ABC, Advertising, Disney, entertainment value, ESPN, film, George Lucas, marketing, sci fi, Star Wars, Star Wars Prequels, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars Rogue One, The Force Awakens, TV

What To Expect In The New Rogue One Trailer

With the Star Wars Celebration taking place in London this week, we will get another look at Rogue One.

This Friday on ABC a one hour special titled  “Secrets of the Force Awakens” will air and at some point in that broadcast we will get a look at the next Rogue One trailer.

But what will we see?

Besides the storyline of Resistance efforts to steal the Empire’s plans for the Death Star, there’s very little known on what exactly we can expect.

The first trailer gave us some epic shots of awesomeness and some new characters, but besides that we’re still very much in the dark.

Before I continue I want to first say that Disney is the absolute best at keeping movie details under wraps until the films are released.

For instance, with The Force Awakens we all had no clue what was going to happen.

I would expect the same with RO.

Before you start to think of what will be seen in the next trailer, it’s important to see the parallels with TFA.

The second TFA trailer was released last in April 2015 during the Star Wars celebration in California.

As you can see, the trailer had almost nothing of substance.

Normally I would suggest the same thing will occur with RO’s next trailer but you know what? I don’t think that’s the case.

With the TFA, things were different. We all knew the six Star Wars movies like the back of our hands.

We were searching and craving for any little snippet of picture time that showcased our favorite characters and vigorously searched far and wide for any plot twists.

That’s exactly why the trailers for the movie were so vanilla. They were released knowing that the public would eat up anything Star Wars related.

But as I said earlier with RO, there’s very little known information on what is to come.

That brings me to my next point. Because there’s a real lack of knowledge, I fully expect to see something mind blowing, something that we will be talking about for months to come.

What could that exactly be?Maybe more screen time for the man in the white cape?  What about a demonstration of sheer might from the Empire? Or maybe an appearance of Darth Vader!?

All of these possibilities would be pretty epic but the last one is what I’m hoping for.

But on the realistic side of things I’m not sure exactly if that would really happen.

Would it make sense for RO to show their biggest and most popular character in only the second trailer?

Honestly I’m not sure.

With TFA, probably the biggest takeaway was the deformed helmet of Darth Vader and the hearing of Luke’s voice.

Looking back that was pretty major considering Kylo Ren is Luke’s nephew and the second trailer clearly foreshadowed that pretty big nugget with Luke’s line of “The Force is strong in my family.”

It’s almost a sure bet we will see something similar in this trailer with RO considering that Disney is very high on symmetry.

But think about it. What else do you want to see in RO that has not been mentioned before.

I know what I would want and that’s an appearance of the Emperor.


It would definitely make sense. With the amount of resources the Empire sunk into the Death Star and the amount of importance it holds for them, you would expect the top man to be around right?

I do believe Palpatine will be in RO but my one concern is I’m not sure if he will be in the second trailer or even the third.

It might be showing your cards too early and when it comes to Star Wars, rookie mistakes like that are never made.

You ever see a trailer for a movie like a Marvel Comics superhero flick where it feels like it’s 35 minutes long and by the time it’s over you’re almost under the impression that you just saw all the good parts??

Yea well Star Wars doesn’t have that ridiculousness…

Star Wars decision makers do it right and something they are absolutely famous for is not revealing anything too important.

I do believe RO is a different animal because it is so new but I wouldn’t be that surprised if we do see something pretty spectacular in the trailer since I’m sure they’re wanting to build up the buzz.

In the end, what will we see?

Main characters of other previous films? Possibly.

Parts of intense fighting scenes? Probably.

Could their be some hints leading to something major? I fully expect it.


All I know is I’m excited for Friday.

RO will be fantastic and I just can’t wait to learn more.

-Sith Pacify out








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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: 17

The 17th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Kylo Ren!

Kylo Ren Overall = 90

In The Force Awakens, we were introduced to new characters.

But none of them were as epically demonstrative as the awesome Kylo Ren.

Infused with sheer emotion and electric raw power, Kylo Ren is so comparable with a young Anakin who also happens to be the Grandfather of Ren’s.

The excitingly sporadic character that is Kylo Ren is out for blood, power, legacy, you name it!

With all that being said, how is this young villain so powerful and amazing?

Let’s find out.


