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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #1

The 1st and top character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Anakin Skywalker!

Anakin Skywalker Overall = 99

For this case, I consider this version of Anakin Skywalker to be the man before he donned the suit. 

He is the chosen one, he is what the prophecy speaks of, he is the greatest.

From the very first time Anakin Skywalker was introduced to us, we knew he was beyond special.

With the highest midi-chlorian count ever recorded in a force-user, Skywalker had the necessary foundation to launch himself to supreme dominance of cataclysmic proportions.

With fluidity and poise matched with never ending potential, Anakin was a light that was brighter than any other.

Yet with all his prowess, he was constantly tormented with relentless demons.

At the center of perfect irony, Skywalker was forced to make difficult choices. Choices that he would always regret.

From leaving his mother behind on Tatooine to struggling with his connection to Padmé as well as his undying quest to prove himself, Anakin Skywalker’s life would continue the trend of ups and downs.

But with all his pain he continued to progress in his abilities.

Day after day, week after week, Anakin’s command of the Force paired with his athleticism was truly eye opening.

Unfortunately for Anakin because of his lacky of humility and eccentric personality, his progress was met with cautious apprehension amongst his peers.

Always looking to be appreciated and loved Anakin inevitably fell in with the wrong crowd.

Of course it’s easy for us to say, considering Palpatine came across as nothing but a genuinely sweet and caring elderly man, he would inevitably be the final nail in the coffin that would be Anakin Skywalker and the birth of Darth Vader.


  • Athletic Ability (Strength, 100/100)- Perhaps only rivaled by his own son, no one could reach the heights of Anakin when it came to the feats that his body was capable of. Lean muscle absolutely pulsating with tremendous ability, strength, speed and power were all powerful tools that the young man was able to call upon. Even at such a young age he was keeping pace with legendary, grizzled Jedi veterans with little to no effort. The skill set of Anakin’s wasn’t unique, it was his age with his skill set that made him unique. It just goes to show, the talented Anakin Skywalker was one of a kind.
  • Force Unleashed (Strength, 100/100)- Characters like Yoda or the Emperor might have had more discipline or knowledge of the Force but it’s those like Anakin who are the most unpredictable and deadly. You know how some people have different levels of how hard they are battling? As in they’re about to “go into an extra gear”? Well Skywalker had no ceilings or limitations. Even when he didn’t know exactly what he was doing, he could still call upon the Force and unleash hell on anything that stood in his path to what he desired. 
  • Art of the lightsaber (Strength, 100/100)- As if the very weapon was an extension of himself, Anakin’s mastery of a lightsaber is the epitome of impressive. His dazzling performances on the battlefields of the Clone Wars made the bloody conflict look almost like a performance of a musical presentation. The flowing light of the weapon, the gracefulness mixed with violent hammering was a thing of beauty. Also, because he was so physically gifted, he could truly call upon any form and dominate. That’s pretty rare, but when you find out it’s Anakin Skywalker who owns that ability, it’s almost expected.   
  • Gift of Influence (Strength, 98/100)- Skywalker had the ability that allowed everyone around him to rise to the occasion. In the thick of battle Anakin just made those around him better. Through his energy and constant heart, his allies would subconsciously put in the extra effort and turn the dynamic of the team around from an already force to be reckoned with to an unstoppable wave. That’s what the great ones do, they allow those around them to grow and make no mistake, Anakin is the greatest.
  •  Emotional Ties (Weakness, 0/100)- As if it was a terminal illness, Anakin was the epitome of an emotional being. As I stated earlier, the losses of his mother, his embattled relationship between Padmé and the Jedi as well as his friendship with the Supreme Chancellor would eventually be his undoing. There was no escaping it. The moment young Skywalker, looking disheveled as ever, walked away from his mother on his home planet of Tatooine, a ticking time bomb initiated. His relentless search for love, belonging and appreciation would prove to be too much in the end as he would ultimately be consumed by his thirst for power and practically self destruct. 
  • Youth and Ignorance (Weakness, 15/100)- To understand this weakness in Anakin’s character you have to look at him as a whole. He was a young teenager who was thrown into a position of real power and importance as he entered the Clone Wars. Never lacking confidence Anakin did his best and tried his hardest to always succeed. Of course someone as young as he was was bound to eventually fail. Now when this failure arrived, Anakin did not have the mental maturity to look at it as natural and inevitable. Instead he pushed himself to never fail, never lose and never be anything but the best. The effect this mindset had on Skywalker was devastating. Because Anakin knew and understood how exceptional he was, he was no stranger to insubordination. In fact, the young Jedi was often at odds with his superiors or just authority in general. Never able to appreciate his greatness as well as failing to follow simple orders, this was a recipe for disaster. 


  • Rage (Strength/Weakness, 95/100)- Even though Anakin belonged to the Jedi, he always belonged more to his own ideals than anything else. Emotion or more specifically anger and hatred is something that is obviously frowned upon within the Order. But with Anakin, when pushed past his limits he would fully give in to his feelings and emotions and he would emerge as a fire-spitting, hate engulfed man hellbent on destroying anything in his way. We saw it when his mother was discovered and dies in his arms, we saw it when he returns to the temple after Order 66 initiates and we see it during his fateful bout with his longtime friend and former Master, Kenobi. The thing is, when Anakin would go into his rage mode, he lost touch with his Jedi side and almost became a rogue symbol of the Force itself. Although it gave him great power and extended his already amazing abilities tenfold, the overconfidence it instilled in him as well as the distorting of his reality might have turned this attribute into a weakness rather than a strength.

