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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #2

The 2nd character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Luke Skywalker!

Luke Skywalker Overall = 99

Unbeknownst to the world, a human on the deserted landscapes of the Tatooine wastelands grew a boy who would change the Galaxy forever.

From farmhand to the most powerful person alive, the legend of Luke Skywalker is as illustrious as it is unlikely.

Originally thought to be a nobody, young Luke took a leap of faith and soon discovered his true identity. He was a Jedi like his father before him.

The sheer talent that surged through Skywalker’s veins was just begging to be released, yearning for an opportunity.

At the Battle of Yavin, he received that chance…

As a young and inexperienced pilot, he faced off against the Death Star with so much on the line.

The result of failure meant the vaunted Rebellion, the very force that he looked up to so dearly would be completely exterminated.

It was kill or be killed and he was up against the biggest mechanical monstrosity that eyes had ever seen.

A gargantuan task  for anyone, the young boy obliterated the battle station and saved the day.

In doing so he took that next step. A step into the shadow of his father’s brilliance. A place he would have never known existed unless his very own father had not told him himself.

As the years followed, he continuously notched more and more unfathomable victories underneath his belt.

Establishing himself as an elite military general, completing his training as a Jedi and then eventually defeating the egomaniacal tyrant of the land in the Emperor.

Throughout his time in the spotlight, one thing Luke continued to resemble was a pillar of the finest light.

Definitively turning away from the beckoning calls of the Dark Side, silencing the infamous Emperor’s attempts to convert the Jedi to a Sith, he remained true to himself and true to everything he stood for.

Skywalker represented everything that was right about existence. A symbol of untouchable purity that could never be tainted.

To his very core, Luke Skywalker was a Jedi, he was one of the good guys, he was the very meaning of hope.

In a time of eternal darkness, Luke was a rallying call.

As the oppressive regime of the Empire continued to mangle the innocence, Luke became someone for people to believe in.

He became someone who people could follow into the depths of hell and as long as they stayed close to his side, avoid the scorching of devilish fire and brimstone.

The best of the very best are like magnets, they attract those around them.

Luke wasn’t just a magnet, he was the very essence that made the magnet, he was the truth.


  • Pure of Heart (Strength, 100/100)- Throughout Star Wars, you would be hard-pressed to find anyone at all who had better character than Luke. Always trying to do the right thing, never cutting corners and always following things through, Luke was a living and breathing example of how things should be done. But why is this relevant? It’s important because through his inner purity and never-dying chivalry, Luke’s connection to the Force remained uncapped. The ability to reach deeper and climb level after level was always available. There was no limit to his potential and at the very root of it was his way of life. 
  • Power (Strength, 100/100)- There is a reason why someone as powerful as the Emperor was so hellbent on recruiting Luke to his side. Absolutely teeming with limitless strength, Luke became a desirable target for good and bad intentions. Only one person alive had ever seen such ability, but that’s for another time…Skywalker was a man in rarefied air. Through his connection with the Force, with his unstoppable physical capabilities and his exuberant youth, Luke Skwyalker was the complete package.
  • Level of Diversity (Strength, 95/100)- Luke was so skilled that anything he did, he was the best. From using the Force to piloting, Skywalker was the very pinnacle of diversification. It’s worth noting that it took Luke a while to get adjusted to using a lightsaber. In that time that he was unsure of the weapon, he crafted his marksmanship and all-around skill with a blaster. Now I know Force-users have the upper hand when it comes to reflexes and ability in situations like these but something has to be said for someone who started using a lightsaber so late in life and who then masters the weapon of the Jedi. It takes talent to be the best at something but when you get someone who is at the top in multiple categories? Now that’s just special.
  • Art of the Lightsaber (Strength, 97/100)- As I just said, Luke was a complete artist with the Jedi weapon. The whirling and dazzling beam of the weapon quickly became second-nature to Luke as he adapted surprisingly quick and became deadly. It was through intense sessions and his laborious work ethic that he was able to truly master the weapon and turn himself into one of the top swordsmen the Galaxy has seen.
  • Soft Spot (Weakness, 61/100)- Physically, Luke is flawless. Spiritually, it took him some time to get used to the Force but he figured it out and he now allows its waves of embrace to flow over him. But now emotionally and mentally, Luke has some issues. Whether it was the loss of Ben Kenobi that caused Luke to throw caution to the wind, the obsession of trying to bring his father back to the light that nearly cost him his life or his attempts to remake a Jedi Order that went painfully wrong as his nephew went berserk and demolished all that Luke fought so hard to build. Luke no doubt has some emotional attachments that he has had repeated trouble with. In Episode VIII, I hope he’s more careful or else…


  • Bloodline (Strength, 100/100)- At the very heart of the most Force sensitive family, Luke Skywalker is the very essence of the Skywalker family tree. With his father being so powerful and in-tune with the Force, it’s no wonder Luke is so dynamically dominant. The way this normally works is anyone who has Skywalker DNA even if it’s the tiniest smidgen they’re strong. But to be the very heart and soul of the entire line? Well, it just doesn’t get any better!