  • Strong in the Force (Strength, 94/100)- When we first see Kylo Ren, there is an aura of awe surrounding him. But what truly made Star Wars fan’s jaws drop everywhere was his terrifying use of the Force. We’ve seen many Jedi and Sith block shots from a blaster before but NEVER have we seen someone stop a singeing laser blast frozen in mid-air. Or the effectiveness and effortless way Kylo taps into his victim’s minds to see what they’ve seen. Though it seems he has trouble controlling his powers at times, this diabolical bad guy has an awesome arsenal to work with.
  • Rage of the Wicked (Strength, 92/100)- Like most Sith, Kylo delves into his emotions. He believes it gives him strength. Grants him immense power. Well you know what? It sure does. Kylo Ren’s abilities seem to double or even triple when he’s submerged in his nuclear-style rage. He controls it rather well for someone so young too. It will be fascinating though to see if he ever slips up…
  • Lightsaber Superiority (Strength, 94/100)- It’s evident that Kylo Ren put in a great deal of thinking into his lightsaber. Not only is it ridiculously unique, but believe it or not, the blade is adversely useful. By protecting his hands and becoming another devious weapon. The fire-like crossguard is a fantastic variable in the already different style of swordsmanship that Kylo Ren has adopted.
  • Intimidation (Strength, 92/100)- The last Star Wars character that we’ve seen that brings out the fear in his subordinates like Ren does is Darth Vader. With the chilling mask and similar breathing apparatus, Kylo Ren and Darth Vader have a lot in common. The difference of course being that one is relatively new to the Dark Side and the other one was one of the most dark, twisted characters the Galaxy has ever seen. Kylo is certainly on his way though…
  • Inner Conflict (Weakness, 50/100)- As we saw in The Force Awakens, there seems to be a constant pull to the Light and desire to stay within the Dark. With his Grandfather eventually leaving the Dark Side to rejoin the Light before his death and his Mother and Uncle’s longstanding relationship within the Light, there’s no wonder Kylo has such temptations. Nonetheless, this will continue to be an issue whether or not Han Solo is around.
  • Toughness (Weakness, 68/100)- When Kylo Ren was battling with Finn and then Rey, he was injured. As we know, a short time before Chewbacca hit him with a bolt from his bowcaster. With someone so connected to the Force, it was odd to see this injury noticeably effecting Ren. To be clear, Kylo Ren is still young and has a lot to learn and mature as he continues to walk down the steps to the Dark. But it was definitely alarming to see his physical vulnerability.


  • Bloodlines (Strength, 98/100)- It’s so eerie to watch Kylo Ren in action because it is so similar to Anakin Skywalker. From their physical appearance to their insatiable hunger for achievement, it’s no wonder Kylo Ren idolizes his Grandfather. If you were to make a perfect being that is the most Force-sensitive, you would get Kylo Ren no doubt. His growth in the Force is something I very much look forward to seeing.
  • Fate (Strength/Weakness, *)- As was the case for Darth Vader, he eventually cast aside his own selfishness and care for his body and sacrificed himself for the greater good. It seems very plausible that something similar will occur with Luke. Heck even Han Solo threw caution to the wind to save his friends. The fact is, the Skywalker/Solo way is to go out a martyr, or at least a form of it. This is something young Kylo Ren should keep an eye on as it could ultimately derail any plans for everlasting power.

Final Word

When I say the sky is the limit for Kylo Ren…I actually, full-heartedly mean it. He is so similar to the chosen one that it’s almost unbearable. His powers are unbelievably deep with writhing energy that it’s only a matter of time till he is invincible, so one would think. But underneath that tough facade, there’s a troubled boy who feels let down by his family yet blessed by them as well. Stuck in problems of his own making, Kylo Ren will face fierce judgement and pressure from here on out. It only gets harder for the Grandson of Anakin Skywalker but if anyone can take it, it’s Kylo Ren.

-Sith Pacify out


Disney, entertainment value, film, George Lucas, Power, sci fi, Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars The Clone Wars, The Force Awakens, video games

The Star Wars Character Power Rankings

For a long time now I’ve wanted to do something like this.

I’ve always been one who deals in absolutes and in doing so, I always liked to stack up the competition against each other and see where everyone stands.

In other words, Star Wars is a vast collection of many diverse characters whom are all extremely powerful.

But who is the strongest? Who is the toughest?

When it came to Star Wars, I always thought about contests like this.

Well, the Sith Pacify Blog has been fairly inactive in the past couple weeks as only a couple posts over that time have been published.

The reason for this being I have been thinking of a way to quantify a power index on who the greatest mainstream characters within the franchise are.

Here’s what I’ve got.

Only Main Characters

As I recently stated, for this list I will only be discussing main characters.

Now, there is a bit of a caveat here.