Final Word

At long last, the Sith Pacify Power Rankings are complete! To be honest, from the very beginning I had Anakin Skywalker locked in to the number 1 spot. Although I toyed with the idea of having Luke, Yoda and the Emperor at the top, Anakin was the final victor. I look at Anakin Skywalker and see two parts. I see someone who was so immensely powerful. Someone who could have gone on to be a Grand Master of the Jedi Order and not only have gone on to do great things for the Jedi but create a real sense of inclusiveness within the Galaxy. I could see him opening up relations between Force-users and everyday people. Skywalker could have bridged the gap between curious and fear-filled citizens to younglings and Jedi Masters. This would have been tremendous and could very possibly have guaranteed the public’s support for the Jedi and thus making them an all-time stalwart in society. The second part that I see when I look at Anakin is shameful disappointment. He was the most gifted Force-user ever, he was the most athletically inclined Force-user and he was incredibly intelligent! However, with all those abilities, he achieved very little. His record in battle was fantastic and he was of course known as this guy who was one of the best but raw. Yet, so little of his achievements were actually recognized mostly due to the fact that he was in his early 20’s when he left the Jedi Order. With Anakin you get the ultimate tale of irony. Someone who craved attention, who wanted to be loved and respected and when he finally gets what he’s always wanted, he cracks. If there’s one short line you should think of when Anakin Skywalker’s legacy is at hand it’s this: “Oh what could have been.”

-Sith Pacify out









DICE, Disney, EA, entertainment value, film, George Lucas, Power, sci fi, Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars Prequels, The Force Awakens, video games, WordPress

Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #2

The 2nd character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Luke Skywalker!

Luke Skywalker Overall = 99

Unbeknownst to the world, a human on the deserted landscapes of the Tatooine wastelands grew a boy who would change the Galaxy forever.

From farmhand to the most powerful person alive, the legend of Luke Skywalker is as illustrious as it is unlikely.

Originally thought to be a nobody, young Luke took a leap of faith and soon discovered his true identity. He was a Jedi like his father before him.

The sheer talent that surged through Skywalker’s veins was just begging to be released, yearning for an opportunity.

At the Battle of Yavin, he received that chance…

As a young and inexperienced pilot, he faced off against the Death Star with so much on the line.

The result of failure meant the vaunted Rebellion, the very force that he looked up to so dearly would be completely exterminated.

It was kill or be killed and he was up against the biggest mechanical monstrosity that eyes had ever seen.

A gargantuan task  for anyone, the young boy obliterated the battle station and saved the day.

In doing so he took that next step. A step into the shadow of his father’s brilliance. A place he would have never known existed unless his very own father had not told him himself.

As the years followed, he continuously notched more and more unfathomable victories underneath his belt.

Establishing himself as an elite military general, completing his training as a Jedi and then eventually defeating the egomaniacal tyrant of the land in the Emperor.

Throughout his time in the spotlight, one thing Luke continued to resemble was a pillar of the finest light.

Definitively turning away from the beckoning calls of the Dark Side, silencing the infamous Emperor’s attempts to convert the Jedi to a Sith, he remained true to himself and true to everything he stood for.

Skywalker represented everything that was right about existence. A symbol of untouchable purity that could never be tainted.

To his very core, Luke Skywalker was a Jedi, he was one of the good guys, he was the very meaning of hope.

In a time of eternal darkness, Luke was a rallying call.

As the oppressive regime of the Empire continued to mangle the innocence, Luke became someone for people to believe in.

He became someone who people could follow into the depths of hell and as long as they stayed close to his side, avoid the scorching of devilish fire and brimstone.

The best of the very best are like magnets, they attract those around them.

Luke wasn’t just a magnet, he was the very essence that made the magnet, he was the truth.


  • Pure of Heart (Strength, 100/100)- Throughout Star Wars, you would be hard-pressed to find anyone at all who had better character than Luke. Always trying to do the right thing, never cutting corners and always following things through, Luke was a living and breathing example of how things should be done. But why is this relevant? It’s important because through his inner purity and never-dying chivalry, Luke’s connection to the Force remained uncapped. The ability to reach deeper and climb level after level was always available. There was no limit to his potential and at the very root of it was his way of life. 
  • Power (Strength, 100/100)- There is a reason why someone as powerful as the Emperor was so hellbent on recruiting Luke to his side. Absolutely teeming with limitless strength, Luke became a desirable target for good and bad intentions. Only one person alive had ever seen such ability, but that’s for another time…Skywalker was a man in rarefied air. Through his connection with the Force, with his unstoppable physical capabilities and his exuberant youth, Luke Skwyalker was the complete package.
  • Level of Diversity (Strength, 95/100)- Luke was so skilled that anything he did, he was the best. From using the Force to piloting, Skywalker was the very pinnacle of diversification. It’s worth noting that it took Luke a while to get adjusted to using a lightsaber. In that time that he was unsure of the weapon, he crafted his marksmanship and all-around skill with a blaster. Now I know Force-users have the upper hand when it comes to reflexes and ability in situations like these but something has to be said for someone who started using a lightsaber so late in life and who then masters the weapon of the Jedi. It takes talent to be the best at something but when you get someone who is at the top in multiple categories? Now that’s just special.
  • Art of the Lightsaber (Strength, 97/100)- As I just said, Luke was a complete artist with the Jedi weapon. The whirling and dazzling beam of the weapon quickly became second-nature to Luke as he adapted surprisingly quick and became deadly. It was through intense sessions and his laborious work ethic that he was able to truly master the weapon and turn himself into one of the top swordsmen the Galaxy has seen.
  • Soft Spot (Weakness, 61/100)- Physically, Luke is flawless. Spiritually, it took him some time to get used to the Force but he figured it out and he now allows its waves of embrace to flow over him. But now emotionally and mentally, Luke has some issues. Whether it was the loss of Ben Kenobi that caused Luke to throw caution to the wind, the obsession of trying to bring his father back to the light that nearly cost him his life or his attempts to remake a Jedi Order that went painfully wrong as his nephew went berserk and demolished all that Luke fought so hard to build. Luke no doubt has some emotional attachments that he has had repeated trouble with. In Episode VIII, I hope he’s more careful or else…


