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Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings: #4

The 4th character for the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings is…Yoda!

Yoda Overall = 98

As the last Grand Master of the Jedi Order, the legend of Yoda is as illustrious as the Jedi itself.

Small in stature and ancient in age, the Jedi Master’s place in the Force is at the very top.

In every single category one could judge a Force-user on, Master Yoda is elite.

Besides his prowess in the Force, his emotional and spiritual representation is unparalleled.

His devotion to living beings, his understanding of life itself and his dedication to all that is righteous is what this little green creature is.

As he sat atop the Jedi Council during the final days of its existence, Yoda knew the shroud of evil had grown so strong and so powerful that its consumption of the Order was eminent.

As the plot of the Sith unraveled and it was clear who Darth Sidious was, Yoda carried out his duty and attempted to right the wrong and defeat the Sith Lord.

Of course we know he ultimately failed in the battle for the ages but does that hurt his legacy? His place among the all-time Force-users?

Not in the slightest.


  • “The Force is my ally” (Strength, 99/100)- Leader of the vaunted Jedi and a being of more than 800 years old, Yoda has seen and been through it all. With age comes experience and this little green individual has it all. With a complete and totally mastered arsenal, Yoda is a walking reminder of how epic and dynamic the Force really is. Not only is his combat use of the Force profound but his far sight and ability to sift through the ever turning future is what makes Yoda elite. Beings like the Emperor might have more offensive weapons than Yoda but it’s his defense that separates him from the pack…
  • Pillar of Defense (Strength, 99/100)- Undoubtedly the best, Yoda’s strongest side of combat was his legendary defense. He might not have the most powerful Force weaponry, but he does have the most comprehensive and complete defensive talent out of anyone in Star Wars history. Yoda’s maneuvering and searching for the upper hand in warfare was severely unnerving for his opponents. Count Dooku and even Darth Sidious learned the hard way that the small in stature Jedi’s defense is impenetrable. 
  •  Maestro Extraordinaire (Strength, 95/100)- What did Yoda refer to himself as most? One of the most powerful beings in the Galaxy? The most respected individual in all of Coruscant? None of the above. Yoda was a teacher and he thought of himself as one. Even though he was the most powerful being throughout the universe, Yoda’s pride and joy was in his teaching. His love for his younglings, his intense passion for his students and his admiration for his Padawans is what defines Master Yoda. Unlike the Sith who think inward, the Jedi and Yoda more specifically, is at the absolute pinnacle of humility. 
  • I Choose Hope (Strength, 97/100)- As Ben Kenobi became one of the biggest influences for Luke to follow his destiny and become a Jedi, it’s Yoda who doesn’t receive enough credit for his part. After the Galaxy fell to the control of the Empire, Yoda could have just left existence and gone into hiding as Satele Shan once did. But no, the Grand Master of the Jedi knew he would still play an invaluable part in the timeline of the Force and descended in secrecy to the jungle/forest planet of Dagobah. Of course, young Skywalker would eventually find his way there and it would be Yoda who would provide the necessary training in order to take the next step in his path to a Jedi Master.
  • Overlooked (Weakness, 40/100)- With the Clone Wars raging on and more information on the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Sidious being discovered by the day, it was Yoda who failed to register the legitimate  threat of the Sith. Of course all Jedi failed in this regard but as the Grand Master and leader of the Jedi, Yoda was most responsible. Of course it’s unfortunate for Yoda. Someone with such a pristine reputation and  level of understanding, to fall to Sidious and the Sith, that will forever plague Yoda’s legacy.


  • Level of Calm (Strength, 98/100)- In the height of the Clone Wars with intergalactic devastation throughout, with the wave of the Dark Side ever approaching and finally with the fall of practically all of his comrades, Yoda remained in a state of calm. As he assessed the situation, he fully knew that his emotions would do nothing but muddy the predicament. As the very best of the Order, you would expect no less and Yoda most certainly delivered. Unlike many other leading members of the Jedi who either showed a great deal of grief in the trying times of Order 66 or just in the thick of battle within the Clone Wars, Yoda remained relatively calm. Of course I’m obligated to point out that Yoda felt such immense pressure and weight on his conscience as more and more Jedi were lost every day but for the most part his attitude towards it all was what separated him from his peers as he was able to embrace diversity.

