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3 Things To Watch For In The Star Wars Rebels Season Finale

Well ladies and gentlemen, tonight is the night.

For so long now we’ve been waiting for answers.

As I write this to you now I have chills running up and down.

Ever since I saw the first episode of Star Wars Rebels, I knew this show had immense potential.

But tonight, Rebels turns the corner.

There is so much excitement, so much build up leading into this season finale that the expectations are gigantic.

But with the star power and storylines leading into this one, it has the right amount of dynamite to deliver.

So what exactly are those storylines that you should be looking for?

Let’s take a look!

Will Ezra fall to the Dark Side?


As season two has progressed, there has been more indications of Ezra’s allure to the dark.

Whether it’s in his arrogance in his behavior regarding the others or his blatantly rotten attitude that seems to be spoiling as the season rages on, Ezra is changing.

We’ve seen him in the past go to another level such as when he was battling the Grand Inquisitor in the first season.

But just the way Yoda was warning him gives us an indication that dark clouds are on the horizon for young Ezra.

As a 14 year old boy, he has tremendous potential.

Quite frankly, up to this point I’m surprised that the Inquisitors haven’t tried to seduce him to bring him back to Vader.

It’s clear he’s a lightning rod that’s garnishing a heck of a lot of attention within the Force.

We know he will be meeting Darth Maul tonight but in what context?

In the trailer for the episode, Darth Maul seems to be portraying an old being that’s been crossed one to many times and has resigned to the fact that he now wants to do good.

Well that remains to be seen and if you really think that, you might be in for a rude awakening.


This is Darth Maul we’re talking about! He’s not some weak Force-user that just gets by.

No, he’s as intimidating as they come with a severe and voracious hunger to annihilate anything that resembles the Jedi with merciless hate.

Now could he have changed? I suppose so.

But will he? I doubt it very much so.

Which brings me to my next point.

I do apologize for the bad quality of this video but it was the only one I could find on YouTube.

This video was shown during a commercial break within the last couple weeks during a Rebels episode.

This is so significant to everything I’m saying.

From the video, it certainly looks like Ezra is being egged on by Maul to unleash the fury of the Dark Side on the Seventh Sister.


What an amazing scene that would be.

So what do you think? Will Ezra be amongst the shadows of the Dark Side after the season finale or will his teachings by Kanan and his devotion to the light prevail?

We will find out soon.

What will Darth Maul represent?


Last time we saw Darth Maul, he was on the ground screaming in agony from Darth Sidious’ Force lightning strikes.

He just lost a duel to Sidious as well as everything else.

He lost his hold on Mandalore, his brother and most likely his freedom.

It was very interesting because Darth Sidious even said to Maul that he wasn’t going to kill him so I always figured that just meant he was going to torture him and that was that.

Well apparently either Maul escaped or was allowed to leave.

And I can’t see Sidious allowing Darth Maul to leave…

To see Darth Maul return to the screen tonight will be so surreal.

He is truly one of the most fantastic characters in all of Star Wars and his presence is just awesome!

But since his defeat to his former Master there’s been nothing on the former Sith Lord.

We have had no indication that he was even alive!

Fast forward 15 years later and Darth Maul is back.

But in what capacity?

We know he will be talking to Ezra and they will reach the subject of the Sith and the Dark Side…

Will Darth Maul speak highly of this entity or will he bash it and blame it for all his terrible misfortune?

I’m not sure but if I had to guess what Maul’s purpose with Ezra is, I would say this.

What if Darth Maul’s goal was to gain a pupil in the Dark Side, one who was very strong but young and foolish?

Someone who Darth Maul could somehow harness their power and take for his own in hopes of ultimately gaining revenge against Darth Sidious.

After all, the setting for tonight’s episode seems to be dealing with holocrons and unnatural means of the Force.

What will happen to Ahsoka?


The most anticipated storyline of the entire Star Wars Rebels existence thus far will play out tonight.

Will Ahsoka meet Darth Vader.

In the last couple episodes, Ahsoka has been trying to come to grips with the fact that this menacing, pure-evil being that is Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker.

It’s clear that Ahsoka has been crushed.

Her appearances over the last two episodes have been brief yet telling.

I feel as if she is broken. Like she has nothing left to live for and wants to see things through that Vader gets what he deserves.

Now I see this playing out another way too.

Maybe Ahsoka is playing all her cards in this moment.