  • Bloodline (Strength, 100/100)- At the very heart of the most Force sensitive family, Luke Skywalker is the very essence of the Skywalker family tree. With his father being so powerful and in-tune with the Force, it’s no wonder Luke is so dynamically dominant. The way this normally works is anyone who has Skywalker DNA even if it’s the tiniest smidgen they’re strong. But to be the very heart and soul of the entire line? Well, it just doesn’t get any better!

Final Word

As I first began to pencil in characters where I believed they belonged in my idea of a Force-user power rankings structure, Luke was a no-brainer. He was placed in the top three almost immediately. Although I wasn’t sure however if he should be the top man or the number three guy. After giving it some thought, I realized that Luke is who people think of when someone says “Star Wars”. He is the very definition of a hero, the light that shines the brightest and the one who makes everything fit together. He is one of the most strongest and potent Force-users ever as well as the one who has the most defined and meaningful legacies. When I look at Luke, the characteristic that impresses me the most is his ability to handle pressure. He seems to never be rattled and always be under wraps with what he wants to do with himself. His discipline is so unique for someone who has as much ability as he does. In the end, Luke Skywalker’s work ethic and beliefs of justice as well as his family’s genes granted him a deep connection within the Force which allowed him to possess untapped power. He is undoubtedly one of the greats, that’s why he is the number two Force-user on my power rankings.

-Sith Pacify out

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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: 17

The 17th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Kylo Ren!

Kylo Ren Overall = 90

In The Force Awakens, we were introduced to new characters.

But none of them were as epically demonstrative as the awesome Kylo Ren.

Infused with sheer emotion and electric raw power, Kylo Ren is so comparable with a young Anakin who also happens to be the Grandfather of Ren’s.

The excitingly sporadic character that is Kylo Ren is out for blood, power, legacy, you name it!

With all that being said, how is this young villain so powerful and amazing?

Let’s find out.


  • Strong in the Force (Strength, 94/100)- When we first see Kylo Ren, there is an aura of awe surrounding him. But what truly made Star Wars fan’s jaws drop everywhere was his terrifying use of the Force. We’ve seen many Jedi and Sith block shots from a blaster before but NEVER have we seen someone stop a singeing laser blast frozen in mid-air. Or the effectiveness and effortless way Kylo taps into his victim’s minds to see what they’ve seen. Though it seems he has trouble controlling his powers at times, this diabolical bad guy has an awesome arsenal to work with.
  • Rage of the Wicked (Strength, 92/100)- Like most Sith, Kylo delves into his emotions. He believes it gives him strength. Grants him immense power. Well you know what? It sure does. Kylo Ren’s abilities seem to double or even triple when he’s submerged in his nuclear-style rage. He controls it rather well for someone so young too. It will be fascinating though to see if he ever slips up…
  • Lightsaber Superiority (Strength, 94/100)- It’s evident that Kylo Ren put in a great deal of thinking into his lightsaber. Not only is it ridiculously unique, but believe it or not, the blade is adversely useful. By protecting his hands and becoming another devious weapon. The fire-like crossguard is a fantastic variable in the already different style of swordsmanship that Kylo Ren has adopted.
  • Intimidation (Strength, 92/100)- The last Star Wars character that we’ve seen that brings out the fear in his subordinates like Ren does is Darth Vader. With the chilling mask and similar breathing apparatus, Kylo Ren and Darth Vader have a lot in common. The difference of course being that one is relatively new to the Dark Side and the other one was one of the most dark, twisted characters the Galaxy has ever seen. Kylo is certainly on his way though…
  • Inner Conflict (Weakness, 50/100)- As we saw in The Force Awakens, there seems to be a constant pull to the Light and desire to stay within the Dark. With his Grandfather eventually leaving the Dark Side to rejoin the Light before his death and his Mother and Uncle’s longstanding relationship within the Light, there’s no wonder Kylo has such temptations. Nonetheless, this will continue to be an issue whether or not Han Solo is around.
  • Toughness (Weakness, 68/100)- When Kylo Ren was battling with Finn and then Rey, he was injured. As we know, a short time before Chewbacca hit him with a bolt from his bowcaster. With someone so connected to the Force, it was odd to see this injury noticeably effecting Ren. To be clear, Kylo Ren is still young and has a lot to learn and mature as he continues to walk down the steps to the Dark. But it was definitely alarming to see his physical vulnerability.