There is going to be a number of characters within the rankings who can be looked at as “not the most important”.

The reason that some of these characters are to be included is because their style offers a breath of fresh air with their uniqueness and their adversity in respect to the others.



I have identified a number of statistics in which I will be classifying each character under.

For each category, there will be a number from 1-100 in which the skills and abilities will be placed under.

For example, someone like Yoda who is clearly one of if not the most powerful of Force-users would have a rating for the category of “Force Abilities” around 95.

For those of you who have ever played sports video games such as Fifa, Madden or 2k, the characters will be ranked in a similar way as the players in the previously stated sporting games.

Intangibles and Abilities 

In order to insure individuality, each character will have a couple categories that will be specifically catered to their abilities. 

For example, I’ll tell you right now that a character like Kylo Ren will have the category “emotion” listed.

For each category that a character receives, it will be stated whether they help the character or hurt them.

I also want to be clear that the intangibles are not just positive aspects of these characters’ prowess.

They can be a detriment to the individual or a powerful tool used in battle.

Descriptive Style

When I am classifying the powers of the characters, I will not be writing down the backstories for each hero or villain. 

Now I might list specific examples but I will not be doing this for every single category.

Simply put, each character will have their abilities described in great detail and will be given a rating depending on their strengths and weaknesses.

The Characters

As I said earlier in this post, I will only be looking at Force-users for this list.

In the future I will most likely add on those who do not have the abilities of the Force to this list but for now, characters like General Grievous and Boba Fett will not be included.

Without further ado, the following list of characters will be those listed within the rankings.

It’s important to note that this list is not in any particular order whatsoever.

  1. Anakin Skywalker
  2. Obi-Wan Kenobi
  3. Yoda
  4. Mace Windu
  5. Darth Vader
  6. Darth Sidious
  7. Count Dooku
  8. Kit Fisto
  9. Darth Maul
  10. Revan
  11. Darth Malgus
  12. Kylo Ren
  13. Rey
  14. Ki-Adi Mundi
  15. Plo Koon
  16. Kanan Jarrus
  17. Ezra Bridger
  18. Ahsoka Tano
  19. Asajj Ventress
  20. Darth Plagueis
  21. Qui-Gon Jinn
  22. Darth Malak
  23. Darth Bane

Well there you have it, my next many many posts will be the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings.

Hope you all enjoy it.

-Sith Pacify out











Disney, film, George Lucas, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, WordPress

The Solo Family Rift

Exactly two months ago tonight The Force Awakens was released in theaters everywhere.

After the curtains were raised and the smoke cleared, a powerful emptiness could be felt.

Ben Solo who of course is Kylo Ren, plunged his unstable lightsaber into the chest of every Star Wars fan’s beloved hero Han Solo.

Thus cementing himself as a bona fide villain.

Of course everybody and anybody who considers themselves even remotely familiar with the Galaxy far far away saga knows this outcome…

But there’s more.

As we try to make sense of everything, I think there’s a more than reasonable chance that a looming deficit in the Skywalker/Solo family will be filled.

When Han was killed, much more was lost than a smuggler who just happened to be the husband of the General with the Resistance.

With Han, the Galaxy lost a sliver of hope; an individual who was instrumental in many distant clashes with the defeated Empire.

Someone who was as much responsible in the sacking of the first Death Star as Luke was.

But as we gather our thoughts and try and carry on, something jumps out.

With Han now out of the picture, the puzzle is left with Kylo Ren and Leia as a remaining piece is missing.

So I ask you this. Is Rey that piece?

It’s clear that Han took a liking to her almost immediately and that the chemistry was blatantly there.


What about when Rey seemingly sees Leia for the first time?

Think there’s something there too?

Sure looked that way…


Lastly, what about the combative and emotional Kylo Ren?

It seemed that Ren was caught off guard immediately after “a girl” was said to be with the The First Order’s escaped trooper (Finn).

Even more so, it almost was as if Kylo Ren knew exactly who this girl was after she awoke in the interrogation cell.

There is definitely a noticeable look in his eyes when he had Rey all to himself.

Almost as if, he knows who she is and is eager to speak with her…

4972970-0272088028-twoup.jpgIt’s my opinion that Rey is Han and Leia’s daughter and that Kylo Ren is indeed her older brother.

The evidence for her to be the daughter of Luke is overwhelming as well and that very easily could be the case.

But there’s a rivalry brewing between Rey and Kylo Ren.

To me, for them to be cousins is not strong enough of a foundation.