Final Word

Yoda is just one of those characters that deserves to be at the very top. Although he is fourth in my rankings, Yoda will forever be a mainstay as “one of the best”. With Yoda, there’s just so much to assess. His competence in the Force is at any individual’s peak, his level of understanding within the universe is top notch and all the intangibles that makes someone great are there as well. What’s there not to like about him? Of course he lost to Sidious in what would have been a Galaxy-saving victory but does that tarnish his reputation? Absolutely not. What’s fascinating is Yoda was extremely advanced in age at the time of their battle. What would have happened if Yoda was five or six hundred years younger!? Could the Jedi have emerged victorious? Of course we can only speculate but i’d tend to think the tides could have been swayed to the other side. The Light side.

-Sith Pacify out










Disney, entertainment value, film, George Lucas, Power, sci fi, Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars The Clone Wars, The Force Awakens, video games

The Star Wars Character Power Rankings

For a long time now I’ve wanted to do something like this.

I’ve always been one who deals in absolutes and in doing so, I always liked to stack up the competition against each other and see where everyone stands.

In other words, Star Wars is a vast collection of many diverse characters whom are all extremely powerful.

But who is the strongest? Who is the toughest?

When it came to Star Wars, I always thought about contests like this.

Well, the Sith Pacify Blog has been fairly inactive in the past couple weeks as only a couple posts over that time have been published.

The reason for this being I have been thinking of a way to quantify a power index on who the greatest mainstream characters within the franchise are.

Here’s what I’ve got.

Only Main Characters

As I recently stated, for this list I will only be discussing main characters.

Now, there is a bit of a caveat here.

There is going to be a number of characters within the rankings who can be looked at as “not the most important”.

The reason that some of these characters are to be included is because their style offers a breath of fresh air with their uniqueness and their adversity in respect to the others.



I have identified a number of statistics in which I will be classifying each character under.

For each category, there will be a number from 1-100 in which the skills and abilities will be placed under.

For example, someone like Yoda who is clearly one of if not the most powerful of Force-users would have a rating for the category of “Force Abilities” around 95.

For those of you who have ever played sports video games such as Fifa, Madden or 2k, the characters will be ranked in a similar way as the players in the previously stated sporting games.

Intangibles and Abilities 

In order to insure individuality, each character will have a couple categories that will be specifically catered to their abilities. 

For example, I’ll tell you right now that a character like Kylo Ren will have the category “emotion” listed.

For each category that a character receives, it will be stated whether they help the character or hurt them.

I also want to be clear that the intangibles are not just positive aspects of these characters’ prowess.

They can be a detriment to the individual or a powerful tool used in battle.

Descriptive Style

When I am classifying the powers of the characters, I will not be writing down the backstories for each hero or villain. 

Now I might list specific examples but I will not be doing this for every single category.

Simply put, each character will have their abilities described in great detail and will be given a rating depending on their strengths and weaknesses.

The Characters

As I said earlier in this post, I will only be looking at Force-users for this list.

In the future I will most likely add on those who do not have the abilities of the Force to this list but for now, characters like General Grievous and Boba Fett will not be included.

Without further ado, the following list of characters will be those listed within the rankings.

It’s important to note that this list is not in any particular order whatsoever.

  1. Anakin Skywalker
  2. Obi-Wan Kenobi
  3. Yoda
  4. Mace Windu
  5. Darth Vader
  6. Darth Sidious
  7. Count Dooku
  8. Kit Fisto
  9. Darth Maul
  10. Revan
  11. Darth Malgus
  12. Kylo Ren
  13. Rey
  14. Ki-Adi Mundi
  15. Plo Koon
  16. Kanan Jarrus
  17. Ezra Bridger
  18. Ahsoka Tano
  19. Asajj Ventress
  20. Darth Plagueis
  21. Qui-Gon Jinn
  22. Darth Malak
  23. Darth Bane

Well there you have it, my next many many posts will be the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings.