  • Bloodlines (Strength, 98/100)- It’s so eerie to watch Kylo Ren in action because it is so similar to Anakin Skywalker. From their physical appearance to their insatiable hunger for achievement, it’s no wonder Kylo Ren idolizes his Grandfather. If you were to make a perfect being that is the most Force-sensitive, you would get Kylo Ren no doubt. His growth in the Force is something I very much look forward to seeing.
  • Fate (Strength/Weakness, *)- As was the case for Darth Vader, he eventually cast aside his own selfishness and care for his body and sacrificed himself for the greater good. It seems very plausible that something similar will occur with Luke. Heck even Han Solo threw caution to the wind to save his friends. The fact is, the Skywalker/Solo way is to go out a martyr, or at least a form of it. This is something young Kylo Ren should keep an eye on as it could ultimately derail any plans for everlasting power.

Final Word

When I say the sky is the limit for Kylo Ren…I actually, full-heartedly mean it. He is so similar to the chosen one that it’s almost unbearable. His powers are unbelievably deep with writhing energy that it’s only a matter of time till he is invincible, so one would think. But underneath that tough facade, there’s a troubled boy who feels let down by his family yet blessed by them as well. Stuck in problems of his own making, Kylo Ren will face fierce judgement and pressure from here on out. It only gets harder for the Grandson of Anakin Skywalker but if anyone can take it, it’s Kylo Ren.

-Sith Pacify out


Disney, George Lucas, sci fi, Star Wars, Star Wars The Clone Wars, TV, WordPress

Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: 19

The 19th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Asajj Ventress!

Asajj Ventress Overall = 90

Asajj Ventress had many various experiences throughout her embattled life.

The Dathomirian female was a slave, a Jedi Padawan, a Sith Apprentice, a Nightsister and a bounty hunter.

But her time serving under Count Dooku was her most potent and memorable of years.

Up to this point, we have not had a Sith represented on the Sith Pacify Power Rankings.

With that being said, this should be fun.


  • Swordsmanship (Strength, 94/100)– The lightsabers utilized by Asajj Ventress once belonged to the Bando Gora leader and former Jedi, Komari Vosa. With that being said, it’s the wielder of the sword that wreaks havoc, not the other way around. Particularly skilled in lightsaber combat, Ventress was efficient, deadly and terrifying with the weapon. She routinely overpowered Jedi even coming close to defeating Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kit Fisto and others.
  • Survival (Strength, 90/100)– Not only was Ventress a proficient Force-user, but she also had skills to overcome diversity. In other words, she was more than capable to live off the land and to prosper with little or no supplies. She assumed the role of a bounty hunter later on in life and was exceptionally successful. In a bout with Ventress, one must expect the unexpected.
  • Determinative Will (Strength, 90/100)– With respect to her lightsaber prowess and her Force abilities, possibly Asajj Ventress’ strongest characteristic was her will to prove herself as a intergalactic force. Hellbent on proving her worth, Ventress never looked back after the repeated trials and tribulations she endured over the course of her complicated life.
  • The Force (Strength, 88/100)Although not extremely gifted with the Force, Ventress was more than capable in dishing out the pain against her adversaries. She consistently showed the ability to engage high ranking Jedi Masters in battle and use the Force to aid her conquest against them. Another factor in why she’s able to make the most with the level of the Force given to her is the fact that she was trained as a Jedi and as a Sith Apprentice throughout her life.
  • Shortage of Friends  (Weakness, 75/100)Although Ventress is a powerful singular combatant, she can be overwhelmed against multiple enemies. Because of her conflicting past, Ventress has lost out on creating life-long bonds. This detriment of character has cost her in combat and would ironically make her pay the ultimate price.
  • Lack of Trust (Weakness, 70/100)- Ventress was ousted from her position as Count Dooku’s apprentice when Darth Sidious pulled a power move and demanded Dooku kill her. Although this is only one example, Ventress endured tremendous situations of painful betrayal causing emotional defeat. It’s no wonder she was so angry!


  • Rage  (Strength, 93/100)- As a dynamic fighter, Ventress was able to push the limits of her skill that much more thanks to her emotions. Her anger towards living beings drove her to heights that amplified her abilities. Rarely being out of control, her anger propelled her to defeat competitors on the regular.
  • Pain  (Weakness, 68/100)- It’s no secret that Ventress had a tough life. She was taken from her homeworld as a child, forced into slavery, became a Jedi only to have her Master killed in combat and so on and so forth. Also, as I said before, Count Dooku also crushed Ventress’ heart and soul as he too disowned her. All these defeats and bouts with rejection undoubtedly caused Ventress real pain which I would have no doubt in believing that they ultimately attributed to her death.

Final Word

Asajj Ventress was a flaming shot of pure energy that wanted to take down everything in its path. Resolute in her actions and devastatingly effective, Ventress kicked ass and was victorious throughout her life even with being up against the odds. I think it’s safe to say that she lived her life in depression and had trouble with mental fatigue due to her intense sadness forced upon her in her past. Still, she is a powerful foe that many fell to. Ironically, Ventress was finally defeated in the name of love as she scarified herself to protect her lover Quinlan Vos against her former Master Count Dooku’s Force lightning. The legend of Asajj Ventress continues to live on as we are forced to ponder her spot amongst the Galaxy’s greats.

-Sith Pacify out












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Star Wars Battlefront Announces New Material

Today the folks at EA announced new content for Star Wars Battlefront.

Surprising? No.

About time? You got that right.

The new material will be released in different time increments with the earliest portion being dropped tomorrow.

A detailed list of what’s to come was posted on the game’s Facebook account.