I think that Rey is the missing piece in the equation that is the Skywalker/Solo family tree.

I think she is the key to Intergalactic progress whether that be enslaving every being and turning to the Dark Side or freeing the aforementioned Galaxy of its shackles once and for all.

I guess we’ll just have to wait to know for sure…

-Sith Pacify out



Disney, entertainment value, Power, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens

The Greatness of Ren

The Force Awakens brought us many great things.

But in my mind, the greatest of the great is the now infamous, Kylo Ren.


When he first descended from his command shuttle and stood at the end of the ramp within the shadows, I knew this guy meant business.

Now I know I’m not alone with these sentiments.

Kylo Ren has intrigued the fan base and became the franchise’s next IT factor.

But, why?

What makes him so captivating?

For starters, his emotion.

There is a searing scorching inferno booming in Kylo Ren’s heart.

The man is directed by emotion and motivated by his feelings.

THAT is what jumped out at me immediately.

You can hear it in his voice, you can see it in his actions and you can see it in his decisions he makes.

There’s a reason why characters like Darth Sidious and Darth Vader were so popular in the past and Kylo Ren is no different.

Bathed in cryptic secrecy, the voice of this hooded man immensely adds to the already dynamic allure of Kylo Ren.

When you first hear the sinister voice of Ren, right away you want to hear more.


As he talks to Lor San Tekka at the beginning of the movie, the conversation just got better and better.

Hearing Ren respond with that deep confidence that makes up his voice was intense.

There’s just something about a helmet wearing character that’s talking through a speaking apparatus that is so tantalizing!


Another aspect of Kylo Ren that makes him a prime candidate in popularity is his bloodline.

When you are the grandson of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, the nephew of Luke Skywalker and the son of Han Solo…you’re a pretty big deal.

The entire basis of Star Wars is predicated off of the Skywalker family tree.

With that being said, Kylo Ren is the newest member introduced to the fans that fits this category.

But infused with his high profile relatives is the unknown. We know so little about Kylo Ren and why his relationship with his family ended so badly.

And yes, it ended badly…


Now this might not be as major of a reason why he’s so popular as his emotions or his family, but it still plays a pretty big role.

The infamy of Ren’s lightsaber has enamored everyone and anyone from our first glimpse of it back when it was first released.


For starters, its unique handle bars of fire-crackling energy sets it apart.

Never before have we seen anything remotely close to this.

But that’s not all.

You see, Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is so much more than that.

It’s an extension of himself, almost another limb of his body or his spirit.

The Jedi preach that your lightsaber is more than just a tool, in fact they say exactly what I said in terms of a lightsaber and it being an “extension” of oneself.

You have to look at this blade more closely.

Look at any other lightsaber in the history of Star Wars.


They’re all powerful solid beams that exude elegance and simplicity.

Now Ren’s blade is vastly different.

I’ve explained it many times before on here but it’s worth mentioning again and again.

His lightsaber is so unpredictable. You can practically see surging energy flow up and down the blade in a spiral motion.

When I think of this weapon, the word “unstable” quickly comes to mind.


I think this is done on purpose as well.

It’s a reflection of the blade’s wielder more than anything.

A conflicted, hurting man he is and his lighsaber is the perfect compliment to this already diabolical concoction known as Kylo Ren.

Last but not least, the final piece of Kylo Ren’s mental makeup that sets him apart from others is his unforeseen future.

So similar to Anakin is Kylo Ren, so very alike in many ways yet polar opposites in others.

Ren’s “Padmé ” in all of this is his grip on the Dark Side.

The conversation he had with his father right before he dove his blade through Han’s chest was inexplicably telling.

He feels the pull to the light, there is no doubt about that.

But his desire to remain in the darkness, to finish what his grandfather started is his main goal, his priority.

He repeatedly pledges his allegiance to the mystifying Supreme Leader Snoke and this only adds to his aura.

Who is Snoke? Is he Darth Plagueis?

The saga of Ren will inevitably lead us to these answers and many more.

For now, we’re left with many unforunate unanswered questions.

But one thing is for sure, Kylo Ren is as fascinating as he is compelling.

I can’t wait to see more of this guy, one of my new favorite characters.


-Sith Pacify out

Disney, film, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, WordPress

The Mystifying Secrecy Behind Supreme Leader Snoke 

As the weeks pass by and The Force Awakens slowly drifts into the rear view mirror, it’s time to look into the many mysteries surrounding the film.

This post will investigate the unexplained and unknown circumstances regarding the leader of The First Order, Supreme Leader Snoke.

For starters, there’s not much on him.

