lightsaber has enamored everyone and anyone from our first glimpse of it back when it was first released.


For starters, its unique handle bars of fire-crackling energy sets it apart.

Never before have we seen anything remotely close to this.

But that’s not all.

You see, Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is so much more than that.

It’s an extension of himself, almost another limb of his body or his spirit.

The Jedi preach that your lightsaber is more than just a tool, in fact they say exactly what I said in terms of a lightsaber and it being an “extension” of oneself.

You have to look at this blade more closely.

Look at any other lightsaber in the history of Star Wars.


They’re all powerful solid beams that exude elegance and simplicity.

Now Ren’s blade is vastly different.

I’ve explained it many times before on here but it’s worth mentioning again and again.

His lightsaber is so unpredictable. You can practically see surging energy flow up and down the blade in a spiral motion.

When I think of this weapon, the word “unstable” quickly comes to mind.


I think this is done on purpose as well.

It’s a reflection of the blade’s wielder more than anything.

A conflicted, hurting man he is and his lighsaber is the perfect compliment to this already diabolical concoction known as Kylo Ren.

Last but not least, the final piece of Kylo Ren’s mental makeup that sets him apart from others is his unforeseen future.

So similar to Anakin is Kylo Ren, so very alike in many ways yet polar opposites in others.

Ren’s “Padmé ” in all of this is his grip on the Dark Side.

The conversation he had with his father right before he dove his blade through Han’s chest was inexplicably telling.

He feels the pull to the light, there is no doubt about that.

But his desire to remain in the darkness, to finish what his grandfather started is his main goal, his priority.

He repeatedly pledges his allegiance to the mystifying Supreme Leader Snoke and this only adds to his aura.

Who is Snoke? Is he Darth Plagueis?

The saga of Ren will inevitably lead us to these answers and many more.

For now, we’re left with many unforunate unanswered questions.

But one thing is for sure, Kylo Ren is as fascinating as he is compelling.

I can’t wait to see more of this guy, one of my new favorite characters.


-Sith Pacify out