What if she wants to encounter Darth Vader face-to-face to see if their unbreakable bond can alleviate his infection that is the Dark Side?

Now I don’t know how this will end but it’s pretty clear that things don’t look good for Ahsoka…

Personally, I love the character of Ahsoka Tano. I think she’s done so much for so many that even in 10 years we’ll still be marveling at her accomplishments.

With that being said, I fear for her tonight.

At this moment, the man she knew in Anakin Skywalker is truly no more.

We’ve seen and heard countless tales of butchery and devastating brutality come from Darth Vader and tonight will be quite the spectacle.

Anything regarding Vader’s past fuels an intense fire within his heart and gives him reason to unleash unspeakable horrors.

But how will he react when he sees his one and only Padawan?

Will there be even the slightest hint of happiness within Vader?

I doubt it but one can only hope.

You know, this is going to be an emotional episode.

It will tie so many loose ends and allow us to see things more clearly but man, if anything happens to Ahsoka…the sadness will be immense.

-Sith Pacify out



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The Solo Family Rift

Exactly two months ago tonight The Force Awakens was released in theaters everywhere.

After the curtains were raised and the smoke cleared, a powerful emptiness could be felt.

Ben Solo who of course is Kylo Ren, plunged his unstable lightsaber into the chest of every Star Wars fan’s beloved hero Han Solo.

Thus cementing himself as a bona fide villain.

Of course everybody and anybody who considers themselves even remotely familiar with the Galaxy far far away saga knows this outcome…

But there’s more.

As we try to make sense of everything, I think there’s a more than reasonable chance that a looming deficit in the Skywalker/Solo family will be filled.

When Han was killed, much more was lost than a smuggler who just happened to be the husband of the General with the Resistance.

With Han, the Galaxy lost a sliver of hope; an individual who was instrumental in many distant clashes with the defeated Empire.

Someone who was as much responsible in the sacking of the first Death Star as Luke was.

But as we gather our thoughts and try and carry on, something jumps out.

With Han now out of the picture, the puzzle is left with Kylo Ren and Leia as a remaining piece is missing.

So I ask you this. Is Rey that piece?

It’s clear that Han took a liking to her almost immediately and that the chemistry was blatantly there.


What about when Rey seemingly sees Leia for the first time?

Think there’s something there too?

Sure looked that way…


Lastly, what about the combative and emotional Kylo Ren?

It seemed that Ren was caught off guard immediately after “a girl” was said to be with the The First Order’s escaped trooper (Finn).

Even more so, it almost was as if Kylo Ren knew exactly who this girl was after she awoke in the interrogation cell.

There is definitely a noticeable look in his eyes when he had Rey all to himself.

Almost as if, he knows who she is and is eager to speak with her…

4972970-0272088028-twoup.jpgIt’s my opinion that Rey is Han and Leia’s daughter and that Kylo Ren is indeed her older brother.

The evidence for her to be the daughter of Luke is overwhelming as well and that very easily could be the case.

But there’s a rivalry brewing between Rey and Kylo Ren.

To me, for them to be cousins is not strong enough of a foundation.

I think that Rey is the missing piece in the equation that is the Skywalker/Solo family tree.

I think she is the key to Intergalactic progress whether that be enslaving every being and turning to the Dark Side or freeing the aforementioned Galaxy of its shackles once and for all.

I guess we’ll just have to wait to know for sure…

-Sith Pacify out



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We NEED More Darth Maul!

When you think of awesome Star Wars characters, Darth Maul is one of the first that comes to mind.

He is by far the most unique, animal-like beings throughout the entire saga.

Whether it’s his snarl that best resembles a predator ready to leap or his voracious heaves of his lightsaber, Darth Maul is a literal beast.


So if you’re reading this you’re probably saying “Of course he is, we all know that. What’s your point?”

Well my point is this: Why is a character that is so spectacularly awesome barely in Star Wars????

The man is a revenge seeking missile hellbent on vindicating his name and glory as he believes himself to be the chosen one.

He is a civilized entity that breathes fire and spits lightning.

Darth Maul, Lord of the Sith is about as terrifying and merciless as anyone in Star Wars history.

The following clip sums up the guy’s prowess perfectly. Check it out.

Now that’s some powerful stuff…

You have to be pretty cold-hearted to walk in Darth Maul’s shoes.

But you know all of this.

So where am I trying to go with this?

The point is, Darth Maul is returning.


The Dathomirian devil will return to Star Wars Rebels at some point in Season 2.

