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The Never Ending Disappointment of Star Wars Battlefront

Eight months ago we finally received a new Star Wars Battlefront game. The anticipation was just about as intense as I have seen when it comes to new video games.

I can remember other big video game releases in which it seemed like everyone was beyond excited for its eventual arrival.

Unfortunately, when the game dropped the enthusiasm would inevitably follow as over time more of us began to realize how disappointing the gameplay was.

As it has been mentioned a million times Battlefront is a carbon copy of Battlefield.


The lives of the characters are expendable, there’s no real strategy to playing and luck seems to be more valuable than skill.

What’s even more maddening is I believe Battlefield games are 10x better than Battlefront!

The fact that the environment is in play as in some buildings and other materials are capable of being leveled is fantastic.

In the world of Star Wars Battlefront, you shoot a powerful rocket launcher at small crates and nothing happens besides a small little black mark.

In Battlefield you get the fantastic option of customizing your weapon’s add-ons to increase its power. In Battlefront whatcha got is what ya got…

Not to mention the fact that Battlefront was released with four maps!

To be fair, the expansion packs have been very entertaining and interesting to say the least but you know what? You had to dish out some serious dough for that! Not cool!

Just look at this graphic as this version of Battlefront is compared with the old one…


How ridiculous and offensive is that? The obnoxiousness is endless!

Maybe one of my biggest gripes with Battlefront is the fact that there are so many useless game modes.

The way I see it, if it’s not supremacy, sabotage, occasional walker assault and once in a blue moon fighter squadron, it’s not worth playing.

It’s also pretty clear that the original blueprints for Battlefront as in games one and two that were released in ’05 and ’06 were consulted for about 10 minutes…

What irks me too is the changing of the way bases are captured.

In the old days of Battlefront, the game would start and you could immediately go after your opponent’s main base. Not only was it more difficult and took longer to convert to one of your own but if you did complete the task of taking the base, you would have a serious advantage.

This game gives you one option: one base at a time…

Awful. God awful.

The creativity, the strategy and the free-flowing play all went out the window.

This version of Star Wars Battlefront has about only one advantage on the old ones and that’s graphics and sounds.


There’s no denying the stunning aesthetics of this game. The colors are vibrant, the explosions are epic and the sounds throughout the game are very impressive.

But besides that, I honestly can’t think of much more they got right.

Okay maybe the additions of new hero and villain characters such as Dengar, Nien Nunb, Greedo and Lando are awesome, I won’t deny that.

But man, DICE really dropped the ball on this one.

As the DLC continues to be released, I find myself constantly thinking “will they just change the game to the old one already?”

I know I’m slightly ranting here but I also find it mind-numbing that the old school classic look of the scoring bar was taken out completely.

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It was so simple yet so effective and perfect. The system now with just bases and time is played out.

I also think some of the Hutt contracts are useless and too difficult to get.

The quest you must endure to unlock some of these items are painstakingly annoying!

I just want to unlock new guns and use them in the heat of battle, not randomly throw smoke grenades or kill an enemy as I’m standing in this specific area or something.

It takes away from the overall idea of you’re playing the video game for fun and not a contest to win.

What separated the new and the old Battlefront games in my eyes however is the fact that one had a form of a story mode or a player vs computer ability as the newer one had an extremely repetitive and boring survival mode.

The recently added game mode of skirmish is severely lacking. It seems that even when DICE goes to fix its problems they still can’t get things right.

For example, I played skirmish walker assault last night and you know what happened? I got the hero icon right away and played as Nien Nunb…I ended up surviving the entire game and going 189 and 0…

You might say that sounds fun and maybe it was at first but you know what? It was pathetically boring.

I guess what I’m trying to say is Battlefront I and II were 10/10 games for me and so many others. This new Battlefront, even with the updates is so weak and seems to stay on the same level of disappointing.

It’s way too one dimensional as it’s lacking so much material that was there over 10 years ago!

They could have simply taken the old game, upgraded the graphics and added some characters and boom! All would be good.

Another crazy mishap that Battlefront boasts is the restrictions of having original trilogy-based characters only…

Now I understand that supposedly DICE was not granted permission to use Episode VII characters but what happened to the prequel heroes and villains!?

It’s well documented that many Star Wars fans took exception to Episodes I-III (which is crazy in itself) but the characters in those movies are epic and deserve to be everywhere.

From Darth Maul and General Grievous to Plo Koon and Mace Windu, it’s painful to not see them in this game.

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Just spoof up the graphics and let the awesomeness commence!

As for now, I guess we’ll just have to settle for what we’ve got: a mediocre moneymaker that has the title of “Star Wars” on it.

I’ve always been an eternal optimist but in this case it’s pretty difficult.

Here’s to better games in the future! Please!

-Sith Pacify out







DICE, Disney, EA, entertainment value, film, George Lucas, Power, sci fi, Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars Prequels, The Force Awakens, video games, WordPress

Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #2

The 2nd character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Luke Skywalker!

Luke Skywalker Overall = 99

Unbeknownst to the world, a human on the deserted landscapes of the Tatooine wastelands grew a boy who would change the Galaxy forever.

From farmhand to the most powerful person alive, the legend of Luke Skywalker is as illustrious as it is unlikely.

Originally thought to be a nobody, young Luke took a leap of faith and soon discovered his true identity. He was a Jedi like his father before him.

The sheer talent that surged through Skywalker’s veins was just begging to be released, yearning for an opportunity.