He is a powerful leader who is the Master of Kylo Ren, formally known as Ben Solo.

The little more I can tell you about this figure is strictly taken from the movie and the novel.

Besides those depictions of this figure, he virtually does not exist.

We know he observed the rise and fall of The Galactic Empire.

We also know that Snoke had several apprentices before he zoned in on the Skywalker family.

As for his species or his origins, they are unknown.


Now for my opinion.

The character of Supreme Leader Snoke is unequivocally brilliant.

But with the tinge of unknown that he represents, this creature brings a whole new element of fascination and intrigue.

It’s time for me to address what many many people have been wondering…

Is Supreme Leader Snoke the former Master and thought dead Darth Plagueis?

Well, I don’t know.

But I will consider the facts.

There is very little to base anything off of.

All theories regarding Plaugeis is a shot in the dark.

In April 2014, Disney announced that all material besides the movies and The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels television series is no longer canon…

Future novels after that date will also be considered canon.

Now I just want to say I am highly disappointed with this move by Disney and I’m still very unhappy with it to this day…

But that’s another story for another time.

What this does however is it makes it impossible to understand if Snoke is Plagueis or not.

Now I should clarify something.

Disney reserved the right to pick and choose certain pieces from material before April 2014 to be canon.

It’s just the general idea that unless told otherwise, it is not canon.

Understand this, we have a bit of a loophole around this however.

Since all the movies are canon then we are certain that Darth Plagueis was indeed killed by Sidious….

Or so we think.


Within James Luceno’s novelization of Darth Plagueis, he goes about telling the life story of the master of Darth Sidious.

Now at the time of this novel’s completion (2012) it was consistent with Episode III.

What that means is this book, the ONLY book describing the mysterious Darth Plagueis could in fact be true and thus canon.

I believe this for two reasons.

  1. There is so little information on Plagueis that it doesn’t make sense for them to just completely scrap the only written material about him.
  2. Since the Episode III is along the same lines as the Plagueis’ novel, his details should remain the same. At least the important ones such as his death, his abilities, his characteristics etc.

For this post, I’m going to act as if the novel “Darth Plagueis” IS complete canon.

Because I think it is and should be.

So I’ll ask this again.

Is Supreme Leader Snoke Darth Plagueis?

Why Snoke is and isn’t Plagueis

Darth Plagueis was one of the most powerful wielders of the Dark Side the Galaxy has ever seen.

His talents and focus were surrounding his never ending pursuit of eternal life.

Within the novel of “Darth Plagueis”, he is shown to have an ability to influence the midi-chlorians to preserve life.

What if Sidious did kill Plagueis…or so he thought.

Wouldn’t it be plausible for Plagueis to somehow be able to save himself due to his incredible and unique force powers?


Here’s the problem.

Someone as powerful as Darth Sidious would have definitely discovered this.

There’s no way he would not have known, felt, seen or whatever you want to say regarding his Master.

But here’s another idea.

What if somehow someway, Plagueis was awoken when Sidious was killed?

Now don’t ask me how but I think there is some truth to this.

If you look at Snoke, he looks as if he is an animated corpse.

Well what if he is?

It would fit the storyline.

Something else that is fairly significant to Snoke being Plagueis is the massive facial scarring on the right side of his face.

Within the Darth Plagueis novel, he survives an assassination attempt.

He however does sustain severe injuries, one of these injuries being a slit throat.

Supreme Leader Snoke’s facial structure is absolutely consistent with this depiction…

What’s more, Darth Plagueis was widely known to be seen only through holovids as opposed to being present in person near the end of his life.

Notice how in The Force Awakens Snoke is strictly a hologram…another similarity.

Finally, the last similarity between these two iconic figures is Star Wars history.

It is two likely and similar between Snoke and Plagueis that they are somehow not the same person.

Also, where did this sudden leader of the Dark Side, the remnants of the Empire and controller of the Skywalker line come from?

Way too alike for it not to be him…

So why is Snoke not Plagueis?

One of the main reasons is the picture below.

The figure on the right was the InterGalactic Banking Clan’s Chairman, San Hill.

He was in charge of the IGBC’s finances throughout The Clone Wars.

The significance of this picture being that San Hill is of the Muun species, the same as Darth Plagueis.

If Snoke was indeed Plagueis, he would look more consistent to Hill.

Now there could be a bit of deception here however.

For starters, this picture of Snoke is a bit lifelike.

It might be too hard to compare this particular picture with another Muun but for argument purposes it is clear that these two are not of the same species.