Final Word

As I first began to pencil in characters where I believed they belonged in my idea of a Force-user power rankings structure, Luke was a no-brainer. He was placed in the top three almost immediately. Although I wasn’t sure however if he should be the top man or the number three guy. After giving it some thought, I realized that Luke is who people think of when someone says “Star Wars”. He is the very definition of a hero, the light that shines the brightest and the one who makes everything fit together. He is one of the most strongest and potent Force-users ever as well as the one who has the most defined and meaningful legacies. When I look at Luke, the characteristic that impresses me the most is his ability to handle pressure. He seems to never be rattled and always be under wraps with what he wants to do with himself. His discipline is so unique for someone who has as much ability as he does. In the end, Luke Skywalker’s work ethic and beliefs of justice as well as his family’s genes granted him a deep connection within the Force which allowed him to possess untapped power. He is undoubtedly one of the greats, that’s why he is the number two Force-user on my power rankings.

-Sith Pacify out

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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #6

The 6th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Obi-Wan Kenobi!

Obi-Wan Kenobi Overall = 96

With the intense dedication and the unfathomable sacrifices made in the name of the Jedi, it’s no surprise that the great Obi-Wan Kenobi is where he is in the Power Rankings.

As the only member of the Jedi Council besides Yoda to survive Order 66, Kenobi is at the very top when it comes to importance, power and legacy.

It is true that he wasn’t blessed with any extraordinary gifts or abilities yet he still excelled.

With the most prolific work ethic in the Jedi Order, Kenobi earned every bit of what was given to him.

His resume is as impressive as it is lengthy.

Racking up high-profile kills in General Grievous, Darth Maul*, Anakin Skywalker* and others as well as being the Jedi Council’s go-to man for important missions, Kenobi really was in a class of his own.

The ultimate tribute to Obi-Wan however is not his dynamic accolades or his slaying of Sith Lords and traitors but his incredible consistency and unwavering loyalty to the Jedi Code.

A true leader on and off the battlefield, he never hesitated to question morality no matter who was in charge.

These are just a few more well deserved labels for a Jedi Master who the Galaxy can never thank enough.


  • Model of Consistency (Strength, 98/100)- As I said before, the level of consistency Kenobi routinely displayed is probably his most important trait. Never faltering, always fighting to the bitter end and putting in the work in between, the Jedi Master seldom complained and when he did, it was about his wild and rambunctious Padawan. In being the Jedi Council’s top man for missions imperative to succeed, his level of consistency is what attracted his peers in granting him their trust.
  • “He will do what he must” (Strength, 97/100)-Probably the most even keel Jedi, except when Anakin flies, his calm state of mind allowed him to get things done without the entanglement of emotions. Absolutely gifted in this ability and most definitely the best in this regard save Master Yoda, Kenobi knew what needed to get done and almost always saw it through to the end. The most telling example is his sacrifice to the Skywalker lineage in staying remotely close to young Luke Skywalker and only approaching him when the time was right. You talk about patience and devotion, look no further than Kenobi.
  • Leadership (Strength, 95/100)- In the Clone Wars like most members of the Jedi Council, Obi-Wan Kenobi was a General on the battlefield. What’s most fascinating however is his ridiculous record of success in battles he commandeered. With his “lead by example” attitude, his subordinates had no problem following the Jedi Master into bloody conflicts. Not only could he dominate a battle on an advisory level but his choices in designating leaders was elite as well! It was with General Kenobi did the famous Commander Cody serve under. Obi-Wan saw the ability in Cody himself and personally picked the clone to command his troops!
  • Cerebral (Strength, 96/100)- Kenobi had the gift of patience. With his patient and think first react second attitude, he was able to gain the upper hand in practically any bout he participated in. The mental capabilities of the Jedi Master were outstanding. He was a surgeon out there as he dissected situations with his mind, playing out certain scenarios and weighing his odds of this and that against each other. He would only dive into a battle when he knew the appropriate way on how he should go about the mission. The ability to think and breakdown a target’s strengths and weaknesses did the man well throughout his life.
  • Teaching Ability (Strength/Weakness, 90/100)- In the end as we know, Kenobi fails his longtime friend and former Padawan Anakin. Always being so critical, Anakin and Obi-Wan had tremendous tension between the two even though they were so close. Although Kenobi wasn’t completely responsible, in being a  Master he failed to diffuse it. However, as he failed with Anakin, when it came to Luke he succeeded. Rededicating himself to the Force as well as addressing his methods of teaching, Obi-Wan did some major soul searching during his time in exile on Tatooine. In the end, it yielded tremendous results as Luke would go on to avenge the Jedi and play a major role in defeating the Emperor. So I guess you could say Obi-Wan Kenobi was 1 for 2 when it came to teaching!


  • Rise to the Occasion (Strength, 99/100)- Even though he was not blessed with overwhelmingly dominate abilities, Obi-Wan Kenobi was gifted in another way. He had a knack for delivering in the clutch when it was needed most. I want you to think about this…Anakin Skywalker warped with the Dark Side of the Force was a gargantuan task for Kenobi to combat. If the battle was fought on paper, Skywalker would have been disastrously victorious 100 times out of 100. But of course the results of the battle were incredibly different. Kenobi bested his former apprentice, his former compatriot and his best friend. But how you say? With the Force, of course. Possessing legendary concentration, he never let his mind wander from where it was required to be if he was to win. A true wizard with the light, Obi-Wan Kenobi has shown the versatile ability to submerse himself within it and become one with the Force therefore making no task too big.