At the Battle of Yavin, he received that chance…

As a young and inexperienced pilot, he faced off against the Death Star with so much on the line.

The result of failure meant the vaunted Rebellion, the very force that he looked up to so dearly would be completely exterminated.

It was kill or be killed and he was up against the biggest mechanical monstrosity that eyes had ever seen.

A gargantuan task  for anyone, the young boy obliterated the battle station and saved the day.

In doing so he took that next step. A step into the shadow of his father’s brilliance. A place he would have never known existed unless his very own father had not told him himself.

As the years followed, he continuously notched more and more unfathomable victories underneath his belt.

Establishing himself as an elite military general, completing his training as a Jedi and then eventually defeating the egomaniacal tyrant of the land in the Emperor.

Throughout his time in the spotlight, one thing Luke continued to resemble was a pillar of the finest light.

Definitively turning away from the beckoning calls of the Dark Side, silencing the infamous Emperor’s attempts to convert the Jedi to a Sith, he remained true to himself and true to everything he stood for.

Skywalker represented everything that was right about existence. A symbol of untouchable purity that could never be tainted.

To his very core, Luke Skywalker was a Jedi, he was one of the good guys, he was the very meaning of hope.

In a time of eternal darkness, Luke was a rallying call.

As the oppressive regime of the Empire continued to mangle the innocence, Luke became someone for people to believe in.

He became someone who people could follow into the depths of hell and as long as they stayed close to his side, avoid the scorching of devilish fire and brimstone.

The best of the very best are like magnets, they attract those around them.

Luke wasn’t just a magnet, he was the very essence that made the magnet, he was the truth.


  • Pure of Heart (Strength, 100/100)- Throughout Star Wars, you would be hard-pressed to find anyone at all who had better character than Luke. Always trying to do the right thing, never cutting corners and always following things through, Luke was a living and breathing example of how things should be done. But why is this relevant? It’s important because through his inner purity and never-dying chivalry, Luke’s connection to the Force remained uncapped. The ability to reach deeper and climb level after level was always available. There was no limit to his potential and at the very root of it was his way of life. 
  • Power (Strength, 100/100)- There is a reason why someone as powerful as the Emperor was so hellbent on recruiting Luke to his side. Absolutely teeming with limitless strength, Luke became a desirable target for good and bad intentions. Only one person alive had ever seen such ability, but that’s for another time…Skywalker was a man in rarefied air. Through his connection with the Force, with his unstoppable physical capabilities and his exuberant youth, Luke Skwyalker was the complete package.
  • Level of Diversity (Strength, 95/100)- Luke was so skilled that anything he did, he was the best. From using the Force to piloting, Skywalker was the very pinnacle of diversification. It’s worth noting that it took Luke a while to get adjusted to using a lightsaber. In that time that he was unsure of the weapon, he crafted his marksmanship and all-around skill with a blaster. Now I know Force-users have the upper hand when it comes to reflexes and ability in situations like these but something has to be said for someone who started using a lightsaber so late in life and who then masters the weapon of the Jedi. It takes talent to be the best at something but when you get someone who is at the top in multiple categories? Now that’s just special.
  • Art of the Lightsaber (Strength, 97/100)- As I just said, Luke was a complete artist with the Jedi weapon. The whirling and dazzling beam of the weapon quickly became second-nature to Luke as he adapted surprisingly quick and became deadly. It was through intense sessions and his laborious work ethic that he was able to truly master the weapon and turn himself into one of the top swordsmen the Galaxy has seen.
  • Soft Spot (Weakness, 61/100)- Physically, Luke is flawless. Spiritually, it took him some time to get used to the Force but he figured it out and he now allows its waves of embrace to flow over him. But now emotionally and mentally, Luke has some issues. Whether it was the loss of Ben Kenobi that caused Luke to throw caution to the wind, the obsession of trying to bring his father back to the light that nearly cost him his life or his attempts to remake a Jedi Order that went painfully wrong as his nephew went berserk and demolished all that Luke fought so hard to build. Luke no doubt has some emotional attachments that he has had repeated trouble with. In Episode VIII, I hope he’s more careful or else…


  • Bloodline (Strength, 100/100)- At the very heart of the most Force sensitive family, Luke Skywalker is the very essence of the Skywalker family tree. With his father being so powerful and in-tune with the Force, it’s no wonder Luke is so dynamically dominant. The way this normally works is anyone who has Skywalker DNA even if it’s the tiniest smidgen they’re strong. But to be the very heart and soul of the entire line? Well, it just doesn’t get any better!

Final Word

As I first began to pencil in characters where I believed they belonged in my idea of a Force-user power rankings structure, Luke was a no-brainer. He was placed in the top three almost immediately. Although I wasn’t sure however if he should be the top man or the number three guy. After giving it some thought, I realized that Luke is who people think of when someone says “Star Wars”. He is the very definition of a hero, the light that shines the brightest and the one who makes everything fit together. He is one of the most strongest and potent Force-users ever as well as the one who has the most defined and meaningful legacies. When I look at Luke, the characteristic that impresses me the most is his ability to handle pressure. He seems to never be rattled and always be under wraps with what he wants to do with himself. His discipline is so unique for someone who has as much ability as he does. In the end, Luke Skywalker’s work ethic and beliefs of justice as well as his family’s genes granted him a deep connection within the Force which allowed him to possess untapped power. He is undoubtedly one of the greats, that’s why he is the number two Force-user on my power rankings.