Now the picture taken directly from TFA earlier in the post of Snoke looks a lot more similar to San Hill but it is still far from certain.

Nonetheless, unless JJ Abrams decided to reinvent the Muun race’s appearance, Snoke is not Plagueis.


To be honest, I really don’t know what I think.

But I will say this.

I think Snoke will end up being Darth Plagueis just for the fact that he’s far too alike with Plagueis for him not to be.

Other than that, I really can’t say if he is him or not.

I guess this will be determined later, much later.

-Sith Pacify out












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Initial Reaction on The Force Awakens

Happy Holidays everyone!

It’s been a while since my last post but I assure you, I have returned.

I wanted to give everyone a good 10 days before I wrote anything TFA related just to ensure I didn’t spoil anyone’s experience with the movie.

So, lets dive into it.

Initial Reaction

Like many devote Star Wars fans, I saw the movie on opening night.

I was beyond excited and it was heartwarming to see this again…


As I watched the movie, I was attempting to mentally piece together the plot, what was to come and decipher everything I was seeing.

Instead, I found myself losing out on the main point, taking everything in and enjoying it.

After the movie ended, honestly I was not completely impressed.

I thought of The Force Awakens as average to slightly above.

If I were to rate the movie I would have given it a 2 1/2 stars out of 4 and if I was feeling rather generous, maybe 3 out of 4.

But honestly, I think the loss of a certain character had me feeling down.


To put it more bluntly, I was devastated.

I’ve written here before that I expected Han or Luke to die but to actually see it is well, heartbreaking!

I left the theater that night shaking my head.

I was upset that one of the greatest characters in movie history was no longer with us.

This might be a little pathetic but it almost felt like I lost a close family member!

Nonetheless, there are other distinctions throughout the movie that made me question TFA.

Now I’m an extremely optimistic person and I have unconditional love for Star Wars but to put it modestly I wasn’t all that impressed with the soundtrack either.

The main theme song for the movie that we hear in the third trailer was absent and I thought that was a big swing and a miss by JJ Abrams.

That song provided emotion, intrigue, fear and wonder.

With it being left out, things felt rather different.

But none of these differences come close to the major problem I had with the movie…


Hear me out here…

I understand the story line very well.

I understand the point of his absence.

I also understand how his disappearance plays into the plot.

But it still brings me back to this…

Luke IS Star Wars.

Without having him in the movie without a doubt hurt its appeal.

Change of Heart

After thinking things through over the next couple days, something extraordinary happened.

I was craving to see the movie again.

What’s more, I was repeating lines throughout my days and reminiscing the awesome scenes that the movie brought us.

I was warming up to the movie!

Four days later, I went back to the theater and re-watched The Force Awakens.

At the end of the viewing, the results were exceedingly different.

I fell in love with the movie!

And you know what did it for me?



Kylo Ren is rapidly moving up the board in my mind of most favorite villains in Star Wars.

I loved EVERYTHING about this character….everything.

The fact that his talents with the force were so intensely powerful yet so underdeveloped and raw is prophetic and powerful, figuratively and literally.


When Ren stopped Poe’s shot in mid-air…I was literally speechless!

I have never seen a more awe-inspiring and astonishing use of the force.

That whole scene was pure brilliance.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the repeated use of the force for interrogation purposes.

That was awesome and a very cool feature..especially when Rey flipped the script on him.

As for his lightsaber, it’s easily my favorite lightsaber throughout the Star Wars franchise.


The best way I can describe it is pure crackling energy that looks like the surface of the sun as flames are leaping about.

It’s fantastic!

He also has the option of activating the blade and the hand guards at once or the blade and then the hand guards.

That was a feature that I thought was very unique and great.

But above all, what I like about Kylo Ren the most is his voice.

Similar to his Grandfathers’, Ren’s voice is evil-sounding, bizarre and fear-inspiring.

JJ Abrams hit an absolute home run with the aesthetics of Kylo Ren.

I would give his character an easy 10/10 in creativity, the gravitation towards him and sheer awesomeness.

His personality was spectacular as well.

As I’m sure he is supposed to, his mannerisms were very similar to Anakin.

What jumps out at me the most is when he fights Rey and Finn near the end while he’s injured from an earlier well placed shot from Chewie’s bowcaster.

As Ren engages Finn in lighsaber combat, he repeatedly smacks his right side which is dripping blood.

I though that was awesome.

What that says to me is this guy is a warrior who doesn’t allow any distractions to tarnish his chances in achieving what he believes is his.

It also screams how much he delves into his emotions.