Final Word

When grading a legend like Obi-Wan Kenobi, it’s actually a puzzling experience. Here’s a guy who was great at everything or above average at all Jedi capabilities. Great but not excellent. His skills were practically, well, normal! Kenobi is the perfect story of what happens when you work hard and dedicate yourself to your craft. In sports there’s a saying, “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” That’s spot on Obi-Wan, perfectly summed up. The reality of it all is Obi-Wan Kenobi was born to be a Jedi Master. He was born to carry out his duty and represent the Republic while pledging himself for his beloved Jedi Order. He was unique as he was precise. He didn’t have blind loyalty, he questioned everything given to him and made sure it was the right choice for humanity and not himself. His intelligence and preparation was off the charts as it translated to just about anything he willed it to. He was never judgmental of Anakin, in fact he knew about his attachments with Padmé as he turned a blind eye and let Anakin to his own business. He was certainly overbearing in other circumstances but for the most part, he was truly a great friend. I rated Kenobi the sixth overall Force-user in all of Star Wars but honestly, he truly has the ability to be number one. His willingness to follow orders, to question shady directives and to rise to the occasion and always deliver is what sets him apart. Obi-Wan Kenobi, is a legend and a true Jedi Knight.

-Sith Pacify out
















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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: 18

The 18th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Rey!

Rey Overall = 85*

With her origins and whereabouts shrouded in mystery, Rey is an anomaly.

From the very start we knew she was extraordinary.

Her sheer will and desire to survive. For her family as she says.

That determination and courage is the stuff of heroic figures.

Although we don’t know who she really is, one thing is clear.

Rey is something special and an unknown entity within the everflowing waves of the Force.


  • Locked-In (Strength, 97/100)- When she is battened down and all hell is breaking loose around her, there’s no panic in Rey. Her uncanny ability to make things happen seems to never fail her. Whether she’s facing off against a crimson bladed foe or she’s under attack by physically superior goons, nothing fazes her. The more I think about it, when Rey is in that mindstate I see Luke’s clutch ability, Anakin’s superior in every way combat skill and Obi-Wan’s masterful execution. When Luke had no formal training as an X wing pilot yet he still fires off  a proton torpedo into a finite space to destroy the mechanical monstrosity of the Death Star, that is very reminiscent of Rey’s traits. Make no mistake about it, this one is special.
  • Attitude (Strength, 85/100)- Rey has an uncanny knack of surviving even in the most damning of circumstances. If you look up the definition of the word perseverance, you should see her picture. What’s most incredible about her arduous journey through the deserts of Jakku is the fact that she seems to always keep the fires of hope alive. She has the makings of a surefire legend.
  • Likability (Strength, 84/100)- Everyone likes Rey. The reason why I gave her an 84 rather than a 100 is because in terms of combat, likability doesn’t do much. But what it does do is this: when someone is on your side and really wants to do right by you, they’ll do anything. That’s how I see Rey’s companions. Think of Finn. He just met Rey yet is willing to risk everything to get her back in one piece. Now I’m sure there’s a romantic connection there but regardless, her personality makes people do extraordinary things for an extraordinary individual.
  • Experience (Weakness, 78/100)- Just like many young Jedi, her lack of experience is undeniably an issue. But why then would I give her a number as high as 78!? Well I’ll tell you. The simple fact of the matter is we don’t know who Rey is. If she is Luke’s daughter and Anakin’s granddaughter, her experience mean’s virtually nothing. Those are arguably two of the best all-around Force-users the Galaxy has ever seen. When you’re part of that family, the past history of engagement means next to nothing. But if she’s Obi-Wan Kenobi’s granddaughter than maybe it does as Kenobi was famously known for having to prepare excruciatingly for any extreme conflict or situation. Only time will tell.
  • Sadness (Weakness, 62/100)- There’s a distinct need for belonging with Rey. Because she was “deserted” by her family, Rey has since struggled to find someone or some people to fill that void. In Han Solo, she absolutely had that sense of belonging restored. But unfortunately when he was cut down, so was a part of Rey. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and that can be most dangerous…


  • Bloodline (Strength, 96/100)- If Rey truly is connected to Luke and Anakin, her veins run rich with the most powerful concentration of midichlorians possible. With that being said, if she is related to Kenobi, well her ceiling is almost just as high. Either way you can’t go wrong. Legends are legends no matter how you twist it.
  • Potential* (Strength, 97/100)- As I did with Ezra Bridger at 21st on the Sith Pacify Power Rankings, Rey has the potential to not only be stronger than Ezra but be one of the most dominant, powerful forces the Galaxy has seen. When she is submersed in the Force, there’s nothing that can stop her. A mix of Luke, Anakin and Obi-Wan is pretty darn potent right!?

Final Word

There’s so much mystery that is Rey. We have barely scratched the surface on who she really is. Could she really be the offspring of the offspring of the chosen one!? Could she be Leia’s daughter!? Or what about being related to the great Obi-Wan Kenobi? It seems that the conspiracy theories with Rey’s family are endless. Regardless, we know one thing for sure. Rey is a masterful beast when she takes control of her powers and delves into the Force. I think the best is yet to come with Rey and I look forward to watching how her story plays out.

-Sith Pacify out













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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #25

The 25th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is….Qui-Gon Jinn!