-Sith Pacify out

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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #3

The 3rd character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Darth Sidious!

Darth Sidious Overall = 98

The very epitome of the Dark Side, Darth Sidious is just that.

The perfect mixture of absolute evil and ruthless efficiency, with a side of infinite brilliance is who the Dark Lord is.

There is no being ever…EVER, who has the mental wherewithal as well as the pristine work ethic combined with the sheer desire to be great as Darth Sidious.

The conniving Sidious was destined for greatness from day one.

As a child of a nobleman on Naboo, Sheev Palpatine grew up in a life of luxury.

Palpatine would eventually cross paths with the legendary Darth Plagueis who would take the young Sidious on as his own apprentice.

Fed up with the restraints that was his family, Palpatine brutally murdered his parents as well as his siblings.

You see, Sidious had an intense hunger. A shockingly potent blood thirst that would only end with his death, Sidious would wreak havoc on the Galaxy until the very end.

Darth Nihilus might have been donned the Lord of Hunger but I’d argue that the Dark Lord Darth Sidious would have been a more fitting choice.

When it comes to what you want in a Dark Side acolyte, Darth Sidious is everything and more.

He truly had it all from skill and talent, to decisive action and overwhelming ability.

One might argue…what didn’t he have?


  • Supreme Darkness (Strength, 99/100)- With his ability to control absolutely everything in the Galaxy through sheer wit and mental jousting, authoritative dominance within the Force and the understanding of life itself, Sidious reigned supreme. He is the complete package when you break it down. With his way of having a say in every single factor in a confrontation, a meeting or just everyday life, his use of Dark Side is at the very precipice within the Force.
  • “Vision” (Strength, 99/100)- The Sith Lord that so famously mocked Luke for his lack of vision as he tortured him to his “inevitable” death was blessed with the most capable and dynamic farshight throughout the history of Force-users. Even Yoda’s talent to look into the ever-changing future clouded up as a result of Sidious’ doing. It’s ironic that the Emperor saw visions of Vader bringing Luke before him and yet it ultimately would be his downfall…what a pity. Still, his powerful usage of the skill brought him to his lofty spot on top of the Galaxy.
  • He Who is the Force (Strength, 99/100)- Darth Sidious wasn’t just a high and mighty Force-user, he was the Force-user. At the time of his death, he had practically mastered every facet of his repertoire within the Force. This included his devastating and go-to ability of his Force lightning. With an enormous amount of power and drive behind the crackling electric energy, the unrelenting barrage of blueish light was a certain death sentence. As stated above, he would use his Force lightning not only as an attack but even as a disciplinary measure. His total and utter control over this debilitating tactic is just one example of many on how dominant and deserving the Dark Lord is of being the top ranked Sith.
  •  Intelligence (Strength, 99/100)- Look, this is as clear and blatant as I can be…Darth Sidious, the Emperor, Sheev Palpatine whatever you want to call him, is the most intelligent, sharpest individual and most understanding and witty being throughout Star Wars. The level of his reach permeated every single corner of the Galaxy. With his dark shadow of influence spread throughout, the fun part was all that remained for Sidious as he enjoyed the knowledge of practically everything. I guess that’s what you get when you learn under Plagueis…
  • Overconfidence (Weakness), 90/100)- You might ask why would a trait designated as a weakness be rated so high? Well the very notion of Palpatine’s confidence is what got him to his position of power in the first place! It only failed him in the end…As Luke stated to the Emperor’s face, his overconfidence was most definitely his weakness but you know what? That’s about the man’s ONLY weakness!


  • The Dark in the Light (Strength, 95/100)- From the guttural sounds to the harsh behavior, you can take one look at Sidious’ actions and behavior and immediately suspect the man to be a demon directly spawned from hell. Yet his intense combination of power, mind and position remained the physical calling card of Palpatine. To completely achieve a victory in a plot that ran throughout the very heart of the entire capital of the Republic is completely remarkable. He really was one of a kind.

Final Word

When you think of corruption, who comes to mind? What about total control over everything and everyone? And when you think of someone as a supernatural force? Yea that’s Sidious in a nutshell. His level of success throughout his time alive was miraculous, it was inspiring heck it was completely unheard of! The one individual who has very strikingly similar characteristics and qualities with Sidious is the one that is referred to as the Sith Emperor…Lord Vitiate, Lord Valkorian, whatever you want to call him, he and Palpatine’s roots run on similar paths. Of course the main difference between the two would have to be the longevity of the Sith Emperor’s and the lack there of with Sidious. Vitiate’s reign lasted thousands of years as to Sidious’ mere 23. In the end, you would have to believe that that would be Palpatine’s ultimate regret..the lack of immortality, a gift he greatly desired….

-Sith Pacify out








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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #5

The 5th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Revan!

Revan Overall = 97

The epitome of the Old Republic, Revan was a legend of his time.

As some characters are straight forward and easy to grasp, Revan is the complete opposite.

Known as one of the most gifted Force-users ever, Revan played both sides throughout his life.

Revan was dynamic wielding a lightsaber but his lethal understanding and vast knowledge of the Force provided him with enough firepower to eliminate anyone.

As the story goes, he fell to the Dark Side after being influenced by the Sith Emperor and then eventually redeemed himself only to be recaptured by the Sith and experience a schism of the mind leading to Darth Revan.

Not only was he one of the best on the battlefield but his legacy could be felt through generations.

The Jedi Master Satele Shan is a descendant of Revan himself.

