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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #3

The 3rd character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Darth Sidious!

Darth Sidious Overall = 98

The very epitome of the Dark Side, Darth Sidious is just that.

The perfect mixture of absolute evil and ruthless efficiency, with a side of infinite brilliance is who the Dark Lord is.

There is no being ever…EVER, who has the mental wherewithal as well as the pristine work ethic combined with the sheer desire to be great as Darth Sidious.

The conniving Sidious was destined for greatness from day one.

As a child of a nobleman on Naboo, Sheev Palpatine grew up in a life of luxury.

Palpatine would eventually cross paths with the legendary Darth Plagueis who would take the young Sidious on as his own apprentice.

Fed up with the restraints that was his family, Palpatine brutally murdered his parents as well as his siblings.

You see, Sidious had an intense hunger. A shockingly potent blood thirst that would only end with his death, Sidious would wreak havoc on the Galaxy until the very end.

Darth Nihilus might have been donned the Lord of Hunger but I’d argue that the Dark Lord Darth Sidious would have been a more fitting choice.

When it comes to what you want in a Dark Side acolyte, Darth Sidious is everything and more.

He truly had it all from skill and talent, to decisive action and overwhelming ability.

One might argue…what didn’t he have?


  • Supreme Darkness (Strength, 99/100)- With his ability to control absolutely everything in the Galaxy through sheer wit and mental jousting, authoritative dominance within the Force and the understanding of life itself, Sidious reigned supreme. He is the complete package when you break it down. With his way of having a say in every single factor in a confrontation, a meeting or just everyday life, his use of Dark Side is at the very precipice within the Force.
  • “Vision” (Strength, 99/100)- The Sith Lord that so famously mocked Luke for his lack of vision as he tortured him to his “inevitable” death was blessed with the most capable and dynamic farshight throughout the history of Force-users. Even Yoda’s talent to look into the ever-changing future clouded up as a result of Sidious’ doing. It’s ironic that the Emperor saw visions of Vader bringing Luke before him and yet it ultimately would be his downfall…what a pity. Still, his powerful usage of the skill brought him to his lofty spot on top of the Galaxy.
  • He Who is the Force (Strength, 99/100)- Darth Sidious wasn’t just a high and mighty Force-user, he was the Force-user. At the time of his death, he had practically mastered every facet of his repertoire within the Force. This included his devastating and go-to ability of his Force lightning. With an enormous amount of power and drive behind the crackling electric energy, the unrelenting barrage of blueish light was a certain death sentence. As stated above, he would use his Force lightning not only as an attack but even as a disciplinary measure. His total and utter control over this debilitating tactic is just one example of many on how dominant and deserving the Dark Lord is of being the top ranked Sith.
  •  Intelligence (Strength, 99/100)- Look, this is as clear and blatant as I can be…Darth Sidious, the Emperor, Sheev Palpatine whatever you want to call him, is the most intelligent, sharpest individual and most understanding and witty being throughout Star Wars. The level of his reach permeated every single corner of the Galaxy. With his dark shadow of influence spread throughout, the fun part was all that remained for Sidious as he enjoyed the knowledge of practically everything. I guess that’s what you get when you learn under Plagueis…
  • Overconfidence (Weakness), 90/100)- You might ask why would a trait designated as a weakness be rated so high? Well the very notion of Palpatine’s confidence is what got him to his position of power in the first place! It only failed him in the end…As Luke stated to the Emperor’s face, his overconfidence was most definitely his weakness but you know what? That’s about the man’s ONLY weakness!


  • The Dark in the Light (Strength, 95/100)- From the guttural sounds to the harsh behavior, you can take one look at Sidious’ actions and behavior and immediately suspect the man to be a demon directly spawned from hell. Yet his intense combination of power, mind and position remained the physical calling card of Palpatine. To completely achieve a victory in a plot that ran throughout the very heart of the entire capital of the Republic is completely remarkable. He really was one of a kind.

Final Word

When you think of corruption, who comes to mind? What about total control over everything and everyone? And when you think of someone as a supernatural force? Yea that’s Sidious in a nutshell. His level of success throughout his time alive was miraculous, it was inspiring heck it was completely unheard of! The one individual who has very strikingly similar characteristics and qualities with Sidious is the one that is referred to as the Sith Emperor…Lord Vitiate, Lord Valkorian, whatever you want to call him, he and Palpatine’s roots run on similar paths. Of course the main difference between the two would have to be the longevity of the Sith Emperor’s and the lack there of with Sidious. Vitiate’s reign lasted thousands of years as to Sidious’ mere 23. In the end, you would have to believe that that would be Palpatine’s ultimate regret..the lack of immortality, a gift he greatly desired….

-Sith Pacify out