Qui-Gon Jinn Overall = 79

QGJ was one of the most beloved of all the Jedi Masters.

As much as he was liked he was controversial. QGJ was notorious for his legendary stubbornness which of course he proved in the end…he was right.

QGJ’s legacy will always be his belief in the “living Force”.

A mystical thought that almost went against Jedi principal. It was Qui-Gon’s idea that the “living Force” grew and fed from the energy of living things.

This of course gave the Galaxy Force spirits which would prove so vital that its importance can never be quantified in any amount of words.


  • Swordsmanship (Strength, 85/100)– Known for his talented skill with a lightsaber, QGJ was more than able to hold his own against any opponent, even a Sith. He was very evenly balanced, could incorporate power when he desired to and was especially skilled at diagnosing his opponent’s weaknesses.
  • Vision (Strength, 97/100) – QGJ was the founder and first to stress the importance of the “living Force”. Plus when Master Yoda is listening to you like a Padawan would listen to his Master, well you’ve struck gold! It is quite possible that this ability is the most significant out of any characteristic within the entire Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings. The sheer magnitude of this discovery is almost directly responsible for Luke’s eventual victory against the Emperor and Vader. Without QGJ’s padawan Ben Kenobi directing and counseling Luke, the Empire would be categorically triumphant for the rest of time.
  • Calming Presence (Strength, 86/100)- QGJ is a pillar of peaceful tranquility. His ability to stay calm, cool and collected and deliver under pressure was instrumental in the Battle of Naboo. Without this mindset influencing them, the Naboo would never have been able to retake the Palace, Obi-Wan Kenobi would not have been able to defeat Darth Maul and most importantly Anakin Skywalker would not have the confidence to take on the Galaxy and fulfill his destiny…
  • Beliefs Strength, 84/100)- Without his rock solid conviction and belief in what he was doing, the nature of the Force would have suffered. QGJ did not succumb to peer pressure even in the face of his closest allies (who were also his harshest critics) did he yield. He was deadset on his way of doing things and boy was he right.
  • Arrogance Weakness, 70/100)- Where there is a tenacious-opinionated individual there is arrogance. QGJ was guilty of taking his beliefs too far and even allowing them to get in the way of his progression within the Jedi Order where he could have influenced many of his beliefs if he only obliged to criticism on the occasion.
  • Age (Weakness, 72/100)- At the time of his death, QGJ was approximately 60 years old. Although that might seem like an incredible age to still engage an adversary, other human Force-users were much more capable than Jinn even into their 80’s! Age affects us all in different ways and unfortunately for QGJ, it handicapped him, almost severely.
  • Sith Ambush (Weakness, 68/100)- When QGJ encountered the Sith Lord on Tatooine, he was the first Jedi to engage the Dark Side in a thousand years. As a Jedi, Dooku trained QGJ well but nothing’s like facing a live opponent. It is unfortunate that his one and only Sith foe was able to best him. Of course this is not his fault but it still has to be held against him. Perhaps with more experience QGJ would have emerged victorious.


  • Farsight (Strength, 88/100)- Unique to his last breath, QGJ was always able to see ahead of what was in front of him. His impressive ability to do so gave the Galaxy perhaps the best Jedi anyone has ever seen in Anakin. Not to mention QGJ prophesied the balancing of the Force through the young Skywalker who was just a mere boy at the time. That takes serious talent.
  • Set in his ways (Weakness, 75/100)- Obi-Wan would be proud of this intangible representation of his Master as he knew him better than anyone on how steadfast in his own beliefs Qui-Gon was. Besides his following and preaching of the “living Force”, his ultimate persistence and tenacity in what he believed in would inevitably consume him. I believe it played a small part in QGJ’s demise.

Final Word

Qui-Gon Jinn’s devotion to the Jedi Order is unmatched. Even in death was the Jedi Master still counseling the Jedi. That is so powerful and important that it must not be understated. As for the man’s legacy, I think QGJ’s age played a big factor near the end of his life. It is my opinion that if he were maybe 20 years younger, he could have defeated Darth Maul and gone on to be a legend for all time within the prestigious Jedi Order.

-Sith Pacify out







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We NEED More Darth Maul!

When you think of awesome Star Wars characters, Darth Maul is one of the first that comes to mind.

He is by far the most unique, animal-like beings throughout the entire saga.

Whether it’s his snarl that best resembles a predator ready to leap or his voracious heaves of his lightsaber, Darth Maul is a literal beast.


So if you’re reading this you’re probably saying “Of course he is, we all know that. What’s your point?”

Well my point is this: Why is a character that is so spectacularly awesome barely in Star Wars????

The man is a revenge seeking missile hellbent on vindicating his name and glory as he believes himself to be the chosen one.

He is a civilized entity that breathes fire and spits lightning.

Darth Maul, Lord of the Sith is about as terrifying and merciless as anyone in Star Wars history.

The following clip sums up the guy’s prowess perfectly. Check it out.

Now that’s some powerful stuff…

You have to be pretty cold-hearted to walk in Darth Maul’s shoes.

But you know all of this.

So where am I trying to go with this?

The point is, Darth Maul is returning.


The Dathomirian devil will return to Star Wars Rebels at some point in Season 2.

With another episode tomorrow night, the excitement of the possibility of seeing the legendary Sith/assassin back in action is at an all time high.