In fact, some have wondered if Rey might have a possible connection to the storied Revan as well!

But who is Revan exactly? There’s much unknown about the character like what’s his real name for instance?

Oddly enough, no one knows his real name.

No matter what, one thing is for sure. The cloud of mystery surrounding one of the most prolific characters in Star Wars history only adds to his fabled reputation.


  • Force Unleashed (Strength, 99/100)- When it comes to strength and potency in the Force, Revan is arguably the best. At the strongest point in his life, he was able to channel both the light and dark and use his own soul as a conductor. One of his more grotesque skills was the ability to mangle his enemy as he would literally crush his opponents organs. What’s interesting about Revan however is his lack of freestyle. What I mean by this is his powers were relatively simple! Revan had the talent to do literally anything he wanted but he was a practical man and referred to results rather than eccentric displays of his power, something Malak would have preferred. He was very keen on enhancing his physical limitations as he used the Force to augment his reflexes, strength, speed etc. Unfortunately, having the capability of simultaneously utilizing the Dark Side with the Light will have severely crippling consequences…I’ll touch on that in a little bit.
  • Power Among Friends (Strength, 95/100)- Throughout Revan’s life, one thing he most certainly had was power. He always generated a massive following whether that was while he was on the side of the Jedi or within the darkness as a Sith. Many constantly gravitated to him because he gave off an aura of sheer strength of cataclysmic proportions. What’s more, he made people believers through his example. Cutting down, mutilating and just plain defeating his adversaries, with the Force as his ally Revan was the hammer to the Galaxy’s nail.
  • Rebellion Leader (Strength, 94/100)- As the Jedi Order continued to sit out the ongoing Mandalorian Wars, it was Revan who took a stand. Leading what was known as the Revanchist movement, the Jedi forces spearheaded the war effort. Through these actions the legend was born as their leader officially took on the name Revan. As he and the squadron of fighters he controlled joined up with the Republic military, he was chosen as the Supreme Commander. Within the fighting the Jedi Knight discovered a mask of a Mandalorian that was killed in action. This mask would go on to be forever synonymous with triumph and pain as he would continue to wear it even with the Sith.
  • Military Prowess (Strength, 97/100)- Throughout these power rankings I’ve made a point to mention all the great military leaders that had a strong effect on the battlefield. When it comes to Revan, he was at the top. Revan was the Supreme Commander during the Mandalorian Wars. His knowledge of warfare and Jedi experience molded his mind into the ultimate chess player when it came down to decisions. He was a statistical genius as he continuously crunched numbers in his head in attempts to sort through various strategies. As the Wars raged on, he grew more and more hardened as he would often try to put himself in his enemies shoes and look through their eyes to create a plan of attack. However, this ended up severely damaging Revan’s state of mind as he began to care very little of even his own men as he was willing to sacrifice everything for victory.
  • Sponge of a Mind (Weakness, 60/100)- Revan’s mind was so advanced that he was so easily influenced. Always trying to find an edge, Revan was a staunch Jedi who was so intensely dedicated to the Order. Before each battle, Revan would stare at his reflection in a mirror while wearing his mask and recited the Jedi Code repeatedly until the words seemed to blur together. So how did he fall to the Sith? After stumbling upon Dromund Kaas and shown the Dark Side by the Sith Emperor, he was in trouble. Immediately, Revan saw opportunity, he saw potential and he saw promise. Revan’s biggest flaw was his tendency to take on whatever he felt gave him the immediate advantage in that specific moment. In the end of course, he’d fully endorse the Dark Side which never would have happened had he not been so experimental with his obsession of advancment. He always wanted to push himself to the next level, this most definitely played role in his devotion to the Sith.


  • Hazardous Effects (Weakness,*)- When Revan was finally freed from the Sith Emperor’s clutches after hundreds of years, he tried creating a strategy to defeat the Empire. Unfortunately, he was killed before completion. This is where things get crazy…What happens when torture at the hands of the Emperor as well as embracing both spectrums of the Force finally take its toll? Schism! At Revan’s “death”, his mind splintered as half went on to become one with the Force leaving the remaining half alone. It was at this moment when Revan’s remaining conscience surrounded itself with the Dark Side. In the end immediately before his final death, Revan’s mind would form together one last time as the man was finally at peace.

Final Word

The significance of Revan is so staggering that it almost seems made up. He was a Republic soldier, a Master of the Jedi and the Sith, a disciple of pure darkness and a loved father and husband that’s bloodline would continue to dominate the Galaxy with it’s greatness. Revan’s legacy is so vast that even Darth Bane is directly influenced by him. As Bane was creating his Rule of Two philosophy, he just happened to stumble upon Revan’s Sith Holocron in which he used the teachings to develop his own thoughts towards what would be the Sith’s ultimate guideline. You see, Revan was unbelievably unique. You know who he so badly reminds me of? Anakin Skywalker. It’s very interesting because it almost seems as if Revan was the “chosen one” of the Old Republic. The parallels are definitely there. Revan’s time in existence has long-lasting affects throughout the Galaxy as we’re starting to see with Vader/Anakin in the new age of Star Wars, The Force Awakens. Nonetheless, Revan is easily one of the most powerful Force-users ever. Easily.

-Sith Pacify out













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3 Things To Watch For In The Star Wars Rebels Season Finale

Well ladies and gentlemen, tonight is the night.

For so long now we’ve been waiting for answers.

As I write this to you now I have chills running up and down.