  • The Tatooine Survival map will now support the Blast, Droid Run, Drop Zone, Hero Hunt, and Heroes vs Villains multiplayer modes, and is called Raider Camp.
  • New Hoth-themed outfits for Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, both of which will be available to all fans when they play as these two iconic characters on Hoth – these were unlocked by our players for completing our Heroes’ Holiday community mission last month.
  • We are giving players the ability to create Private Matches, which makes playing with friends even easier.
  • The introduction of Daily Challenges and Community Events. These are designed to rally the Community around certain goals and objectives, giving players the chance to earn credits and unlocks even faster. We’ll have more news regarding Community Events and Daily Challenges in the days ahead.
  • And of course, we are also including some overall balancing tweaks to both weapons and multiplayer modes.


  • A new Survival mission on Hoth, and a brand-new Hoth multiplayer map that will support our larger game modes including Walker Assault, Supremacy, Fighter Squadron and Turning Point.
  •  Turning Point will be available on all maps that currently support Walker Assault and Supremacy in the February update.


  • A new multiplayer map on Endor that will support Walker Assault, Supremacy, and Turning Point, and an additional Tatooine Survival map.


Now that you’ve seen all of that, it’s time to talk about it.

For starters, all of this will be free.

That’s awesome and very cool of EA.

However, we gamers are not stupid and for those who payed for EA’s “epic” Season Pass, we should be quite disappointed.

Before today, no one had any clue what was going on with the Season Pass.

It was as if EA took everyone’s money and just said “Oh well, we’re just going to keep this and not give you anything extra because well, we think we deserve it…”

But alas, our disappointment has come to an end as a bit of clarity was finally introduced.

The Season Pass too was announced which gives us all quite a bit of excitement.

Here’s what we can expect.


  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Outer Rim (March 2016) – Fight among the factories of Sullust and battle within Jabba the Hutt’s palace on Tatooine
  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Bespin (Summer 2016) – It’s hunt or be hunted in this action-packed experience set in the Cloud City of Bespin
  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Death Star (Fall 2016) – That’s no moon! One of the most iconic locations in the Star Wars universe makes its debut in Star Wars Battlefront.
  • Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Expansion Pack 4 – Title TBA (Early 2017) – We will have more details to share about this exciting new expansion pack in the coming months.


All four of these maps seem like they’re going to be so much fun.

Although the game thus far has been mildly okay and predictably repetitive with only five maps, this is a direct injection of jubilation.

The guys over at EA are not stupid.

They’re very wise to release two maps rather than just one in the first expansion pack for the Season Pass in March.

Now besides the new maps, what I’m most looking forward to is the new costumes to Han and Luke.

As you can see in the cover photo, it looks pretty clean.

I think from an aesthetics standpoint, to see a blue lightsaber upon the crystal-white landscape on Hoth will look incredibly awesome.

For Han, his costume just looks like the same old Han. Badass.

Another important update that EA is adding (tomorrow) is the “overall balancing tweaks to both weapons and multiplayer modes.”

To put it lightly…this is very much needed.

Some weapons are just way too powerful and others are just extremely weak.

It’s a great piece of the game to improve on so, well done EA.

Just to put things in perspective, it was very important that we at long last recieved an update about the Season Pass and about the future of this game.

Believe me, it needed it in the most severest of ways.

As a Star Wars fan and a gamer, it’s very hard to play a game for hours upon hours when it only features five maps with very limited characters.

Basically, the game was getting ridiculously boring…

On top of that, so many people including myself purchased the Season Pass and since the game came out in November, no one had any idea what was the deal with it.

January is almost over and to STILL not have any idea what’s going on with that was a major problem so I’m glad EA fixed that.

All in all, EA seems to have done a nice job with these fixes and additions.

I’m really looking forward to playing them and seeing everything in action!


-Sith Pacify out










Advertising, Disney, entertainment value, film, George Lucas, Star Wars, Star Wars Rebels, The Force Awakens

Star Wars Rebels Season Two Midseason Trailer…WOW!

Earlier today Star Wars fans were blindsided with the surprising release of something so substantial, it has come close to the hype that surrounded The Force Awakens.

That’s right, today we got to see the future of the animated series, Star Wars Rebels.

And let’s just say, it didn’t disappoint…

From scenes that were just plain awesome to scenes of cataclysmic proportions, the midseason trailer was beyond telling.

To give you guys the rundown, I’ve written down nine main points of interest within the trailer.

The following are all of these points…except two.

Those two…will come at the end.

  1. At the beginning of the trailer, Kanan speaks as the various scenes and images flash of the seventh sister and the fifth brother engaging Kanan and Ezra in repeated battles. It also seems that another Inquisitor has joined the ranks of the Jedi hunters. The thought-provoking clips tell us one thing…Kanan and Ezra have the full attention of the section of the Empire that deals with Jedi, which inevitably means Vader..rebels-season-2-mid-season-trailer_831db0e0
  2. If you’ve read Paul S. Kemp’s book “Sith Lords”, you’ll remember the inspiring and fearless leader of the resistance on Ryloth, Cham Syndulla, Cham of course being Hera’s father. Well it appears Cham is on a collision course with Rebels as he announces himself in the trailer. cham&hera (1).jpg
  3. We knew this before but hey, it doesn’t hurt to see it again! Princess Leia will be joining the gang in next week’s episode as we get a glimpse of her before A New Hope. What I found even more interesting than Leia simply being part of the show is Hera can be heard saying “he’s sending us reinforcements” regarding Leia’s adopted father, Senator Organa. What’s compelling about this is we are truly seeing the birth of the Alliance.Star-Wars-Rebels-812x522.jpg
  4. Since the destruction of the Jedi as we knew them occurred a decade and a half ago, the remnants of the Temple were all but wiped out…or so we thought. The unimaginable was witnessed within the trailer as many Jedi Temple Guards were throughout the various scenes. What this exactly means is still up in the air. Could it be another Jedi Temple was still populated at the time of Order 66? Possibly…the destination we see Luke in during The Force Awakens!? Hmmmm databank_jeditempleguard_01_169_3416bea1.jpeg
  5. Quite possibly the coolest sight within the trailer was the return of our “little green friend” Yoda! The Grand Master of the Jedi was seen talking to Ezra in a very ominous and cautious matter. Much like the Jedi Master once did with another Jedi, Anakin Skywalker…Screenshot-2016-01-15-at-1.53.39-PM.png
  6. Now I don’t know for sure but something looked oddly familiar within the trailer. Almost like a lost planet, one that we saw in Star Wars The Clone Wars. Well I’ll just spit it out, we may have  caught a glimpse of the sinister world of Korriban. The significance of this would be extreme. Could we possibly find out more of how Supreme Leader Snoke came to power in TFA maybe? With Sith holocrons and Sith artifacts you never know.  rEzkYuY.png
  7. This might be one of my favorite scenes in the trailer. When Ahsoka is sitting with Ezra and in between them is holovids of her former Master training. But the fascination continues to grow between Anakin and Ahsoka…You’ll find out more soon!tumblr_o10e03ry4Q1tiwa1fo1_500.gif