With another episode tomorrow night, the excitement of the possibility of seeing the legendary Sith/assassin back in action is at an all time high.

It will be fascinating to see what this prolific character’s role will be as there are a million ways to go.

Will he be a secret agent working directly under Darth Sidious with the sole intent of bringing Ezra Bridger to face the Emperor?

Will he be a lone wolf dedicated to the shadows as much as the Dark Side?

Or will he be a scarred and battered soul that is working against his former Master?

With so many possibilities it makes you wonder. What the heck took so long!?

Darth Maul is a character that has so much to offer everyone.

He provides a shiny new plot to any story, he excites Star Wars fans of any age with his unorthodox style and he is undeniably a force to be reckoned with.

I think it’s a darn shame that it took this long for Maul to be reintroduced to the mainstream audiences of Star Wars.

By mainstream I simply mean television or movies rather than books or comics.

Now, yes he was in The Clone Wars but only in a handful of episodes out of well over a hundred and you know what? That doesn’t do this great character justice.


I firmly believe that Darth Maul deserves his own independent film and hey, maybe that’s the direction Disney is going here.

If that is the case then well, Disney? THE WORLD THANKS YOU!

But in all seriousness, there should be about half a dozen video games dedicated to this guy, he should have his own show that mainly focuses on Maul’s acts of the Dark and like I said, even his own movie.

Just think about it…

There’s no one like him! Darth Maul is arguably the most physically gifted character, one of the most talented lightsaber wielders and his skills as an assassin just add to his legendary status of elite!

The man survived being cut in half and a never ending fall for goodness’ sake!

Not even the powerful Mace Windu was able to survive similar a defeat…or so we think…

Anyways, I just think Darth Maul deserves so much more credit than what he’s gotten in terms of recognition.

I think he needs to be in more of the spotlight and honestly, I expect that to be the case in the future.

-Sith Pacify out



Disney, entertainment value, Power, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens

The Greatness of Ren

The Force Awakens brought us many great things.

But in my mind, the greatest of the great is the now infamous, Kylo Ren.


When he first descended from his command shuttle and stood at the end of the ramp within the shadows, I knew this guy meant business.

Now I know I’m not alone with these sentiments.

Kylo Ren has intrigued the fan base and became the franchise’s next IT factor.

But, why?

What makes him so captivating?

For starters, his emotion.

There is a searing scorching inferno booming in Kylo Ren’s heart.

The man is directed by emotion and motivated by his feelings.

THAT is what jumped out at me immediately.

You can hear it in his voice, you can see it in his actions and you can see it in his decisions he makes.

There’s a reason why characters like Darth Sidious and Darth Vader were so popular in the past and Kylo Ren is no different.

Bathed in cryptic secrecy, the voice of this hooded man immensely adds to the already dynamic allure of Kylo Ren.

When you first hear the sinister voice of Ren, right away you want to hear more.


As he talks to Lor San Tekka at the beginning of the movie, the conversation just got better and better.

Hearing Ren respond with that deep confidence that makes up his voice was intense.

There’s just something about a helmet wearing character that’s talking through a speaking apparatus that is so tantalizing!


Another aspect of Kylo Ren that makes him a prime candidate in popularity is his bloodline.

When you are the grandson of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, the nephew of Luke Skywalker and the son of Han Solo…you’re a pretty big deal.

The entire basis of Star Wars is predicated off of the Skywalker family tree.

With that being said, Kylo Ren is the newest member introduced to the fans that fits this category.

But infused with his high profile relatives is the unknown. We know so little about Kylo Ren and why his relationship with his family ended so badly.

And yes, it ended badly…


Now this might not be as major of a reason why he’s so popular as his emotions or his family, but it still plays a pretty big role.

The infamy of Ren’s lightsaber has enamored everyone and anyone from our first glimpse of it back when it was first released.


For starters, its unique handle bars of fire-crackling energy sets it apart.

Never before have we seen anything remotely close to this.

But that’s not all.

You see, Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is so much more than that.

It’s an extension of himself, almost another limb of his body or his spirit.

The Jedi preach that your lightsaber is more than just a tool, in fact they say exactly what I said in terms of a lightsaber and it being an “extension” of oneself.

You have to look at this blade more closely.

Look at any other lightsaber in the history of Star Wars.


They’re all powerful solid beams that exude elegance and simplicity.

Now Ren’s blade is vastly different.

I’ve explained it many times before on here but it’s worth mentioning again and again.