It will be fascinating to see what this prolific character’s role will be as there are a million ways to go.

Will he be a secret agent working directly under Darth Sidious with the sole intent of bringing Ezra Bridger to face the Emperor?

Will he be a lone wolf dedicated to the shadows as much as the Dark Side?

Or will he be a scarred and battered soul that is working against his former Master?

With so many possibilities it makes you wonder. What the heck took so long!?

Darth Maul is a character that has so much to offer everyone.

He provides a shiny new plot to any story, he excites Star Wars fans of any age with his unorthodox style and he is undeniably a force to be reckoned with.

I think it’s a darn shame that it took this long for Maul to be reintroduced to the mainstream audiences of Star Wars.

By mainstream I simply mean television or movies rather than books or comics.

Now, yes he was in The Clone Wars but only in a handful of episodes out of well over a hundred and you know what? That doesn’t do this great character justice.


I firmly believe that Darth Maul deserves his own independent film and hey, maybe that’s the direction Disney is going here.

If that is the case then well, Disney? THE WORLD THANKS YOU!

But in all seriousness, there should be about half a dozen video games dedicated to this guy, he should have his own show that mainly focuses on Maul’s acts of the Dark and like I said, even his own movie.

Just think about it…

There’s no one like him! Darth Maul is arguably the most physically gifted character, one of the most talented lightsaber wielders and his skills as an assassin just add to his legendary status of elite!

The man survived being cut in half and a never ending fall for goodness’ sake!

Not even the powerful Mace Windu was able to survive similar a defeat…or so we think…

Anyways, I just think Darth Maul deserves so much more credit than what he’s gotten in terms of recognition.

I think he needs to be in more of the spotlight and honestly, I expect that to be the case in the future.

-Sith Pacify out



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Disney CEO Gives Us What We Want: More Star Wars Movies

The Star Wars franchise is one of the world’s most popular and highest grossing of all time.

So it’s no coincidence that this past November a feature in Wired magazine written by Adam Rogers claimed that Disney will be releasing films as often as they possibly can.

Here is the direct quote of what Rogers had to say.

“If the people at the Walt Disney Company, which bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion in 2012, have anything to say about it, the past four decades of Star Wars are merely prologue, they are making more. A lot more.”

Now you might say, this is old news.

You’d be right. However, just recently Disney CEO Bob Iger had this to say regarding the topic of life after Episode IX…”There will be more after that.”

For Star Wars fans everywhere, this is major, groundbreaking news.

Now I won’t say it’s overly shocking news but to hear definitive and absolute confirmation that there will be more Star Wars films is a GREAT thing.

As for Disney, why wouldn’t they want to continue this 39 year old masterpiece of a franchise?

After the unbelievable showing of fans pre ordering tickets for The Force Awakens, it’s quite clear that the world can’t get enough of Star Wars.

Episode VII racked up over $100 million in ticket sales before the movie was even released!

So it’s pretty clear why Disney would want to continue this saga.


Now we know there are four films that are in the planning stages right now.

Pending delay, here are the four films expected release dates.

  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – release date: December 16, 2016
  • Episode VIII – release date: December 15, 2017
  • Han Solo Standalone Film – release date: May 25, 2018
  • Episode IX – release date: 2019

The greatest part of having Disney actually give the thumbs up for more Star Wars films is this…

Disney already has the next three years planned and all plotted out. With that being said, this gives way to the next five years or 10 years.

Because they now have time to brainstorm and put their intellectual might to work, us fans will undoubtedly influence Disney’s decisions on what to make.


I think atop fan’s wishlists sits everyone’s favorite bounty hunter: Boba Fett.

For the past couple years, it’s been rumored that there will be a Fett standalone film.

In addition to more films, Iger was also asked specifically about a possible Boba Fett film in which he reportedly responded with a “no comment.”


Now I might be reading a bit too much into this but it seems to me that a movie based on the chronicles of Boba Fett are in fact in the works.

It’s almost as if this is top secret material that was stumbled upon and Iger did his best to “damage control” any further hints and prevent this small fire from turning into a blazing inferno.

Now we’re almost sure that there will be a Boba Fett film, but who else?

Who else would we like to see on the big screen in a movie dedicated to this character’s backstory?

How about Obi-Wan Kenobi?


How awesome would that be?

Arguably the most powerful and important Jedi in a film explaining his journeys on Tatooine.

Sounds absolutely awesome to me!

What about a film on Mace Windu’s upbringing?

Or what if we learn that he somehow survived the fall from the Chancellor’s window…


That would be pretty cool.

How about a film on Yoda? Something maybe explaining the first 800 years of his life??


And lastly, how about the Old Republic!!

Disney has so much to gain from using the early days of the Republic and of the Sith Empire.

I think they just need a little “push” or some encouragement to pursue that path.

I’m sure they’ll stay away from the more challenging projects for now since the “perceived” debacle of the Prequels is still fresh.

Maybe it’s not even that though.

Maybe it’s the fact that if they make a movie and put in all these resources and manpower and it fails than maybe they’d look at that as their ceiling.

That would be excruciatingly painful considering each film you’d figure possesses the potential to rake in billions.


Lastly, on the topic of the Old Republic, I think they need to make a movie about Revan.

Someway, somehow. Throw caution to the wind and put all your faith in a project that amounts to a film of the almighty Revan.