Ever since I saw the first episode of Star Wars Rebels, I knew this show had immense potential.

But tonight, Rebels turns the corner.

There is so much excitement, so much build up leading into this season finale that the expectations are gigantic.

But with the star power and storylines leading into this one, it has the right amount of dynamite to deliver.

So what exactly are those storylines that you should be looking for?

Let’s take a look!

Will Ezra fall to the Dark Side?


As season two has progressed, there has been more indications of Ezra’s allure to the dark.

Whether it’s in his arrogance in his behavior regarding the others or his blatantly rotten attitude that seems to be spoiling as the season rages on, Ezra is changing.

We’ve seen him in the past go to another level such as when he was battling the Grand Inquisitor in the first season.

But just the way Yoda was warning him gives us an indication that dark clouds are on the horizon for young Ezra.

As a 14 year old boy, he has tremendous potential.

Quite frankly, up to this point I’m surprised that the Inquisitors haven’t tried to seduce him to bring him back to Vader.

It’s clear he’s a lightning rod that’s garnishing a heck of a lot of attention within the Force.

We know he will be meeting Darth Maul tonight but in what context?

In the trailer for the episode, Darth Maul seems to be portraying an old being that’s been crossed one to many times and has resigned to the fact that he now wants to do good.

Well that remains to be seen and if you really think that, you might be in for a rude awakening.


This is Darth Maul we’re talking about! He’s not some weak Force-user that just gets by.

No, he’s as intimidating as they come with a severe and voracious hunger to annihilate anything that resembles the Jedi with merciless hate.

Now could he have changed? I suppose so.

But will he? I doubt it very much so.

Which brings me to my next point.

I do apologize for the bad quality of this video but it was the only one I could find on YouTube.

This video was shown during a commercial break within the last couple weeks during a Rebels episode.

This is so significant to everything I’m saying.

From the video, it certainly looks like Ezra is being egged on by Maul to unleash the fury of the Dark Side on the Seventh Sister.


What an amazing scene that would be.

So what do you think? Will Ezra be amongst the shadows of the Dark Side after the season finale or will his teachings by Kanan and his devotion to the light prevail?

We will find out soon.

What will Darth Maul represent?


Last time we saw Darth Maul, he was on the ground screaming in agony from Darth Sidious’ Force lightning strikes.

He just lost a duel to Sidious as well as everything else.

He lost his hold on Mandalore, his brother and most likely his freedom.

It was very interesting because Darth Sidious even said to Maul that he wasn’t going to kill him so I always figured that just meant he was going to torture him and that was that.

Well apparently either Maul escaped or was allowed to leave.

And I can’t see Sidious allowing Darth Maul to leave…

To see Darth Maul return to the screen tonight will be so surreal.

He is truly one of the most fantastic characters in all of Star Wars and his presence is just awesome!

But since his defeat to his former Master there’s been nothing on the former Sith Lord.

We have had no indication that he was even alive!

Fast forward 15 years later and Darth Maul is back.

But in what capacity?

We know he will be talking to Ezra and they will reach the subject of the Sith and the Dark Side…

Will Darth Maul speak highly of this entity or will he bash it and blame it for all his terrible misfortune?

I’m not sure but if I had to guess what Maul’s purpose with Ezra is, I would say this.

What if Darth Maul’s goal was to gain a pupil in the Dark Side, one who was very strong but young and foolish?

Someone who Darth Maul could somehow harness their power and take for his own in hopes of ultimately gaining revenge against Darth Sidious.

After all, the setting for tonight’s episode seems to be dealing with holocrons and unnatural means of the Force.

What will happen to Ahsoka?


The most anticipated storyline of the entire Star Wars Rebels existence thus far will play out tonight.

Will Ahsoka meet Darth Vader.

In the last couple episodes, Ahsoka has been trying to come to grips with the fact that this menacing, pure-evil being that is Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker.

It’s clear that Ahsoka has been crushed.

Her appearances over the last two episodes have been brief yet telling.

I feel as if she is broken. Like she has nothing left to live for and wants to see things through that Vader gets what he deserves.

Now I see this playing out another way too.

Maybe Ahsoka is playing all her cards in this moment.

What if she wants to encounter Darth Vader face-to-face to see if their unbreakable bond can alleviate his infection that is the Dark Side?

Now I don’t know how this will end but it’s pretty clear that things don’t look good for Ahsoka…

Personally, I love the character of Ahsoka Tano. I think she’s done so much for so many that even in 10 years we’ll still be marveling at her accomplishments.

With that being said, I fear for her tonight.

At this moment, the man she knew in Anakin Skywalker is truly no more.

We’ve seen and heard countless tales of butchery and devastating brutality come from Darth Vader and tonight will be quite the spectacle.

Anything regarding Vader’s past fuels an intense fire within his heart and gives him reason to unleash unspeakable horrors.

But how will he react when he sees his one and only Padawan?

Will there be even the slightest hint of happiness within Vader?

I doubt it but one can only hope.

You know, this is going to be an emotional episode.

It will tie so many loose ends and allow us to see things more clearly but man, if anything happens to Ahsoka…the sadness will be immense.

-Sith Pacify out



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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #13

The 13th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Satele Shan!

Shatele Shan Overall = 92

Holding the rank of Grand Master of the Jedi Order and a direct descendant of Revan and Bastila Shan, Satele Shan was a powerful force that represented justice for the Galaxy during troubled times.