His lightsaber is so unpredictable. You can practically see surging energy flow up and down the blade in a spiral motion.

When I think of this weapon, the word “unstable” quickly comes to mind.


I think this is done on purpose as well.

It’s a reflection of the blade’s wielder more than anything.

A conflicted, hurting man he is and his lighsaber is the perfect compliment to this already diabolical concoction known as Kylo Ren.

Last but not least, the final piece of Kylo Ren’s mental makeup that sets him apart from others is his unforeseen future.

So similar to Anakin is Kylo Ren, so very alike in many ways yet polar opposites in others.

Ren’s “Padmé ” in all of this is his grip on the Dark Side.

The conversation he had with his father right before he dove his blade through Han’s chest was inexplicably telling.

He feels the pull to the light, there is no doubt about that.

But his desire to remain in the darkness, to finish what his grandfather started is his main goal, his priority.

He repeatedly pledges his allegiance to the mystifying Supreme Leader Snoke and this only adds to his aura.

Who is Snoke? Is he Darth Plagueis?

The saga of Ren will inevitably lead us to these answers and many more.

For now, we’re left with many unforunate unanswered questions.

But one thing is for sure, Kylo Ren is as fascinating as he is compelling.

I can’t wait to see more of this guy, one of my new favorite characters.


-Sith Pacify out

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How about a Rated “R” Star Wars Movie?

I know what you’re thinking…crazy right?

It would never happen?

Well, I get the marketing dynamics of an R rating for a Star Wars film but for this post, think of strictly entertainment value and what that rating could bring with it.

Throughout all six Star Wars films, only one was NOT rated PG.

That one film was Episode III Revenge of the Sith. 

But regardless, what would be the point of an R rated Star Wars film you might ask?

Well, think about this.

light-saber-10-mil-disney-geeks-and-cleats.jpgLightsaber Duels

The iconic image of Star Wars is two interlocking lightsabers.

Normally one is a crimson red and the other a vibrant blue or an enchanting green.

But besides the color, the idea each combatant has within each saber bout is to maul their enemy.

Well, in the films, besides maybe a loss of limb or maybe the very rare decapitation, normally the battle results in a impaled-type of a result.

So if one of the films were rated R, I believe you’d see a different type of ending.

First off, these weapons are laser swords. Their abilities to hack and mutilate would truly be explored.

I think there would be a lot more gruesome deaths. Something that you’d see in reality with such a weapon.


Remember that scene where Anakin cut off both of Dooku’s hands and then eventually lopped off his head as well?

Well with an R rating, Star Wars deaths would be more and more similar as this one.

I mean, let’s face it. A lighsaber is a powerful yet grisly weapon.

It takes little effort for the energy blade to slice through human flesh.

Now in an actual bout, well, there’s a lot more effort than just a little…

Thank god for the cauterizing abilities a lightsaber induces.

Without it, you might see a bunch of entrails piling up under the massive incisions…

Yea…not a pretty sight.


Love Scenes

Now there’s not many love scenes in Star Wars but the one glaring and fairly obvious one is between Anakin and Padme.

I’m not saying that this is something I would necessarily be advocating for, but I think it would add a certain culture of identity for their relationship.

Before I continue, I do also want to add that I thought George Lucas’ portrayal of their kindling of their relationship in the early days (while Anakin and Padme were hiding out on Naboo) was shown perfectly.

Lucas basically showed the enticement between the two while staying within the parameters of a PG rated movie.

Nonetheless, if the film was rated R well, I think things would get awfully steamy.

Sexual encounters and the prevalence of passion between characters would be numerous.

Scenes of love would be fully exposed to their fullest meaning.

But alas, the films remained PG and PG-13 which in Luke and Leia’s case….might be a great thing.



True Intentions of Torture and Treatment

When I first thought of this subject, this is what I was thinking about.

The Sith are ruthless and relentless.

Just imagine what would have been shown if they had no restrictions.

You see, Darth Sidious comes immediately to the forefront when I begin thinking of this.

His treatment of those who wronged him would not be so subtle.

Such as Luke at the end of ROTJ when he tortures the young Jedi with his force lightning.

Now I could be wrong on this.

Sidious is a man of elegance and efficiency.

He might be okay with injuring Luke with his force abilities so I think I’ll brush him aside and bring in the next subject, Vader.


Remember this scene?

If the movie was rated R, you think he’d just choke his enemies and just leave it at that? Definitely not.