The world deserves and needs to know his story. Plus, because he is such a unique figure, Disney could turn that into another trilogy.

All I know is this: if you’re a Star Wars fan, today was a good day.

We are in this for the long haul is basically what Disney said to us today regarding Star Wars.

Well Disney, us fans are here to stay as well.

Keep ’em coming and we’ll be there.

-Sith Pacify out
















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Why Star Wars Rebels Has Failed to Reach the Popularity of the Clone Wars

Star Wars Rebels returned last Wednesday  from an absence that lasted a couple of months.

Now that everyone has seen the midseason trailer, it’s safe to say the excitement has returned.

Here is the main point. Star Wars Rebels has been a good show but it’s very much below the bar set by Star Wars The Clone Wars.

The level of entertainment that Star Wars: The Clone Wars represents is about as captivating and compelling as anything Star Wars related.


From the very first episode in TCW, the action is tremendous.

But it’s not just all about the action that made this TV series absolutely sensational, it’s the vast and far-reaching storylines that accompanies all the extensive combat scenes.

We see so many different individual backstories that range from Obi-Wan and his past lover, Yoda and his struggle to keep the Order intact, Asajj Ventress trying to find belonging all the way to the many individual worlds in the Galaxy that try to pick sides during the tumultuous times that are the Clone Wars.

THAT is what is at the very core of this show. That is why TCW is so very special.

So, what’s wrong with Rebels?

Let’s get to it.

The Time Period

Rebels takes place 14 years after “Revenge of the Sith” which means the Galaxy is in a relatively quiet lull.

Since those who oppose the Empire and all that it represents are either dead or among the shadows, the opportunity for action is slim.

It’s hard to match TCW series and all its awesomeness when that show takes place right in the middle of a gruesome and bloody war!


The Characters

You see TCW benefited greatly from being in the height of the most complicated, ironic and calamitous time periods within Star Wars history.

Practically every single character was able to be utilized throughout TCW.

Even Darth Maul and Qui-Gon returned to action.

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As for Rebels, it’s a different story.

The main characters are, well, I’m just going to put it out there.

They’re pretty bland.

When you compare it to TCW, Rebels doesn’t even come close.

The Lack of Death


I’m a firm believer that TV shows in which the main cast remains alive and well regardless of the circumstances can be great.

I also believe that shows in which no character is safe at any time well, I believe these shows are the extraordinary.

Besides the top players in TCW like Anakin, Kenobi, Mace, Yoda, Palpatine etc. it was fair game on everyone else.

That risk, that idea that any character can be eliminated here or later is what kept the viewer on the edge of his or her seat.

Now with Rebels, it is exceedingly different.

We have seen only one main character die. Literally just one…


Besides the Grand Inquisitor, no other character that has been presented to us has died.

Now there is hope for this trend to end as we only recently discovered that Ezra’s parents, after much speculation, did indeed meet their end.

This might seem cold but that’s what makes good entertaining TV.

In order for Rebels to get on the level of TCW, we must see more of that, we must see more death.

The Slow-Paced Episodes

Throughout the 121 episodes in TCW, I would say only about five episodes were slow.


With that being said, Rebels is almost the opposite.

Now I want to be clear on this.

As I said before, there is a major reason for this. With a major Galaxy-wide conflict going on, TCW would of course be more action-packed.

Nonetheless, the entertainment value tends to suffer if the material is a bit slow.

Thus far, Rebels has been a bit slow.

In order for it to catch the vaunted level of enjoyment TCW has given to us, Star Wars Rebels must pick up the pace.

Why There Is Hope


I might be coming off a bit harsh on Rebels but believe me, I’m a huge fan.

With that being said, I do believe there is strong reason to be optimistic.

Before I continue, I must be fair.

This show has been awesome, it is a great show.

But as the title of this article states, it has not reached the point of TCW…yet.

If you’re reading this than you’re a Star Wars fan.

In that case, I’m sure you’ve seen the midseason trailer for Rebels.

That trailer is exactly why we should expect an uptick in the entertainment.

Things should start to get real crazy for our Rebellion friends.

As the show starts to introduce new and old characters, it certainly is starting to feel a lot like TCW.

From Princess Leia to my personal favorite Darth Maul, we’re in for a treat!

So hold on, be patient and understand this.

From a logical standpoint, Disney is calling the shots and if there is any company within the world that knows how to make money and gather excitement, it’s the Mickey Mouse corporation.


-Sith Pacify out









Disney, entertainment value, George Lucas, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, WordPress

The Greatness and Underestimation of Obi-Wan Kenobi

The characters that Star Wars has introduced to us range from heroic and masterful wielders of the light, to disciples of the dark.

But when you think of the all-time greats, who comes to mind?

Most definitely Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader.

Outside of the Force-users, Han Solo is not only a fan favorite but about as capable as any Jedi is with a sword of singeing energy.

But think about this, why is it that Obi-Wan Kenobi doesn’t jump to the forefront of this conversation?

I mean, really really think about it…

Obi-Wan appears in every single movie, including The Force Awakens (vocally).

Not only is he in every movie but his contributions to the storyline of Star Wars is critically crucial.


From the very beginning, Kenobi is tasked with training and mentoring the supposed “chosen one”.