Hope you all enjoy it.

-Sith Pacify out











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Why Star Wars Rebels Has Failed to Reach the Popularity of the Clone Wars

Star Wars Rebels returned last Wednesday  from an absence that lasted a couple of months.

Now that everyone has seen the midseason trailer, it’s safe to say the excitement has returned.

Here is the main point. Star Wars Rebels has been a good show but it’s very much below the bar set by Star Wars The Clone Wars.

The level of entertainment that Star Wars: The Clone Wars represents is about as captivating and compelling as anything Star Wars related.


From the very first episode in TCW, the action is tremendous.

But it’s not just all about the action that made this TV series absolutely sensational, it’s the vast and far-reaching storylines that accompanies all the extensive combat scenes.

We see so many different individual backstories that range from Obi-Wan and his past lover, Yoda and his struggle to keep the Order intact, Asajj Ventress trying to find belonging all the way to the many individual worlds in the Galaxy that try to pick sides during the tumultuous times that are the Clone Wars.

THAT is what is at the very core of this show. That is why TCW is so very special.

So, what’s wrong with Rebels?

Let’s get to it.

The Time Period

Rebels takes place 14 years after “Revenge of the Sith” which means the Galaxy is in a relatively quiet lull.

Since those who oppose the Empire and all that it represents are either dead or among the shadows, the opportunity for action is slim.

It’s hard to match TCW series and all its awesomeness when that show takes place right in the middle of a gruesome and bloody war!


The Characters

You see TCW benefited greatly from being in the height of the most complicated, ironic and calamitous time periods within Star Wars history.

Practically every single character was able to be utilized throughout TCW.

Even Darth Maul and Qui-Gon returned to action.

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As for Rebels, it’s a different story.

The main characters are, well, I’m just going to put it out there.

They’re pretty bland.

When you compare it to TCW, Rebels doesn’t even come close.

The Lack of Death


I’m a firm believer that TV shows in which the main cast remains alive and well regardless of the circumstances can be great.

I also believe that shows in which no character is safe at any time well, I believe these shows are the extraordinary.

Besides the top players in TCW like Anakin, Kenobi, Mace, Yoda, Palpatine etc. it was fair game on everyone else.

That risk, that idea that any character can be eliminated here or later is what kept the viewer on the edge of his or her seat.

Now with Rebels, it is exceedingly different.

We have seen only one main character die. Literally just one…


Besides the Grand Inquisitor, no other character that has been presented to us has died.

Now there is hope for this trend to end as we only recently discovered that Ezra’s parents, after much speculation, did indeed meet their end.

This might seem cold but that’s what makes good entertaining TV.

In order for Rebels to get on the level of TCW, we must see more of that, we must see more death.

The Slow-Paced Episodes

Throughout the 121 episodes in TCW, I would say only about five episodes were slow.


With that being said, Rebels is almost the opposite.

Now I want to be clear on this.

As I said before, there is a major reason for this. With a major Galaxy-wide conflict going on, TCW would of course be more action-packed.

Nonetheless, the entertainment value tends to suffer if the material is a bit slow.

Thus far, Rebels has been a bit slow.

In order for it to catch the vaunted level of enjoyment TCW has given to us, Star Wars Rebels must pick up the pace.

Why There Is Hope


I might be coming off a bit harsh on Rebels but believe me, I’m a huge fan.

With that being said, I do believe there is strong reason to be optimistic.

Before I continue, I must be fair.

This show has been awesome, it is a great show.

But as the title of this article states, it has not reached the point of TCW…yet.

If you’re reading this than you’re a Star Wars fan.

In that case, I’m sure you’ve seen the midseason trailer for Rebels.

That trailer is exactly why we should expect an uptick in the entertainment.

Things should start to get real crazy for our Rebellion friends.

As the show starts to introduce new and old characters, it certainly is starting to feel a lot like TCW.

From Princess Leia to my personal favorite Darth Maul, we’re in for a treat!

So hold on, be patient and understand this.