Vader would have all of his adversaries feel his pure hatred and endure his wrath.

You ever see Game of Thrones?

If you have, you might be familiar with the scene where Oberyn Martell is horrifyingly killed by The Mountain…


If a Star Wars film was rated R, I definitely think you’d see a lot more of deaths like this.

After all, Vader is bigger than The Mountain…


Unfortunately for all us Star Wars fans that would like to see the fights and stories played out with no restrictions, there’s just no way a film like this would ever be rate R.

From the lack of movie-goers to the loss in sales, everything leads back to money and Star Wars would be losing out.

But hey, we can always imagine right?

Until next time Star Wars fans.

-Sith Pacify out














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What to Make of the Japanese Trailer

An international trailer was released this week and wow did it deliver. Very similar to the third trailer that was debuted during ESPN’s Monday Night Football, this one seemed to show different angles of that one.

Showing never before seen interactions between BB-8 and Rey as well as the introduction between Rey and Finn.

What was fascinating and maybe a bit of an Easter egg as well was a new line of Kylo Ren’s, “I will fulfill our destiny.”

He apparently says this as he is huddled over the crushed remains of Darth Vader’s helmet.

Clearly Ren is related to a cause of Vader’s which you could point to the obvious and say the Sith.

However, I don’t know if that’s true.

Think about this, if Kylo Ren was heavily involved with the Sith and was following the Dark Side, wouldn’t he “finish what you (Darth Sidious) started” with the Emperor?

We won’t know for sure until December 18th but I have a theory that makes sense.

Maybe not so much theory as to a hunch but I think Kylo Ren’s following in Vader’s footsteps is referring to turning Luke to the Dark Side.

If he is following Vader and what “he started” than my theory makes a lot of sense.

The clear cut spotlight of this trailer had to be the total awesomeness of Kylo Ren’s saber.

Several scenes had a closeup of the blade which showed a much different weapon than any we’ve seen.

Besides the prong-like hilt, the blade itself looks like an unstable jagged flame with destructive purposes.

The climax of the trailer is when Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is at Rey’s neck.


Honestly, I don’t know what this scene is about but I am unbelievably excited to find out.

This new trailer has generated even more energy among the masses as they count down the weeks to this highly anticipated film.

What’s special about the trailer however is the new material it has brought us yet it has done so with very little information being told.

We really know nothing more, that’s the fantastic part of all this.

As I said earlier, it’s almost like the third trailer but from different view points.

Once again, Bravo Disney, another job well done.

-Sith Pacify out

entertainment value, sci fi, Star Wars, TV, WordPress

The Inquisitors, Ezra and the Direction of Star Wars Rebels


Last night, the third episode of season 2 aired for the exciting show of Star Wars Rebels.

There were some twists, nothing major that we didn’t see coming, but the major takeaway was the revealing of the “other” Inquisitor.


This new Inquisitor is known as the Seventh Sister and last night we got a little taste of what she can bring to the table.

Both Inquisitors, for the first time this season, met main characters Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren and Zeb Orrelios when they were scouting an abandoned Republic medical station.

What occurred from that point on surprised me.

Ezra put his life on the line to protect Sabine as the Seventh Sister was rapidly approaching the duo.

By destroying a door panel, he effectively cut himself off from Sabine or more importantly Sabine from their new enemy.

What I find most fascinating by Ezra is his growth and maturity. Now i’m not saying he’s grown and mature but his actions do remind me of another young Jedi…


That’s right, it’s Anakin Skywalker!

Can’t you see it? Don’t you see a resemblance in their origins and their behavior?

I thought about this comparison in the first season of the show but dismissed the notion since Anakin was one of the strongest ever and Ezra seemed minuscule in power compared to Skywalker.

But besides strength and ability, both characters have eerily similar personalities.

I think Ezra is still a bit more level headed than the dangerous and erratic young Anakin but still there are some similarities!

Basically sacrificing himself for Sabine’s safety is a very Anakin-like trait. I think this is the beginning of Mr. Bridger growing up and becoming more of a leader.

With that being said, the episode continues with the two Inquisitors taking Ezra and eventually Sabine captive in hopes of luring Kanan and more importantly Ahsoka to the station.

Now this is where I thought the episode took a weird turn in direction…

Basically, Zeb is able to free both Ezra and Sabine by tricking the Inquisitors into thinking Ahsoka and Kanan are en route.