Now that I’ve shown you the very interesting points of what was in the trailer, it’s time we delve deeper, much deeper.

The following will blow you away.

Unless you’ve already heard what else was in the trailer, get ready…

  1. As we progress with Rebels, it’s inevitable that Ahsoka will cross paths with Darth Vader. I’ve said it in past posts. To see that episode will be a dream come true. But until then, we are left with curiosity and nothing more. Until now. The trailer touches on Ahsoka and Anakin’s close friendship. If you remember from The Clone Wars show, Ahsoka walks out on the Jedi Order. This might very well be how she survived the destruction of almost all of the Jedi, most at the hands of her fallen Master. A point of chilling fascination occurs between these two as Ahsoka appears to be in meditation, she hears Anakin’s voice saying, “Ahsoka? Why did you leave? Do you know what I’ve become?” It is at this moment where Ahsoka loses it and quickly pivots and turns around and engages her lightsaber as she slashes at the empty air. The whole time with tears streaming down her face…but it is at the end of the trailer when Ahsoka leaps at the man in black: Darth Vader.starwars_size3.jpg
  2. This is my favorite part of this entire post. I had to save the best for last because it is so shockingly amazing. At some point in the middle of the trailer, a familiar voice can be heard. The voice says “The Darkside…it pulls at him. It calls to him. You seek knowledge! Call me, Old Master…” It is at this point that a hooded figure starts to turn around. You can see just enough within the hood to make out who this is…you ready? DARTH MAUL!!! One of the most unique, fearsome and intimidating characters is back! THIS is what makes this so credible. How shocking!!

Well, there you have it!

Now there’s no need to watch the trailer if you haven’t all ready since I have you covered but you know what?

Forget that.

You MUST watch this trailer…

I just want to say well done to everyone involved in Star Wars Rebels.

You have all done an unimaginably perfect job and I commend you on your excellence.

-Sith Pacify out





















Disney, entertainment value, film, sci fi, Star Wars, WordPress

Three Things I Will Be Looking For in The Force Awakens

Last year on Black Friday, I watched the first The Force Awakens trailer about 50 something times.

I’m not joking. I literally watched it 20 something times in a row after I woke up from my food coma the day before…

I remember later that night I was listening to a Rebel Force Radio podcast  as they broke down every single bit of that 98 second trailer.

Before I continue, if you haven’t heard of the Rebel Force Radio podcast go check it out.

Not only is it extremely insightful but it will most definitely satisfy any Star Wars fan’s appetite for information, knowledge and well, for lack of a better term, coolness!

Anyway, as I listened that night to the RFR guys discuss everything from hidden Easter eggs within the trailer to predicting what the movie will look like, it got me thinking…

My first thoughts that night were about that mysterious red lightsaber-wielding figure.


At first, many fans were skeptical. They had never seen a lightsaber like this one, aesthetically speaking.

But not me, from the moment I was introduced to Kylo Ren’s character, I was hooked.

Well, my thoughts back to that night are still the same today.

The first item I’ll be looking for in The Force Awakens is who exactly is Kylo Ren?


We know he has some connection to the Sith, that part is clear enough.

But I want to know more, much more.

For starters, where is he from? Why and how is he on the Empire’s side…or is he?

And most importantly, what is his fascination with Vader mean?

Let’s face it, this guy is bad ass.

He reminds me a lot of Darth Maul.

The way Maul carried himself as he strutted around is very synonymous with Kylo Ren.

I look forward to finding out more about this walking mystery.

The second item I’ll be looking for in The Force Awakens is Rey and Finn and their force sensitivity.

Is Rey a force user? Is Finn?

We’ve seen Finn engage adversaries with his lightsaber on multiple occasions throughout the trailers so it might be a safe bet so say he is force sensitive.


But Rey? We just don’t know yet…


I’m inclined to think that both of them are indeed force sensitive.

But I’m not quite sure how that could be feasible for the storyline however.

Another thing that strikes me is how young Daisy Ridley and John Boyega are.

Both are 23 but I don’t know, they just look younger!

Now I’m not saying that’s a bad thing at all but it just will be interesting to see where they both end up since this is just the beginning of their journey in a galaxy far, far away.

The third item I’ll be looking for in The Force Awakens is Luke and what is his ultimate destiny?