From a logical standpoint, Disney is calling the shots and if there is any company within the world that knows how to make money and gather excitement, it’s the Mickey Mouse corporation.


-Sith Pacify out









Disney, entertainment value, George Lucas, sci fi, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, WordPress

The Greatness and Underestimation of Obi-Wan Kenobi

The characters that Star Wars has introduced to us range from heroic and masterful wielders of the light, to disciples of the dark.

But when you think of the all-time greats, who comes to mind?

Most definitely Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader.

Outside of the Force-users, Han Solo is not only a fan favorite but about as capable as any Jedi is with a sword of singeing energy.

But think about this, why is it that Obi-Wan Kenobi doesn’t jump to the forefront of this conversation?

I mean, really really think about it…

Obi-Wan appears in every single movie, including The Force Awakens (vocally).

Not only is he in every movie but his contributions to the storyline of Star Wars is critically crucial.


From the very beginning, Kenobi is tasked with training and mentoring the supposed “chosen one”.

His role is given a major boost when his beloved Master is taken far too soon but honestly it was the type of calling that only Obi-Wan could handle.

I think it’s acutely important to point out the ability of Obi-Wan from the very start.

As a young Padawan in Episode I, he was able to overcome the emotionally devastating experience of witnessing his Master’s slaughtering and overcome the odds to best a Sith Lord.


Darth Maul was supremely better than Kenobi in every single way and should have defeated the young Jedi with relative ease.

Apparently Obi-Wan never got the memo…

By the time Episode II rolls around, Obi Wan’s responsibilities are drastically expanded.

Arguably one of the most trusted Jedi, he’s given various missions that only the most solidified members of the Jedi Order would receive.

Not only does it speak volumes of how versatile he is, but it just shows that his investigatory and detective work are exemplary.

Why is Obi-Wan Kenobi so great?

Physical victories aside, from his discovery of the Republic’s order for a clone army to his revealing of the gathering of Separatist leaders on Geonosis, Keonobi’s contributions to the Galaxy is dynamically impressive.

Don’t forget, Obi-Wan is the first Jedi to learn of the mysterious Dark Lord known as Darth Sidious.


To say that he is versatile does Kenobi an injustice, he is so much more.

When Episode III arrives, Kenobi transitions to an official Jedi Master as he once again is tasked with the most important missions the Jedi Order can facilitate.

It’s also worth noting that the achievements Obi-Wan garnishes in Episode II and III are similar yet vastly different.

I would call the majority of Kenobi’s accomplishments in Episode II interrogative and probing.

In Episode III, the victories turn to bone-crushingly physical.

From taking down the Supreme Commander of the CIS in General Grievous to besting his former apprentice in a fight for the ages, Kenobi certainly does it all.


I want to make it clear how inconceivable the outcome of the Skywalker/Kenobi bout really was…

In all of Star Wars from the expanded universe to the original trilogy, there has never been another being as supremely gifted in every possible way as Anakin Skywalker.

From his command of the Force, to his 6’1 frame and his incomparable skills with a lightsaber, there’s is no one who is even close of a match against Anakin.

Except Obi-Wan.

There’s one reason why Kenobi was victorious.

The Jedi Master’s greatest skill was not with a lightsaber, it was not with his Force abilities and it wasn’t in his competence as a warrior.

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s most vaunted ability was his capabilities to stay within the moment.

The Emperor once famously said the term “Lack of vision.”

One thing is for sure, you’ll never hear anyone say that to Obi-Wan.

He knew that he had no chance against Anakin, yes he knew.

But by putting others before himself and understanding the ultimatum of win or lose for the fate of the Galaxy.

The fact is, he didn’t care about his own safety or his own welfare.

Anakin was his own creation. Obi-Wan knew he failed him as a Master, as a friend and as a brother.

He felt it was his responsibility to eliminate the twisted creature that was once his closest and most trusted ally.


It was up to him to put an end to this monstrosity…and he most certainly did.


But at the end of Episode III, he begins possibly his most vital quest of his vaunted life.

When he drops off Luke on Tatooine, he offically transitions from warrior to mentor.