His role is given a major boost when his beloved Master is taken far too soon but honestly it was the type of calling that only Obi-Wan could handle.

I think it’s acutely important to point out the ability of Obi-Wan from the very start.

As a young Padawan in Episode I, he was able to overcome the emotionally devastating experience of witnessing his Master’s slaughtering and overcome the odds to best a Sith Lord.


Darth Maul was supremely better than Kenobi in every single way and should have defeated the young Jedi with relative ease.

Apparently Obi-Wan never got the memo…

By the time Episode II rolls around, Obi Wan’s responsibilities are drastically expanded.

Arguably one of the most trusted Jedi, he’s given various missions that only the most solidified members of the Jedi Order would receive.

Not only does it speak volumes of how versatile he is, but it just shows that his investigatory and detective work are exemplary.

Why is Obi-Wan Kenobi so great?

Physical victories aside, from his discovery of the Republic’s order for a clone army to his revealing of the gathering of Separatist leaders on Geonosis, Keonobi’s contributions to the Galaxy is dynamically impressive.

Don’t forget, Obi-Wan is the first Jedi to learn of the mysterious Dark Lord known as Darth Sidious.


To say that he is versatile does Kenobi an injustice, he is so much more.

When Episode III arrives, Kenobi transitions to an official Jedi Master as he once again is tasked with the most important missions the Jedi Order can facilitate.

It’s also worth noting that the achievements Obi-Wan garnishes in Episode II and III are similar yet vastly different.

I would call the majority of Kenobi’s accomplishments in Episode II interrogative and probing.

In Episode III, the victories turn to bone-crushingly physical.

From taking down the Supreme Commander of the CIS in General Grievous to besting his former apprentice in a fight for the ages, Kenobi certainly does it all.


I want to make it clear how inconceivable the outcome of the Skywalker/Kenobi bout really was…

In all of Star Wars from the expanded universe to the original trilogy, there has never been another being as supremely gifted in every possible way as Anakin Skywalker.

From his command of the Force, to his 6’1 frame and his incomparable skills with a lightsaber, there’s is no one who is even close of a match against Anakin.

Except Obi-Wan.

There’s one reason why Kenobi was victorious.

The Jedi Master’s greatest skill was not with a lightsaber, it was not with his Force abilities and it wasn’t in his competence as a warrior.

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s most vaunted ability was his capabilities to stay within the moment.

The Emperor once famously said the term “Lack of vision.”

One thing is for sure, you’ll never hear anyone say that to Obi-Wan.

He knew that he had no chance against Anakin, yes he knew.

But by putting others before himself and understanding the ultimatum of win or lose for the fate of the Galaxy.

The fact is, he didn’t care about his own safety or his own welfare.

Anakin was his own creation. Obi-Wan knew he failed him as a Master, as a friend and as a brother.

He felt it was his responsibility to eliminate the twisted creature that was once his closest and most trusted ally.


It was up to him to put an end to this monstrosity…and he most certainly did.


But at the end of Episode III, he begins possibly his most vital quest of his vaunted life.

When he drops off Luke on Tatooine, he offically transitions from warrior to mentor.

Before I continue, I just want to point out how awesome this guy is.

Who could possibly do what Kenobi did??

No one!

He does it all. From teacher, to negotiator, to warrior and now to a mentor.

From being in the center of the universe and in the midst of almost every single matter in the Galaxy on Coruscant to seeing about 20 different people over an entire year on Tatooine, Kenobi is impressive to say the least.

Not even Yoda survived the trials and tribulations of exile as we see his mind diminish significantly.

In A New Hope, Obi-Wan sees the culmination of his life materialize as he trains the offspring of his former apprentice.

As Episodes IV, V and VI continue, it is Obi-Wan who remains a constant influence in Luke as he can claim responsibility in transforming this average farm boy into the most important figure of all.

But as I mentioned earlier, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s presence can even be felt in The Force Awakens.

Although it’s just a line or two, it just further proves my point on how important Kenobi is to Star Wars as a whole.

As Rey touches the lightsaber of Anakin Skywalker, she is blindsided by the Force as a mysterious vision comes about.

“Rey?” and “You’ve taken your first steps” can be heard, both said by Obi-Wan.

Interestingly enough, the younger “prequels” Kenobi and the “original trilogy” Ben Kenobi each has a line.

The significance of this being that both sides of Obi-Wan are as vital and important as anything.


Going forward, I think it’s a safe bet that the great Obi-Wan Kenobi will have some role in Episodes VIII and IX.

I know Luke is the popular choice for “most important” and I know others would say Anakin for the same category.

But my money is on the man with the resiliency to never give up and with enough vision to achieve the impossible.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is as good as it gets, he very well could be, the greatest.


-Sith Pacify out


Disney, entertainment value, film, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, WordPress

The Mystery of Rey

The great thing about The Force Awakens is the mystery that comes with the excitement.

This case being Daisy Ridley’s character of Rey.

We’re first introduced to Rey when she is scavenging through a grounded and deteriorated Star Destroyer.

As the movie progresses, we see different sides of Rey and one thing comes to mind immediately.

She is highly capable of taking care of herself.

She roams the sands of Jakku looking for parts to trade in for food.

Her fortunes change of course when she saves BB-8 from fellow scavenger Teedo.


Of course Rey eventually meets Finn as the both of them leave Jakku for good.