During her Jedi career, Satele Shan traveled from Korriban to Dromund Kaas, Alderaan to Tython all the while being a staple of good will on Coruscant.

As a key contributor in defeating the Empire on Alderaan during what would soon become known as the Cold War, Shan faced off against the villain who could be considered her nemesis, Darth Malgus.

Although she defeats Malgus on Alderaan, Malgus and the Empire would have the next victory as the capital world of Coruscant fell to a relentless barrage led by the Dark Lord.

Although Satele Shan had fantastic achievements throughout her life, she was not without controversy as she had a forbidden affair with a Republic trooper.

As a result, she would go on to give birth to their son Theron who would go on to be an important figure in the Jedi Order as well.

Shan would go on to fight and defeat the resurfaced and evil Revan as well as his Order of Revan alongside the Empire’s Darth Marr with their respected forces.

The Republic would eventually fall to the Eternal Empire which scattered the Jedi Order and therefore sent Satele Shan into a meditative exile.


  • Dedication to the Light (Strength, 92/100)- Satele Shan was a shining light at at time when the Galaxy was repeatedly on edge. It was through her great devotion to the Force and the Jedi Order that many around the Galaxy were able to draw hope. Her level of perseverance and love was a driving force for the Order to keep the flames of faith always burning.
  • Combat Readiness (Strength, 94/100)- She wasn’t the strongest Force-user and she wasn’t the best with a lightsaber. However, when you combine confidence, belief and desire with a very strong level of aptitude in all other skills, you’re left with a formidable concoction. Shan was always ready to engage her enemies and was never ambushed. A true testament to her always vigilant self, she almost always knew what was coming and how to combat it.
  • Ways of the Force (Strength, 96/100)- Her most notable abilities was her propensity within the Force. Like I said, she wasn’t the strongest, but she’s right up there for sure! Whether it was blocking a sheer lightsaber strike with her Force-infused hands or firing a tunneling blast of pure Force energy, Satele Shan’s understanding and skills of the Force were absolutely elite.
  • Attachments (Weakness, 61/100)- You know, Shan was lucky. She went against the Jedi code for attachments, had a son and was still able to achieve the highest level of respect within the Order as Grand Master! That’s enough to make Anakin Skywalker go mad! Nonetheless, her peers definitely perceived her presence within the Force as special which gave her the OK to move on. Still, you have to wonder. She was never really faced with an ultimatum of us or them but if her family and her duty came against one another, it has to make you wonder…It would most certainly complicate things.


  • DNA of a True Leader (Strength, 95/100)- When you’re related to a legend like Revan, you know you’re something special. Satele Shan had the uncanny ability of leading by example and being a true rallying point when everyone needed it the most. Her abilities to unite were exemplary and the Galaxy would have most likely fallen apart into chaos and hell without the likes of Shan.

Final Word

To be honest, there’s not a whole lot of information on Satele Shan. There’s a couple books that I’ve read that give phenomenal insight into her character and there’s extensive material on her throughout video games. What we do know however is she was the youngest Grand Master within the Jedi Order and the brilliance of herself afforded the Republic to see many more years than without. It is definitely a bit unfortunate because the level of greatness that she commands is worthy of being within the top five of all Force-users. But still, she’s listed in a respectful position. I hope we get to see more of Satele Shan through Disney’s expansion of Star Wars in the coming years!

-Sith Pacify out












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*Updated* Star Wars Character Power Rankings

I just wanted to add two characters (for now) to the list that I will be creating that ranks the top 26 Force-using Star Wars characters.(The following list is not in any particular order)

  1. Anakin Skywalker
  2. Obi-Wan Kenobi
  3. Luke Skywalker
  4. Yoda
  5. Mace Windu
  6. Darth Vader
  7. Darth Sidious
  8. Count Dooku
  9. Kit Fisto
  10. Darth Maul
  11. Revan
  12. Darth Malgus
  13. Kylo Ren
  14. Rey
  15. Ki-Adi Mundi
  16. Plo Koon
  17. Kanan Jarrus
  18. Ezra Bridger
  19. Ahsoka Tano
  20. Asajj Ventress
  21. Darth Plagueis
  22. Qui-Gon Jinn
  23. Darth Malak
  24. Darth Bane
  25. Satele Shan*
  26. Darth Nihilus*


-Sith Pacify out

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The Puzzling Prospect of Star Wars Video Games

In the past couple years when it comes to video games, Star Wars fans have suffered tremendously.

When Disney purchased Star Wars on October 30, 2012, many people thought this would be a new era for video game titles as the shelves were sparse with Star Wars material at the time.

Well, it is now more than three years later and the shelves are practically barren.

When Disney took over Lucasfilm, they were also the new owners of the video game making division of the company, LucasArts.

But on May 6, 2013 Disney dealt the final blow to LucasArts video game creating days as they announced Electronic Arts would now develop Star Wars based games.

So, where did it all go wrong?

Well honestly, there’s enough blame to go around.


In the years leading up to Disney’s major purchase, LucasArts had a number of titles that were in various stages of production.

One of these titles was Star Wars 1313.

Star Wars 1313 was a cancelled action-adventure-based project that was centered on a bounty hunter/mercenary based game.

The game was to be a new direction of Star Wars games as it had little to no emphasis on Jedi/Force action.

What sucks most about this game being cancelled is the actual gameplay.

If you just watch that trailer of the gameplay, you’d completely understand how much this hurts Star Wars fans.

I mean, this game looks epically awesome and the fact that we most likely will never see it is just…painful.