Before I continue, I just want to point out how awesome this guy is.

Who could possibly do what Kenobi did??

No one!

He does it all. From teacher, to negotiator, to warrior and now to a mentor.

From being in the center of the universe and in the midst of almost every single matter in the Galaxy on Coruscant to seeing about 20 different people over an entire year on Tatooine, Kenobi is impressive to say the least.

Not even Yoda survived the trials and tribulations of exile as we see his mind diminish significantly.

In A New Hope, Obi-Wan sees the culmination of his life materialize as he trains the offspring of his former apprentice.

As Episodes IV, V and VI continue, it is Obi-Wan who remains a constant influence in Luke as he can claim responsibility in transforming this average farm boy into the most important figure of all.

But as I mentioned earlier, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s presence can even be felt in The Force Awakens.

Although it’s just a line or two, it just further proves my point on how important Kenobi is to Star Wars as a whole.

As Rey touches the lightsaber of Anakin Skywalker, she is blindsided by the Force as a mysterious vision comes about.

“Rey?” and “You’ve taken your first steps” can be heard, both said by Obi-Wan.

Interestingly enough, the younger “prequels” Kenobi and the “original trilogy” Ben Kenobi each has a line.

The significance of this being that both sides of Obi-Wan are as vital and important as anything.


Going forward, I think it’s a safe bet that the great Obi-Wan Kenobi will have some role in Episodes VIII and IX.

I know Luke is the popular choice for “most important” and I know others would say Anakin for the same category.

But my money is on the man with the resiliency to never give up and with enough vision to achieve the impossible.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is as good as it gets, he very well could be, the greatest.


-Sith Pacify out


Advertising, Disney, entertainment value, film, George Lucas, Star Wars, Star Wars Rebels, The Force Awakens

Star Wars Rebels Season Two Midseason Trailer…WOW!

Earlier today Star Wars fans were blindsided with the surprising release of something so substantial, it has come close to the hype that surrounded The Force Awakens.

That’s right, today we got to see the future of the animated series, Star Wars Rebels.

And let’s just say, it didn’t disappoint…

From scenes that were just plain awesome to scenes of cataclysmic proportions, the midseason trailer was beyond telling.

To give you guys the rundown, I’ve written down nine main points of interest within the trailer.

The following are all of these points…except two.

Those two…will come at the end.

  1. At the beginning of the trailer, Kanan speaks as the various scenes and images flash of the seventh sister and the fifth brother engaging Kanan and Ezra in repeated battles. It also seems that another Inquisitor has joined the ranks of the Jedi hunters. The thought-provoking clips tell us one thing…Kanan and Ezra have the full attention of the section of the Empire that deals with Jedi, which inevitably means Vader..rebels-season-2-mid-season-trailer_831db0e0
  2. If you’ve read Paul S. Kemp’s book “Sith Lords”, you’ll remember the inspiring and fearless leader of the resistance on Ryloth, Cham Syndulla, Cham of course being Hera’s father. Well it appears Cham is on a collision course with Rebels as he announces himself in the trailer. cham&hera (1).jpg
  3. We knew this before but hey, it doesn’t hurt to see it again! Princess Leia will be joining the gang in next week’s episode as we get a glimpse of her before A New Hope. What I found even more interesting than Leia simply being part of the show is Hera can be heard saying “he’s sending us reinforcements” regarding Leia’s adopted father, Senator Organa. What’s compelling about this is we are truly seeing the birth of the Alliance.Star-Wars-Rebels-812x522.jpg
  4. Since the destruction of the Jedi as we knew them occurred a decade and a half ago, the remnants of the Temple were all but wiped out…or so we thought. The unimaginable was witnessed within the trailer as many Jedi Temple Guards were throughout the various scenes. What this exactly means is still up in the air. Could it be another Jedi Temple was still populated at the time of Order 66? Possibly…the destination we see Luke in during The Force Awakens!? Hmmmm databank_jeditempleguard_01_169_3416bea1.jpeg
  5. Quite possibly the coolest sight within the trailer was the return of our “little green friend” Yoda! The Grand Master of the Jedi was seen talking to Ezra in a very ominous and cautious matter. Much like the Jedi Master once did with another Jedi, Anakin Skywalker…Screenshot-2016-01-15-at-1.53.39-PM.png
  6. Now I don’t know for sure but something looked oddly familiar within the trailer. Almost like a lost planet, one that we saw in Star Wars The Clone Wars. Well I’ll just spit it out, we may have  caught a glimpse of the sinister world of Korriban. The significance of this would be extreme. Could we possibly find out more of how Supreme Leader Snoke came to power in TFA maybe? With Sith holocrons and Sith artifacts you never know.  rEzkYuY.png
  7. This might be one of my favorite scenes in the trailer. When Ahsoka is sitting with Ezra and in between them is holovids of her former Master training. But the fascination continues to grow between Anakin and Ahsoka…You’ll find out more soon!tumblr_o10e03ry4Q1tiwa1fo1_500.gif








