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What to Make of the Japanese Trailer

An international trailer was released this week and wow did it deliver. Very similar to the third trailer that was debuted during ESPN’s Monday Night Football, this one seemed to show different angles of that one.

Showing never before seen interactions between BB-8 and Rey as well as the introduction between Rey and Finn.

What was fascinating and maybe a bit of an Easter egg as well was a new line of Kylo Ren’s, “I will fulfill our destiny.”

He apparently says this as he is huddled over the crushed remains of Darth Vader’s helmet.

Clearly Ren is related to a cause of Vader’s which you could point to the obvious and say the Sith.

However, I don’t know if that’s true.

Think about this, if Kylo Ren was heavily involved with the Sith and was following the Dark Side, wouldn’t he “finish what you (Darth Sidious) started” with the Emperor?

We won’t know for sure until December 18th but I have a theory that makes sense.

Maybe not so much theory as to a hunch but I think Kylo Ren’s following in Vader’s footsteps is referring to turning Luke to the Dark Side.

If he is following Vader and what “he started” than my theory makes a lot of sense.

The clear cut spotlight of this trailer had to be the total awesomeness of Kylo Ren’s saber.

Several scenes had a closeup of the blade which showed a much different weapon than any we’ve seen.

Besides the prong-like hilt, the blade itself looks like an unstable jagged flame with destructive purposes.

The climax of the trailer is when Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is at Rey’s neck.


Honestly, I don’t know what this scene is about but I am unbelievably excited to find out.

This new trailer has generated even more energy among the masses as they count down the weeks to this highly anticipated film.

What’s special about the trailer however is the new material it has brought us yet it has done so with very little information being told.

We really know nothing more, that’s the fantastic part of all this.

As I said earlier, it’s almost like the third trailer but from different view points.

Once again, Bravo Disney, another job well done.

-Sith Pacify out


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