Ren would not allow his opponents the satisfaction of knowing he is injured (even if it wasn’t caused by them specifically) if he didn’t have a fiery personality with unpredictable emotion.

That’s my take on Kylo Ren, one of the most incredible characters in Star Wars.

The Verdict

I will be seeing The Force Awakens again on Monday.

It’s going to be my third time but I think it’s worth noting that this movie must be seen more than once.

Maybe even more than twice.

Look, there are a lot of small pieces that you could easily miss that play a major role in the film’s significance.

I strongly recommend you give this movie another shot, regardless of what you thought of it.

In the end, I have changed my rating and would now give TFA a 3 1/2 out of 4 stars.

The simple fact that Luke wasn’t in the movie till the end prevents me from giving it a perfect 4/4.

But still, the movie was wonderful.

I’ve only scratched the surface on how I felt or what I saw.

Stay tuned for more posts on the review of how my predictions for the movie went as well as future posts on many many subjects regarding The Force Awakens.

May the force be with you.

-Sith Pacify out























Disney, entertainment value, film, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens

The Calm Before The Storm

Ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow at midnight, in about 28 hours, The Force Awakens will hit theaters in the United States.

From the very beginning of its inception, us devoted fans have patiently waited for the most anticipated movie of recent memory.

Well, the wait is finally over as people everywhere can rejoice in serene happiness.

Now it’s time to get down to business…

It’s time to make some predictions.

Don’t worry these are not spoilers, just friendly guesses.

So without further ado, here we go!

  • Poe Dameron will be introduced to Rey and Finn in a rescue attempt.


JJ Abrams told us “history repeats itself”. With that subtle hint, I think it is fairly reasonable for Rey and Finn to save Poe from the clutches of The First Order.

And thus all three meeting each other for the first time.

Of course we’re all familiar with how Luke and Han first encountered Leia.

Therefore, I could see Rey and Finn discovering Poe in similar fashion.

The scene in the trailers where Kylo Ren appears to be interrogating/torturing Poe is what got me thinking.

Reminiscent of Leia and Vader right?

Very interesting.

  •  The ending will leave a main character severely injured.


From Anakin losing his arm, Anakin losing his other arm and legs…to Luke losing his arm, I think this is a major possibility.

Star Wars likes to have injury represent growth and maturity in characters.

It would be no different in this respect.

Wouldn’t it make sense to see Finn lose a battle with Kylo Ren and end up without his right hand?

After all, Luke lost the same hand after his first bout with Vader.

Will history repeat itself?

  • One of the original three will die.


Look…this is painful to write about.

I don’t want to see one of these guys be lost forever but I don’t know, something feels like it’s a strong possibility.

From Harrison Ford being a lot older to Luke being mysteriously absent in every single trailer, something is out of place.

But the clue that gave me the biggest hint for this prediction was this…


I don’t know what it means and you know what? I’ll just leave it at that.

With such a touching subject so near and dear to all Star Wars fan’s hearts, this one sure is painful.

If this prediction does come true, well, it will be a tough pill to swallow…that’s for sure.

I hate to end on a sad note but I hope you all take solace in knowing that no matter what happens, “The force will be with you, always”.

Tomorrow night is when it all goes down.

-Sith Pacify out







Advertising, Disney, entertainment value, film, marketing, sci fi, Star Wars, TV, WordPress

Why The Massive Amount Of Star Wars Trailers Was The Right Strategy

As we approach the final stretch until the much anticipated release of The Force Awakens, something comes to mind.

I find it incredibly impressive that the sheer volume of various trailers have not impeded on the plot.

I mean, think about it…there are literally dozens of individual trailers.

Yet we know so very little of what is going to happen on the big screen.

That’s impressive right?

I’ve always noted in past blockbuster releases that two trailers and sometimes three are too much, and here we are STILL receiving new footage on TFA.

So how is that possible?

It’s quite simple actually.

Disney has designed their marketing and advertising campaign on the exploitation of the fan’s imagination.

In other words, because The Force Awakens is so highly anticipated, instead of revealing what is to happen they simply need to show meaningless footage of characters.

And that’s absolutely fine with us!


What I mean by this is simple.

We don’t want to know what’s going to happen beforehand and although there might be rumors swirling around out there, nothing is set in stone.

Because Star Wars is so deeply predicated on the honorable heroes and the infamous villains, Disney is allowing the appearances of new and old characters lead the wave of excitement.

Think about this.

What was the major takeaway in the first trailer released?

