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The Significance Of The Empire’s Depiction In Rogue One

On this day of independence, we as Americans reflect on what it means to be free from oppression and injustice.

With that being said, today got me thinking about the Empire and how their portrayal in Rogue One should play out.


For starters, Rogue One is supposed to have a much darker look to it compared to the past seven Star Wars films.

Now understand this: We know of the Empire to be overbearing, controlling, cruel and manipulative.

But besides some scenes like Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru’s death and the obliteration of Alderaan, we have seen relatively few depictions of the Empire’s oppressive nature.

RO should change that. Right from the start we need to see the decimation of civilians, of the common folk.

So far in all films we’ve seen military targets and Rebel Alliance members in the cross hairs of the Empire, but where’s the foul treatment to the everyday people?

Star Wars Rebels did a fantastic job in showing what everyday life is like living under the Empire.

But to see it on the big screen? Now that would be spectacular.

You might be asking yourself, “Who cares? What does it matter how the people of the land get treated.”

Well, it’s important and I’ll tell you why.

First, horrid treatment and oppressive regimes always build up enough anger and hatred amongst the people that actions are taken.

We know what the end result is in Star Wars of course but the beginning is so vital for the story because it shows us how cruelty and blatant greed emanating from a crooked government did them in in the end.

Second, we get to see why the war between the Empire and the Rebels started.

Of course we know why, I mean it’s a state bred on fear within the Empire!

But we will get to see the incidences on a small level. The local injustices, those who lost their land just because some governing Moff wanted more property or a village shot up and burned down because they didn’t accept the totalitarian rule.

Lastly, the response of the state.

With the news of Darth Vader returning, we have our executioner.


The Grand Moff Tarkin once said  “We will crush the Rebellion with one swift stroke.”

The parallels between this line and the image of Vader’s lightsaber flashing as he cuts down Rebel after terrified Rebel are very telling.

You see, the Empire doesn’t play any games.

Sure they don’t want people to see them as they absolutely cripple their enemies with sheer brute force but you know what? This is their world, we’re just living in it.

RO must show this side of The Empire.

It is so very key that we see the crushing hatred of the Empire spewing out and being forced upon all who live under their reign.

We also must see The Empire as an unstoppable force mutilating the enemy. 

These two ingredients will make RO a special movie.

Let’s take the political correctness out of Star Wars and let’s show what happens when a band of Rebels steps up against tyranny of a fire-breathing monster in The Empire.

-Sith Pacify out








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