What I find hard to believe and a bit discouraging is the fact that the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother were able to let two kids out of their grasp with very little effort.


Ezra is approximately 15 years old and Sabine is supposed to be only 16…with the Empire being so concerned with the Rebel movement and sending out not one but TWO Inquisitors, you’d think they’d be at least a bit more qualified.

To be fair, they did almost stop the mini ship that belonged to the Ghost.

The Inquisitors both used the power of the Dark Side to latch on to the Phantom and nearly brought the ship down.

Now if that did happen, honestly I would have a completely different tone right now.

Alas, it did not and two Inquisitors who were trained and briefed for hunting down Rebels by Darth Vader himself failed.

I mean, both Inquisitors looked awesome but seriously lacked in ability.

I guess we’ll find out!

As for the overall direction, I find it fascinating that the two of them are after Ahsoka.

Under the direction of Vader, it seems that we are going to inevitably see the apprentice face the master eventually.

Now THAT episode will be absolutely epic.

-Sith Pacify out

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My Analysis on the Force Awakens Trailers


Last night, we finally got to see the highly anticipated third trailer for The Force Awakens.

So, now that we saw it, what did we think?

The word that comes to my mind when describing the trailer is tantalizing. 

Look I think this was easily the best trailer. It touched on so many facets of intrigue and curiosity for Star Wars fans.

Yet at the same time, it descended us all in an unimaginable deeper mystery.

We still don’t know what’s going on or what is really happening but there are plenty of ideas and rumors out there.


Now I want to compare the three trailers because I think I’ve found some connections.

The second scene in the first trailer has BB-8 desperately rolling away from somewhere or something.


Next you see stormtroopers inside what looks like an Imperial transport ship as the ramp of the vehicle drops down.


The following scene is what makes me see a connection between the trailers…

Rey looks as if she is in a frantic hurry as she rides away on a speeder.


Now fast forward to the second trailer.

It begins with Rey riding the same speeder towards a downed Star Destroyer.

Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 3.58.48 PM

Next I want to jump to last night’s trailer, stay with me here, I think I’ve found a correlation.

In the beginning of the trailer, the second image shows Rey climbing some structure.

Screen Shot 2015-10-19 at 7.24.36 PM

The next couple scenes have Rey continue to search this vast room as she appears to be scavenging.

Here’s the connection.

All of these images and scenes came at the same points in all three trailers. It is very plausible to say that Rey was traveling towards the downed Star Destroyer, she goes inside what looks like an old broken down hangar and is searching around.

I think what happens next is the Empire somehow discovers her presence. That would explain the stormtroopers who appear to be unloading for some kind of action.

Well, what if inside that Star Destroyer, there was some kind of ancient artifact that was being transported before the enormous structure was shot down?

It could very well be since Rey looks like she’s leaving in a hurry from the same area in the first trailer as if she is being pursued.

Another scene that could help explain my theory is the fact that the third trailer shows Rey and BB-8 calmly walking throughout the deserts of Jakku.


Now, if Rey and BB-8 were discovered to be doing something that the Empire didn’t want them to do, the scene in the first trailer that I described above fits perfectly into my theory.

What if BB-8 and Rey got separated? It would definitely make sense since the little droid is seen rolling away as fast as he can with the emotion of fear all over in the first trailer.

The next image I want to disscuss is during the second trailer when we see the Millennium Falcon flying into what looks like the old remains of the same downed Star Destroyer’s engine.


Could it be that Han and Chewie somehow also learn of Rey’s presence in the fallen ship and try to rescue her from the Empire’s clutches?

I’m not sure but the stills definitely seem to agree with the theory.

In the third trailer, after the quick image of what looks like a forest being obliterated, you see the Millennium Falcon involved in a dogfight with two TIE fighters.

Of course this is all speculation but hey, who knows. The pieces seem to fit and there’s nothing concrete on what exactly is going on in these scenes at this point.

Now for all three of the trailers, as of right now I don’t see a huge amount of scenes that seem like they could be explained if put together so I won’t go from image to image.

What I was Looking For

On my Twitter account last night after the trailer aired, I listed three things I wanted to see in the trailer.


As you can see, 2/3 of these were fulfilled.

I have a feeling that the character of Kylo Ren is going to be so epic and awesome that his he will inspire future Halloween costumes for years to come.

What made me even more satisfied however was the fact that we got to hear Ren’s voice.

We’ve seen some similarities between him and Darth Vader thus far but the mechanically enhanced voice now just adds even more wonder.