Two things…the return of the Millennium Falcon and the enticing aesthetics of Kylo Ren’s lightsaber.

That’s all!

Now think about movies like Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla for example.

Leading up to film’s premiere, there were three trailers.

Not a dozen or so like Star Wars yet just from those three little trailers, we learned so much on what the plot was.

Stuff like that ruins enthusiasm for major movies.

Make that ANY movie.

That is exactly why Disney and Star Wars is a match made in heaven.


Disney is arguably the greatest marketing conglomerate that we have ever seen.

Say what you want about their insatiable desire of releasing animated movies based around singing animals or princesses, they rake in the dough.

Star Wars is one of the most popular franchises not only in the United States but the world.

Now when you combine the two, you have a perfect recipe of intrigue and commotion.

Just the sound of Kylo Ren’s voice heck just footage of Ren himself is enough to get fans excited!

That right there is what is so darn impressive.

It’s one thing to release a bunch of trailers that don’t reveal a lot yet give fans exactly what they’re looking for but when you realize this and push the envelope to the point of instituting this strategy in mass quantity, you hit a new level of greatness.


Quite frankly, this is exactly why I believe the campaign Disney has put together to market and advertise The Force Awakens is the clear-cut best performance of recent memory.

In a time where demand is so great and selfishness is often present, it’s nothing short of a miracle that nothing has been leaked regarding the film as well!

That JJ Abrams runs a tight ship!

We’re so close now that I have dreams of Star Wars-laden adventures every night…


-Sith Pacify out






Disney, entertainment value, film, sci fi, Star Wars, WordPress

Three Things I Will Be Looking For in The Force Awakens

Last year on Black Friday, I watched the first The Force Awakens trailer about 50 something times.

I’m not joking. I literally watched it 20 something times in a row after I woke up from my food coma the day before…

I remember later that night I was listening to a Rebel Force Radio podcast  as they broke down every single bit of that 98 second trailer.

Before I continue, if you haven’t heard of the Rebel Force Radio podcast go check it out.

Not only is it extremely insightful but it will most definitely satisfy any Star Wars fan’s appetite for information, knowledge and well, for lack of a better term, coolness!

Anyway, as I listened that night to the RFR guys discuss everything from hidden Easter eggs within the trailer to predicting what the movie will look like, it got me thinking…

My first thoughts that night were about that mysterious red lightsaber-wielding figure.


At first, many fans were skeptical. They had never seen a lightsaber like this one, aesthetically speaking.

But not me, from the moment I was introduced to Kylo Ren’s character, I was hooked.

Well, my thoughts back to that night are still the same today.

The first item I’ll be looking for in The Force Awakens is who exactly is Kylo Ren?


We know he has some connection to the Sith, that part is clear enough.

But I want to know more, much more.

For starters, where is he from? Why and how is he on the Empire’s side…or is he?

And most importantly, what is his fascination with Vader mean?

Let’s face it, this guy is bad ass.

He reminds me a lot of Darth Maul.

The way Maul carried himself as he strutted around is very synonymous with Kylo Ren.

I look forward to finding out more about this walking mystery.

The second item I’ll be looking for in The Force Awakens is Rey and Finn and their force sensitivity.

Is Rey a force user? Is Finn?

We’ve seen Finn engage adversaries with his lightsaber on multiple occasions throughout the trailers so it might be a safe bet so say he is force sensitive.


But Rey? We just don’t know yet…


I’m inclined to think that both of them are indeed force sensitive.

But I’m not quite sure how that could be feasible for the storyline however.

Another thing that strikes me is how young Daisy Ridley and John Boyega are.

Both are 23 but I don’t know, they just look younger!

Now I’m not saying that’s a bad thing at all but it just will be interesting to see where they both end up since this is just the beginning of their journey in a galaxy far, far away.

The third item I’ll be looking for in The Force Awakens is Luke and what is his ultimate destiny?


I saved the best for last here.

Luke is what stirs the pot of curiosity for me.

For starters, where the heck is he and what does it mean that he’s not front and center in the trailers….

Could the golden boy of the Star Wars franchise really make the unfathomable choice and join the Dark Side!?


What’s more, how does Luke perceive the potential Jedi in Finn and/or Rey?

Will he take on a lovingly and kind embrace such as Ben Kenobi did with him?

Or will he take the wait and see approach and be more along the lines of Yoda?

It’s going to be truly captivating to see Luke Skywalker back on the big screen, especially with Han and Leia.

Man, I get goosebumps just thinking about it!


We are TWO WEEKS away from the midnight premiere!


-Sith Pacify out