Another video game title that was cancelled before completion was an abstract game called Rebel Warrior.


This game is something very similar to what I’ve been desperately wanting from Star Wars for a very long time.

The game is based in the early days of the Empire where you play as a Wookie who bashes Imperial Stormtrooper’s heads in with all the fury a Wookie carries within.

As the creature’s homeworld of Kashyyyk is under a heavy assault and blockade, these hairy beasts wreak havoc in a much darker, intended for a more mature audience game.

Once again, sadly we’ll never see this game come to fruition.

The next game that was cancelled is by far the most crushing of the three…

The game focused around fan-favorite Darth Maul and how our favorite double-bladed lightsaber combatant traversed the Galaxy.

The game’s direction was meant to shine light on the previously unknown tales of Maul’s journeys up to the Battle of Geonosis.


Designed by RedFly Studios, this game was another unfortunate cancellation that we will never forget.

As time goes on, it seems eerily strange that a once prominent and bountiful Star Wars genre of video games is oddly missing from today’s world.

Of course there are games like Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars Knights of the Fallen Empire and Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes but the old titles that boasted diversity, ingenuity and story mode-based adventures are gone.

They’re a thing of the past now.

It’s strangely reminiscent of Ben Kenobi telling Luke in A New Hope of the Jedi saying “For over a thousand generations the Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic…before the dark times. Before, the Empire.”


Tragically, those “dark times” are now.

Isn’t it ironic that in an age with immense and superior technology, we’re still waiting for a Star Wars game as good as those from the early 2000’s?

All we can do is hope and pray.

I wish I could influence EA somehow to just create a dozen unique and different Star Wars games.

Alas, I do not have that power.

But figuratively, I would say there has to be some optimism in this.

You have to figure that sooner than later, EA will get it together and realize the vast amount of money available in this recently untouched market and exploit it.

For now, we must wait.


-Sith Pacify out












DICE, Disney, EA, entertainment value, George Lucas, Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront, video games, WordPress

Star Wars Battlefront Announces New Material

Today the folks at EA announced new content for Star Wars Battlefront.

Surprising? No.

About time? You got that right.

The new material will be released in different time increments with the earliest portion being dropped tomorrow.

A detailed list of what’s to come was posted on the game’s Facebook account.


  • The Tatooine Survival map will now support the Blast, Droid Run, Drop Zone, Hero Hunt, and Heroes vs Villains multiplayer modes, and is called Raider Camp.
  • New Hoth-themed outfits for Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, both of which will be available to all fans when they play as these two iconic characters on Hoth – these were unlocked by our players for completing our Heroes’ Holiday community mission last month.
  • We are giving players the ability to create Private Matches, which makes playing with friends even easier.
  • The introduction of Daily Challenges and Community Events. These are designed to rally the Community around certain goals and objectives, giving players the chance to earn credits and unlocks even faster. We’ll have more news regarding Community Events and Daily Challenges in the days ahead.
  • And of course, we are also including some overall balancing tweaks to both weapons and multiplayer modes.


  • A new Survival mission on Hoth, and a brand-new Hoth multiplayer map that will support our larger game modes including Walker Assault, Supremacy, Fighter Squadron and Turning Point.
  •  Turning Point will be available on all maps that currently support Walker Assault and Supremacy in the February update.


  • A new multiplayer map on Endor that will support Walker Assault, Supremacy, and Turning Point, and an additional Tatooine Survival map.


Now that you’ve seen all of that, it’s time to talk about it.

For starters, all of this will be free.

That’s awesome and very cool of EA.

However, we gamers are not stupid and for those who payed for EA’s “epic” Season Pass, we should be quite disappointed.

Before today, no one had any clue what was going on with the Season Pass.

It was as if EA took everyone’s money and just said “Oh well, we’re just going to keep this and not give you anything extra because well, we think we deserve it…”

But alas, our disappointment has come to an end as a bit of clarity was finally introduced.

The Season Pass too was announced which gives us all quite a bit of excitement.

Here’s what we can expect.


  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Outer Rim (March 2016) – Fight among the factories of Sullust and battle within Jabba the Hutt’s palace on Tatooine
  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Bespin (Summer 2016) – It’s hunt or be hunted in this action-packed experience set in the Cloud City of Bespin
  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Death Star (Fall 2016) – That’s no moon! One of the most iconic locations in the Star Wars universe makes its debut in Star Wars Battlefront.
  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Expansion Pack 4 – Title TBA (Early 2017) – We will have more details to share about this exciting new expansion pack in the coming months.


All four of these maps seem like they’re going to be so much fun.

Although the game thus far has been mildly okay and predictably repetitive with only five maps, this is a direct injection of jubilation.

The guys over at EA are not stupid.

They’re very wise to release two maps rather than just one in the first expansion pack for the Season Pass in March.

Now besides the new maps, what I’m most looking forward to is the new costumes to Han and Luke.

As you can see in the cover photo, it looks pretty clean.

I think from an aesthetics standpoint, to see a blue lightsaber upon the crystal-white landscape on Hoth will look incredibly awesome.

For Han, his costume just looks like the same old Han. Badass.

Another important update that EA is adding (tomorrow) is the “overall balancing tweaks to both weapons and multiplayer modes.”

To put it lightly…this is very much needed.

Some weapons are just way too powerful and others are just extremely weak.

It’s a great piece of the game to improve on so, well done EA.