What’s very interesting about Rey is she isn’t opposed to company.

In fact, Rey practically welcomes it.

You would think of a desert scavenger to be more of a “one man wrecking crew” or someone operates better alone but no, Rey enjoys the company.

This brings me to my point of this post.

Someone like Rey reminds me so much of Luke but that’s too obvious…

What I’m talking about here is who are Rey’s parents!?

As I said a couple of lines ago, Rey is very reminiscent of Luke Skywalker.

Also very similar to Han Solo with a tinge of Leia.

Rey is someone who is a friendly, bubbly loner who is looking for excitement, friendship and most importantly of all, adventure.


I think to say Rey is Luke’s daughter is like saying Darth Vader is a robot.

It’s too obvious of a guess that there’s no way it can be true!

If you haven’t caught on by now, Disney operates under unique guidelines.

They love to keep the fans guessing.

As I described Rey’s similar traits to Han and Leia, it sounds more and more of a fit.

So let’s delve deeper…

Here is five reasons why Rey is the daughter of Han and Leia

  1. When Rey first comes aboard the Millennium Falcon and meets Han Solo, he seems curiously not surprised. Normally Han would be more aggressive and questioning to see a girl manning his beloved starship. Seeing Rey was almost expected…
  2. I find it odd that someone as independent as Solo would offer Rey a job so soon after meeting her. I understand that they definitely had some kind of chemistry between them with their piloting skills but it seems a little fishy.
  3. Like I just said, Han and Rey have so much in common. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Rey is so adept at flying the Falcon. You don’t just hop on a random ship and suddenly know how to avoid pursuers as capable as the TIE pilots.
  4. Rey has the power of the Force. Although Leia doesn’t actually use the force, it’s obvious that it’s in her blood. With that being said, isn’t it ironic that just like Princess Leia was in A New Hope, Rey was interrogated in The Force Awakens? A curious similarity between the two.
  5. When Rey first gets off the Falcon and is within the confines of the Resistance base, she sees Leia for the first time, or so we think…the look Leia gives Rey is very peculiar. It’s almost as if she knows who Rey is since she welcomes her with a big hug. Very interesting.2310969_orig

These parallels are too good to be ignored.

I know we’re all supposed to think that Rey is the daughter of Luke but I don’t know.

If Rey is to be Kylo Ren’s nemesis, wouldn’t it make more sense that she is his sister rather than his cousin?

It definitely adds to the pot and makes the story line all the more potent.

I’ve heard rumors that within The Force Awakens novel, Rey’s true parents are revealed.

I read Star Wars books every single day and that book will be near the top of my list when I finally get my hands on it.

The last little tidbit I would like to share with you all is a radical theory.

Hear me out.

What if Rey was the relative of…


Yes! Old Ben Kenobi!

This actually is my prediction.

I think Rey is the GRAND DAUGHTER of Ben Kenobi!

It’s just a crazy theory but I don’t know, I think it’s very possible.

I think it has something to do with her vision that she has after touching Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber.

Well, I’ll elaborate in a future post!

Until then, I’d love to know what you think!

Leave a comment and let me know!

-Sith Pacify out



Disney, film, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, WordPress

Will Luke Follow In Ben’s Footsteps?

As we count down the days until The Force Awakens is finally amongst us, I will be writing about interesting theories surrounding some of the main characters.

Today is Luke.


Yesterday I heard something very interesting that JJ Abrams said regarding TFA.

History repeats itself“.


Now before you jump to conclusions and imagine Luke donning the suit of his father and the breathing apparatus with his crimson blade, think a little deeper.

When we were first introduced to the young and restless Luke Skywalker, he was a kid that was lost at heart, desperately searching for a new direction.

Who provided him with the path that inevitably brought him to be one of the most legendary Jedi of all time?

The great Ben Kenobi.


We all know how Kenobi got to Tatooine and why he was looking after Luke but there’s something else.

It’s quite obvious that he played a major role, more than any other character in making Luke progress as a man and as a Jedi.

With that being said, this is where we come full circle.

Remember that JJ Abrams quote I said earlier? Well, doesn’t it make sense that Luke is to take on the mentoring role for Finn as Obi-Wan did for him?

I mean, once again it’s extremely obvious that the answer is yes but in order to come full circle, all of the events that occurred with Ben must take place…


As Ben took on Vader in that fateful moment, he knew what the outcome was to be.

He knew what was going to happen long before Vader had the slightest clue.

My intention in stating that is this: could it be possible that Luke follows this path? The EXACT way Obi-Wan took??

If you don’t know what I’m inferring by now I’ll spell it out to you…

Will Luke die in a sacrificial manner to save Finn in The Force Awakens?

To me it doesn’t seem all that crazy of a statement.

 The two ways I could see this not happening however is if one, Luke does turn to the Dark Side and two, he practically IS Star Wars after all.

You can read into JJ Abrams comments all you want but we’ll never know until we actually see the movie to know exactly what he’s talking about.

I could be on to something here or I could be taking you all for a ride!

At this point, it’s anyone’s guess.

It seems we’re all at a breaking point where we’re just imagining storylines and plot twists that are as insane as Queen Amidala’s clothing choices!


Nonetheless, we’re another day closer people.

As it has always been, excitement is yet again, an understatement.

-Sith Pacify out









