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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #7

The 7th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Darth Vader!

Darth Vader Overall = 96

Possibly the most recognizable character of all time in movies, Darth Vader is as menacing as he is evil.

Encased in his metallic black suit, a storm forever rages on.

Brought into this world through betrayal, hatred and greed, Darth Vader is a being hellbent on death and destruction.

Though his abilities as Anakin Skywalker were severely limited after his transformation, the man was so talented and powerful that he completely remade his entire combat style

To understand the full power of Vader’s, you first must realize what he has become.

For starters, only one of his four limbs are flesh, his entire body is brutally devastated via burns and his mind has been chewed up and spit out.

With that being said, how is he the 7th most powerful Force-user in all of Star Wars!?

To answer this you must recognize the mental acuity that is within Darth Vader.

Next and maybe the quintessential piece, Anakin Skywalker was the Force.

Although Vader’s physical prowess has been permanently damaged, his control of the Force remains vigorously intense.

Lastly, throughout everything that is Star Wars no individual has ever been more driven, more resolute in his actions and more revenge-driven than Lord Vader.

So what’s the final outcome?

Let’s take a look.


  • Mindset (Strength, 96/100)- The Dark Lord of the Sith’s discipline is so legendary that annihilates any task he ever puts his mind to. The Force is a stale frigid wind that submerses itself within his very soul. Possibly only contained within his suit, Darth Vader will accomplish any goal he desires, any action he feels necessary and any point he seeks to prove. Some people say they have a chip on their shoulder well when it comes to Vader? Yea he has an entire mountain on his…
  • Skill Set (Strength, 97/100)- As Anakin, he was blessed with the best of the best abilities, reflexes and attributes. After losing practically his entire body, his emotional state of mind and his style of warfare no longer possible, Vader had no choice but to change things up. A testament to his will and sheer power, the Sith Lord completely evolved his game into a totally different style. One that included power instead of maneuverability, patience instead of spontaneity and tenacious hate instead of fluidity. The conquering of change is already impressive but the pure dominance that Vader achieved even after his near entanglement with death is nothing short of miraculous. Darth Vader is one hell of a badass.
  • Command of the Force (Strength, 97/100)- As time went on, Darth Vader came to the understanding that he was no longer able to move freely or capable of such fantastic physical feats that only Anakin Skywalker could claim. This absence within him drove him to delve deeper into his pursuit of the Dark Side. When he finally came up to take a breath of air, he was a masterful wielder of it all. Really, he was able to command the Dark Side so skillfully that he made it into that of an art. His go-to move in the Force choke became so synonymous with himself that individuals would begin clawing at their own throats even before he put up a finger! Fear, the very stench of it gave Vader exhilarating happiness.
  • Commander in Chief (Strength, 96/100)- Virtually in charge of the entire Galaxy, Darth Vader was the face of order in the Empire. It is true that the Emperor Palpatine was the head honcho but as the enforcer, Vader abused the title to no end. What adds to his already astonishing prowess, Darth Vader was in total command of the entire Imperial fleet. Not only could he destroy an entire enemy force himself, but he controlled the latest state of the art weaponry that was the mighty Empire. A masterful leader on the battlefield, Lord Vader was elite in the business of direction and giving out orders to ensure victory.
  • Art of the Lightsaber (Strength, 98/100)- When Darth Vader ignited that flaming red beam of death, pain and mutilation were only moments away. As a person who cared not for anything but himself, Vader would absolutely butcher all that got in his way. Whether that means a child or a pregnant woman, it mattered little to the man in the black. But the way he handled a lightsaber is truly unique. Many have been as dynamic as him but the way he was able to skillfully move his blade is what sets him apart. The Jedi teach that the lightsaber is just an extension of oneself. Well as a Sith Lord, Darth Vader fully bought into that idea which blended hate with discipline and thus made him that much more of an efficient killing machine.
  • Limitations of the Suit (Weakness, 20/100)- Up to this point, this characteristic is the most vitally weak attribute to any character. But is it justified? You bet it is. It’s extremely ironic that one who regards himself as an invincible force of nature is actually as vulnerable and fragile as a young child. It’s as simple as this: Darth Vader’s breathing apparatus is his life. His lungs are shriveled and charred. They no longer have the ability on their own to carry the vital oxygen themselves. If his suit is damaged in any way, the situation would turn extremely dire.


  • Top Gun (Strength, 95/100)- Not only can Vader fight, command troops and instill fear, but he’s also the very best fighter pilot…ever! No one is as dynamic in a cockpit as Vader is, no one. Like Anakin Skywalker before him, Darth Vader was fully able to submerse himself into the Force and allow his instincts to fully take over. Why is it so difficult to shoot him down? He’s so familiar with space and his knowledge of warfare is so precise that he can calculate the attempts of his adversaries before they even know what to do! It’s true. The Force is without a doubt his number one ally, but his understanding of battle scenarios is so intricate that he knows what’s coming. All in all, he’s deadly on the ground and lethal in the air.

Final Word

Why is Vader so important? What is his legacy? To put it as simply as I can, Darth Vader is Star Wars. The first time he appears in the movies, he has an aura of ghoulish malevolence.