Not to mention the fact that Kylo Ren seemed to be mystified by the crushed and mutilated helmet of Vaders’ as we saw in the trailer.


That was just plain cool!

The next on my list of what I wanted to see was more of the main characters.

This was fulfilled for me as well as we got to see and hear a lot more of Han as he indulged us in a perfect display of acting prowess as he seemingly told Rey and Finn that everything about the Dark Side and Jedi is all true.

I loved that seen. Harrison Ford is fantastic and it gives me chills just thinking about watching him on the big screen once again delivering another A+ performance of Han Solo.

Although we didn’t see much, we did see more of Chewbacca and you know what? What we saw was enough and okay for me.

As for Leia, we finally saw her as she is visibly upset and very much distressed while being embraced by Han.

Honestly, I don’t even want to speculate on what this could mean but for Leia and Han to be this mournful, it can’t be good…


Now, the final part of my list that I hoped to see in the trailer was Luke.

Of course we know that he did not appear or even speak. (like he did in the second trailer)

In addition to not seeing Luke, over the weekend the official Star Wars poster was released and there was one mammoth takeaway from it…THERE’S NO LUKE!!


So before I panic and we all lose our minds, where the heck is Luke!?

There’s no way of knowing for sure but here are some theories…

If he is one of the centerpieces of the film (we all assume he is) and something drastic is to happen to him, maybe they are building up anticipation?

Another theory I thought of is, what if he is somehow mangled and disfigured?

Think about it, we haven’t seen his face in any of the trailers yet and the one figure that could be him is when we see someone touching the dome of R2-D2 with a mechanical hand.


As we saw in the original trilogy, there was a flesh colored appearance over the prosthetic that replaced his right hand but if he was badly injured somehow…who knows?

The figure is shrouded in what looks like the classic Jedi cloak with the hood pulled over to hide the face.

So really I’m not sure, purely speculation at this point.

End Game

So, to sum things up, the final trailer was everything it had to be and more.

It was amazing, it was fantastic and it was really awesome.

Although I didn’t think it could happen, I am even more psyched for the release of this film.

I don’t have much criticisms for the trailer in fact for the whole Force Awakens campaign as a whole I have nothing negative to say.

Disney did everything right to this point and there’s no reason to expect that not to continue.

-Sith Pacify out

entertainment value, film, sci fi, Star Wars, video games, WordPress

How about a Movie for the Old Republic!


The movies of Star Wars that we have all fallen so deeply in love with gives us tales of epic bouts between good and evil.

Massive underdogs winning with the slimmest odds.

Demonstrations of colossal power on an intergalactic level.

And, of course, love, triumph and closure.

Yes, Star Wars has all the major selling points to a masterpiece of a film.

But what if I told you, what people see and know from the movies is only half of the story?

Here’s the point, I’ve met so many people who tell me they are huge Star Wars fans or that they know everything about Star Wars.

But when we start to discuss how we feel about this or that, they seem to go back on their comments and hit me with a “Oh sorry, I was talking about the movies. I know everything about the movies.”

Now it’s not that person’s fault that they thought they knew everything about Star Wars, no not at all.

Instead, I look at the decision-makers at Lucasfilm.

Why are we just seeing a small snippet of all that Star Wars has to offer on the big screen??

The fact is, within the Old Republic days of Star Wars, there is so much vital information that is not only important for even a mild Star Wars fan to know but it’s just plain awesome!


Incredible characters like Darth Malgus, Revan, Darth Malak, Darth Bane, Lord Vitiate Satele Shan, Bastila Shan, Exar Kun, Darth Nihilus, Darth Talon are just some of the fascinating members of this era.

So, I’ll ask again. Why in the world are we not seeing movies of these guys!?

To answer my own question, I think the logic behind Lucasfilm in not making a movie from the Old Republic era is because it’s just not as well known as the more classical Star Wars era.

I believe this decision, or lack there of is based off of familiarity. People who aren’t reading the books or comics and who aren’t playing the computer and video games are just not familiar with this part of the Star Wars saga.

With that being said, I’m hoping with The Force Awakens coming out soon (71 days) we will start to see more and more material from all over the Star Wars timeline.

If they were to release a film on the Old Republic, they could help shed some light onto the Sith.

Hear me out.

Within the prequels, we see the Jedi Council and thousands of Jedi.

On the other side of the spectrum, we see a grand total of four partakers of the Dark Side.