Just to put things in perspective, it was very important that we at long last recieved an update about the Season Pass and about the future of this game.

Believe me, it needed it in the most severest of ways.

As a Star Wars fan and a gamer, it’s very hard to play a game for hours upon hours when it only features five maps with very limited characters.

Basically, the game was getting ridiculously boring…

On top of that, so many people including myself purchased the Season Pass and since the game came out in November, no one had any idea what was the deal with it.

January is almost over and to STILL not have any idea what’s going on with that was a major problem so I’m glad EA fixed that.

All in all, EA seems to have done a nice job with these fixes and additions.

I’m really looking forward to playing them and seeing everything in action!


-Sith Pacify out










DICE, Disney, EA, entertainment value, marketing, sci fi, Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront, video games, WordPress

Where Did All the Star Wars Video Games Go!?

From 1999 to approximately 2008, there were dozens and dozens of Star Wars video games out in circulation.

From Star Wars Battlefront to Star Wars Republic Commando, these games were filled with epic fun.

But as Lucasfilm began to slow down, so did Lucasarts.

For those who don’t know, after Disney’s purchase of Star Wars in 2012, things began to take a turn for the worst for Lucasarts.

Sadly, it was announced in May of 2013 that Electronic Arts would assume the mantle of developing and creating Star Wars video games.

This ended Lucasarts multi-decade run.

However, Lucasarts continued to develop mobile, social, tablet and online game categories.


But enough of the technical stuff, let’s get down to business.

So, why has Star Wars video games seen a major lack of production and business??

Well, I think there are multiple angles to this.

First off, I think a Star Wars game, before it’s even created has a pristine reputation of greatness and awesomeness.

In other words, people are going to buy this game and they are going to expect an excellent product.

Sadly, Star Wars video games have not done so well as of late.

The Force Unleashed games were crushed by critics, Battlefront II came out in 2005 (long 10 year gap to the Battlefront game released last month) and let’s face it, when was the last time a GOOD Star Wars game even came out!?


Look, I liked The Force Unleashed but I wasn’t crazy about it.

There was just something about it that felt un-Star Warsy…

You see my all-time favorite SW games ever are the following..

5. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire


The graphics for this game were so poor that it was funny and you know what? I didn’t even care. I loved this game because it was wacky and wild. It was totally out there as in strange things would happen to you. I last played this game over 15 years ago so I’ll be honest with you and say I don’t remember a whole lot. With that being said, what I do remember is endless adventures of insane fun and laughter-filled action.

4. Star Wars: Rogue Squadronn64_sw_rogue_squadron_cart.JPG

Where do I even start? This game was filled to the brim with action. There were unfair dogfights that would always end in me being so upset when my X-wing was shot down. But that’s what makes the game so much fun. It wasn’t easy, in fact I remember I was incredibly terrible at the game! Nonetheless, I deeply enjoyed it. I remember trying to take down AT-AT’s on Hoth, trying to save General Reiken from Imperial bombers and dogfighting it out on Tatooine. Awesome game, I miss it dearly.

3. Star Wars: Republic Commando


Just the other day I was playing this one. Republic Commando is not just one of the greatest Star Wars games but in my opinion, it’s up there with one of the best games EVER. The reason being, I’ve never seen any glitching throughout the game. Another reason being,  when you, as a squad leader issue commands to your team, they ALWAYS listen as they would in real life. Also, it’s so much fun seeing what the beginning of the Clone Wars on Geonosis were like. I still talk to my friends to this day on how awesome this game was and it was released all the way back in 2005!

2. Star Wars: Jedi Outcast


This game had the best multiplayer game of any Star Wars game…ever. No, I’m not talking about online action but against computers. You could even play splitscreen with a buddy as you take on 14 computer players. The lightsaber combat is one of a kind (even today), the force powers are awesomely accurate and that’s not even the best part of the game! Jedi Outcast has the greatest story mode out of any game I’ve ever played. From Kyle Katarn starting off as a non-force user to slowly but surely regaining his powerful abilities of the force, this game was awesome.

1. Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2

Hands down best Star Wars games ever. The combat was like nothing else, no other game to this day has been able to match the intense, thrilling way each battle was carried out. The maps in both of these games were insane. They were all so accurate that it’s mind boggling that they were released in 2004 and 2005. Not to mention the graphics. I feel as if this game had better graphics than many today! But the best part of these games was the game mode..yep, you guessed it, Galactic Conquest. I have never played any game in my life, back then and today where I had as much fun. You’re taking over the Galaxy as you fight from one world to the next! What could be better? For this reason alone, this is why the new Battlefront game will never come close to what these two achieved. Shame on you EA and DICE for taking out such a beloved game mode.


Now back to why Star Wars video games have seen a major lack of production and business…

I believe a major part of it today is the fact that people will buy any game out there.

There is such a strong demand for video games that companies just have to put them out there and people will throw money at them.

Think of Madden or Fifa for example…

These games are released every year with very little difference each time.

How does EA get away with this?

People don’t care, they just want the game.

It’s a shame really, I think that that is the central point to this whole Star Wars video game fiasco.

Video game developers don’t want to take on Star Wars games because they’re just too big and too intricate.

But, is there a bright side to all of this? You bet.


I think with The Force Awakens being released, we should finally start to see the dried up riverbed of Star Wars video games begin to replenish.

I’m hoping that Star Wars Battlefront will pave the way and start a long domino effect.

Lord knows we’ve all been waiting!

-Sith Pacify out