I saved the best for last here.

Luke is what stirs the pot of curiosity for me.

For starters, where the heck is he and what does it mean that he’s not front and center in the trailers….

Could the golden boy of the Star Wars franchise really make the unfathomable choice and join the Dark Side!?


What’s more, how does Luke perceive the potential Jedi in Finn and/or Rey?

Will he take on a lovingly and kind embrace such as Ben Kenobi did with him?

Or will he take the wait and see approach and be more along the lines of Yoda?

It’s going to be truly captivating to see Luke Skywalker back on the big screen, especially with Han and Leia.

Man, I get goosebumps just thinking about it!


We are TWO WEEKS away from the midnight premiere!


-Sith Pacify out









Disney, entertainment value, film, marketing, Power, sci fi, Star Wars, TV, WordPress

How about a Rated “R” Star Wars Movie?

I know what you’re thinking…crazy right?

It would never happen?

Well, I get the marketing dynamics of an R rating for a Star Wars film but for this post, think of strictly entertainment value and what that rating could bring with it.

Throughout all six Star Wars films, only one was NOT rated PG.

That one film was Episode III Revenge of the Sith. 

But regardless, what would be the point of an R rated Star Wars film you might ask?

Well, think about this.

light-saber-10-mil-disney-geeks-and-cleats.jpgLightsaber Duels

The iconic image of Star Wars is two interlocking lightsabers.

Normally one is a crimson red and the other a vibrant blue or an enchanting green.

But besides the color, the idea each combatant has within each saber bout is to maul their enemy.

Well, in the films, besides maybe a loss of limb or maybe the very rare decapitation, normally the battle results in a impaled-type of a result.

So if one of the films were rated R, I believe you’d see a different type of ending.

First off, these weapons are laser swords. Their abilities to hack and mutilate would truly be explored.

I think there would be a lot more gruesome deaths. Something that you’d see in reality with such a weapon.


Remember that scene where Anakin cut off both of Dooku’s hands and then eventually lopped off his head as well?

Well with an R rating, Star Wars deaths would be more and more similar as this one.

I mean, let’s face it. A lighsaber is a powerful yet grisly weapon.

It takes little effort for the energy blade to slice through human flesh.

Now in an actual bout, well, there’s a lot more effort than just a little…

Thank god for the cauterizing abilities a lightsaber induces.

Without it, you might see a bunch of entrails piling up under the massive incisions…

Yea…not a pretty sight.


Love Scenes

Now there’s not many love scenes in Star Wars but the one glaring and fairly obvious one is between Anakin and Padme.

I’m not saying that this is something I would necessarily be advocating for, but I think it would add a certain culture of identity for their relationship.

Before I continue, I do also want to add that I thought George Lucas’ portrayal of their kindling of their relationship in the early days (while Anakin and Padme were hiding out on Naboo) was shown perfectly.

Lucas basically showed the enticement between the two while staying within the parameters of a PG rated movie.

Nonetheless, if the film was rated R well, I think things would get awfully steamy.

Sexual encounters and the prevalence of passion between characters would be numerous.

Scenes of love would be fully exposed to their fullest meaning.

But alas, the films remained PG and PG-13 which in Luke and Leia’s case….might be a great thing.



True Intentions of Torture and Treatment

When I first thought of this subject, this is what I was thinking about.

The Sith are ruthless and relentless.

Just imagine what would have been shown if they had no restrictions.

You see, Darth Sidious comes immediately to the forefront when I begin thinking of this.

His treatment of those who wronged him would not be so subtle.

Such as Luke at the end of ROTJ when he tortures the young Jedi with his force lightning.

Now I could be wrong on this.

Sidious is a man of elegance and efficiency.

He might be okay with injuring Luke with his force abilities so I think I’ll brush him aside and bring in the next subject, Vader.


Remember this scene?

If the movie was rated R, you think he’d just choke his enemies and just leave it at that? Definitely not.

Vader would have all of his adversaries feel his pure hatred and endure his wrath.

You ever see Game of Thrones?

If you have, you might be familiar with the scene where Oberyn Martell is horrifyingly killed by The Mountain…


If a Star Wars film was rated R, I definitely think you’d see a lot more of deaths like this.

After all, Vader is bigger than The Mountain…


Unfortunately for all us Star Wars fans that would like to see the fights and stories played out with no restrictions, there’s just no way a film like this would ever be rate R.

From the lack of movie-goers to the loss in sales, everything leads back to money and Star Wars would be losing out.

But hey, we can always imagine right?

Until next time Star Wars fans.

-Sith Pacify out














Disney, sci fi, Star Wars, TV, WordPress

Why Star Wars Rebels is Must-Watch TV

Have you ever been in a position where hopelessness gives way to a birth of direction and opportunity are born?

That’s Star Wars Rebels in a nutshell.

The creation of a resistance that eventually becomes a movement and then a force.

Something that ultimately brings us The Force Awakens.

When Rebels first burst on to the scene, I’m not going to lie, I was rather skeptical.

The animated show was to be on a Disney owned channel that is commonly associated with young teen shows that, let’s face it, are designed to keep little 13 year old’s happy.

Not to mention this Star Wars show was centered around the beginnings of the Rebellion, it wasn’t all that enticing.

When it was first announced, it was tough to get behind the show because frankly, I didn’t think the focus of the show was all that interesting.


Slowly but surely, little by little, I became hooked.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have unconditional love for Star Wars.

No matter what, I’ll defend it if it’s Star Wars.