So, why is that? How well known is The Rule of Two?

That all stems from the Old Republic.

How about the planet of Korriban? Do fans know that there is a Sith species that is from Korriban?

These are very important aspects of Star Wars.


Now of course I’m aware that a movie would only be produced if its perceived entertainment value would be high.

I promise you, a movie on the Old Republic would be incredibly popular.

Throughout the entire Old Republic, there are many many wars.

What makes these giant conflicts different from the more traditional battles that we see in the original trilogy is the widespread lightsaber combat.

What really would make the Old Republic’s entertainment value high is the fact that in the major wars during the era, the good side (Republic) fought the bad side (Sith) with lightsabers!

With the use of lightsaber and force warfare, plus major characters like Darth Malgus, Darth Revan and Malak, this would truly make one hell of a movie


In the end, I would really like to see a movie that takes place in the Old Republic.

I think it would not only give life to some of the most awesome characters ever imagined but also allow fans to be more in tune with the Star Wars universe.

Lucasfilm, if you’re reading this, (it would be awesome if they were but I unfortunately doubt it) please make it happen!

-Sith Pacify out

sci fi, Star Wars, TV, WordPress

How about a TV show for the Sith?


I’m going to start this off in a really simple way.

Star Wars has two sides. There is the good. The Jedi, the Rebellion and the living force. T

here is also bad. The evils of the Sith, the Empire and of course the Dark Side.

Now let’s take a step back and look at Star Wars from a commercialized standpoint.

There are plenty of Star Wars shows out there. Excellent shows that really tell the story of Star Wars from different angles.

There’s just one problem, every single one of these shows have one thing in common.

They all represent the light side of the force or the ethical point of the view.

Of course there are certain episodes within shows that have dark intentions but the vast majority are all about the Jedi, the clones or the good-hearted perspective.

Now, from a marketing standpoint it just wouldn’t make sense for the Star Wars minds and decision makers to create a show centered around an evil force.

But this isn’t about marketing. No, what I’m referring to is the background and stories behind the central aspects that are a part of Star Wars.

The Sith…


I know everyone won’t agree with me on this, but I absolutely loved the prequels. I thought they were awesome and they told the story of what happened, exactly how it happened.

With that being said, there is one thing they got wrong.

The fans of Star Wars who won’t be reading the books or won’t be following individual storylines will never know how deep the roots of evil run.

By that I mean the stories of the Sith.

For instance, the ultimate manipulator within the Star Wars saga, the Emperor, truly doesn’t get his full story told.

Like, how did he come to power, how did he become so relevant in the galaxy as well as a super powerful force within the Dark Side?

Another untold story from the movies is the whole deal with Count Dooku becoming Darth Sidious’s new apprentice.

How did that happen? Why would Sidious want a former Jedi in his 80’s as his understudy?

The way the movies portray what happened, it just doesn’t make sense.

Now that I’ve established that there are some legitimate questions, let’s think about how they could be answered.

Just like the TV show The Clone Wars, why not create a show that is relatively around the same period but on the opposite side of the spectrum?

Well if I had my way, I’d create a show called The Sith Chronicles.

The show would take place immediately after Darth Maul was defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Why it would start then is because Sidious’s master plan begins to take shape.

Shortly after Maul is killed, Senator Palpatine is named as Chancellor Valorum’s successor.

Later that day, as Darth Plagueis is celebrating with his apprentice Darth Sidious, the newly appointed Chancellor would truly earn his Sith Lord title as he maliciously tortured his mentor and master.

As a Star Wars fan, can you honestly tell me that you wouldn’t want to see a show that captivates this scene?

After seeing Sidious fight Yoda, all I wanted to see was more of him!

A character as devious and evil as Darth Sidious deserves the attention of a television show. I mean, the movies really don’t do him justice!

The Sith Chronicles could also elaborate on how Count Dooku and Darth Sidous became a Sith tandem.

I know how they came about but do you?

Star Wars needs more exposure. I’ve said it in my other posts, we are approaching a golden age!

Give us all the Star Wars material from all the angles!

After the Chronicles sheds some light on the Dooku/Sidious tandem, it could then expose the unknown origins of General Grievous.

For someone to understand the Star Wars timeline, they should really know both sides of the story.

Afterall, it was the Dark Lord himself who said “If one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects”

So, I say to you, Star Wars decision makers, PLEASE GIVE US DEVOTED FANS THE SITH CHRONICLES!!

-Sith Pacify out