But sooner than later, Rebels didn’t need any defending.

Halfway through the first season, this gang of ragtag freedom fighters earned my support.

Now fast forward to tonight’s episode.

I thought this time would be appropriate to officially state that Star Wars Rebels not only has my support but my admiration and dedication.

Every single Wednesday night, I run to my TV like a little kid, I hop on the couch and I turn the channel to Disney XD.


When the screen lights up like that ^…I always have a big smile on my face as I know I’m about to embark on a trip, a journey through the galaxy far far away…

You see, Star Wars Rebels has become must-see TV.

We’re at the point where you can expect a brilliant, well written storyline that is portrayed exactly how the characters would act if they were real.

The show’s Executive Producer, Dave Filoni, has really struck gold.

Character’s like Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus are absolutely scintillating.

Take Ezra for example.

To me, he’s very reminiscent of a mix between Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.

He’s on his own when Hera Syndulla and her gang of Rebels meet him.

Fending for himself as a complete loner, he has an attitude and a sense of humor that carry shades of that old Corellian smuggler we all love.

His similarities with Luke run deep too.

Not only does he realize his hidden Jedi potential after stumbling upon an actual Jedi (like Luke) but he’s very potent with a ton of ability.

As for Kanan, he might just be my favorite character.


A fearless competitor, Kanan does anything for his friends, no matter what the cost.

It might sound a little strange, but he has a lot of Princess Leia’s attributes within him.

He’s very bold and true to himself and those around him, he gets the job done and most importantly, he’s willing to die for what he believes in.

That is Kanan Jarrus, a true leader when the Galaxy is barren of their kind.

The best part about Rebels is the best is yet to come.

Think about this for a moment…

When the season started, we were introduced to Ahsoka Tano becoming a major part of the Rebel movement.

As we saw in the first episode, Darth Vader has unfinished business with his former padawan.

When THAT episode finally airs, then we’ll be approaching groundbreaking entertainment.

Star Wars fans everywhere have racked their brains in thinking of possible scenarios on Ahsoka’s fate and what is to become of her.

The best part is, at some point in Star Wars Rebels, we should get a definitive answer.

Until then, Star Wars fans.


-Sith Pacify out



Disney, sci fi, Star Wars, WordPress

Qui-Gon Jinn: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due


Qui-Gon Jinn was approximately 60 years old at the time of his death.

He never sat on the vaunted Jedi Council and he was never known to be extraordinarily strong with the force.

So, what’s so special about him you might ask? Well, for starters Jinn might be the most important Jedi not named Luke Skywalker.

Qui-Gon Jinn was certainly talented and experienced enough to be on the Jedi Council but his “radical” beliefs of the living force and his unorthodox ways repeatedly put his peers at odds with him.

It was commonplace for Jinn to be told how to go about a mission by some of the eldest Jedi and how to conduct himself in certain situations only for him to completely go against his instructions and do things his own way.

Now this might all seem like criticism and maybe it is, but it’s also who Qui-Gon was…and he knew it as well.

So why is this rebellious Jedi so important you might ask?

It’s quite simple really, it can be described in three words…



For many years the Jedi Master continuously did things his own way as he believed in his own ways of the force.

Basically, the reason why this enigmatic Jedi is so relevant in the grand scheme of things is his beliefs of the living force were spot on.

On that fateful day when Jinn’s midsection and the Sith apprentice Darth Maul’s lightsaber were united, Qui-Gon Jinn’s long stubbornness and boldness finally came to fruition.

The Jedi found life after death…

Something no Jedi had done before.

Through his abilities and beliefs in the living force, he was effectively able to remain in the mortal world mentally-speaking through his conscience and soul.

Now that brings me to my main point.

As the show Star Wars: The Clone Wars shows us, Qui-Gon’s new ability is taught and given to his former Master, head honcho of the Jedi Order, Master Yoda.


If you remember the last three episodes from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Yoda embarks on a secret mission throughout the Galaxy.

It is here where Yoda learns of the living force and its importance.

Ironically, it was Yoda who was one of Jinn’s critics during his lifetime as the Jedi refused to bend to the Council’s ways.

Yet it was Yoda who could be harshly criticized himself for being too stubborn in not seeing the Jedi’s ways and how they were inevitably doomed to fail for the lack of progressiveness.

Nonetheless, Yoda gives credit where credit is due as he figuratively becomes the apprentice of his own former pupil, Qui-Gon Jinn.

yoda (1).jpg

It is here where Yoda learns the skills and abilities as well as the significance of the living force .

If you recall at the end of Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Yoda tells Obi-Wan of the contact he has made, the resurfacing of Qui-Gon Jinn.

After Obi-Wan’s forever-changing bout with Anakin/Darth Vader, Kenobi goes into hiding on Tatooine as he watches over young Luke Skywalker from afar.

It is here where he practices and perfects his former Master’s teachings and learns the ways of the living force.

The real significance of this is when Obi-Wan is “cut” down by Vader in Episode IV yet is able to communicate through the force to Luke and Yoda.

Most importantly, with Obi-Wan still able to sporadically help his pupil, Luke Skywalker, the fate of the Galaxy is eventually restored.


Do you realize that without Qui-Gon Jinn none of that would have been possible!?

Out of every Jedi in the Order, none of them were able to achieve the level of brilliance that Jinn reached.

So, before you say who is the most powerful Jedi, remember there is power in knowledge.

Do not forget about Qui-Gon Jinn and all he did for the Jedi, for the good of the Galaxy and the future of existence.


-Sith Pacify out