Now that I’ve shown you the very interesting points of what was in the trailer, it’s time we delve deeper, much deeper.

The following will blow you away.

Unless you’ve already heard what else was in the trailer, get ready…

  1. As we progress with Rebels, it’s inevitable that Ahsoka will cross paths with Darth Vader. I’ve said it in past posts. To see that episode will be a dream come true. But until then, we are left with curiosity and nothing more. Until now. The trailer touches on Ahsoka and Anakin’s close friendship. If you remember from The Clone Wars show, Ahsoka walks out on the Jedi Order. This might very well be how she survived the destruction of almost all of the Jedi, most at the hands of her fallen Master. A point of chilling fascination occurs between these two as Ahsoka appears to be in meditation, she hears Anakin’s voice saying, “Ahsoka? Why did you leave? Do you know what I’ve become?” It is at this moment where Ahsoka loses it and quickly pivots and turns around and engages her lightsaber as she slashes at the empty air. The whole time with tears streaming down her face…but it is at the end of the trailer when Ahsoka leaps at the man in black: Darth Vader.starwars_size3.jpg
  2. This is my favorite part of this entire post. I had to save the best for last because it is so shockingly amazing. At some point in the middle of the trailer, a familiar voice can be heard. The voice says “The Darkside…it pulls at him. It calls to him. You seek knowledge! Call me, Old Master…” It is at this point that a hooded figure starts to turn around. You can see just enough within the hood to make out who this is…you ready? DARTH MAUL!!! One of the most unique, fearsome and intimidating characters is back! THIS is what makes this so credible. How shocking!!

Well, there you have it!

Now there’s no need to watch the trailer if you haven’t all ready since I have you covered but you know what?

Forget that.

You MUST watch this trailer…

I just want to say well done to everyone involved in Star Wars Rebels.

You have all done an unimaginably perfect job and I commend you on your excellence.

-Sith Pacify out





















Disney, sci fi, Star Wars, WordPress

Qui-Gon Jinn: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due


Qui-Gon Jinn was approximately 60 years old at the time of his death.

He never sat on the vaunted Jedi Council and he was never known to be extraordinarily strong with the force.

So, what’s so special about him you might ask? Well, for starters Jinn might be the most important Jedi not named Luke Skywalker.

Qui-Gon Jinn was certainly talented and experienced enough to be on the Jedi Council but his “radical” beliefs of the living force and his unorthodox ways repeatedly put his peers at odds with him.

It was commonplace for Jinn to be told how to go about a mission by some of the eldest Jedi and how to conduct himself in certain situations only for him to completely go against his instructions and do things his own way.

Now this might all seem like criticism and maybe it is, but it’s also who Qui-Gon was…and he knew it as well.

So why is this rebellious Jedi so important you might ask?

It’s quite simple really, it can be described in three words…



For many years the Jedi Master continuously did things his own way as he believed in his own ways of the force.

Basically, the reason why this enigmatic Jedi is so relevant in the grand scheme of things is his beliefs of the living force were spot on.

On that fateful day when Jinn’s midsection and the Sith apprentice Darth Maul’s lightsaber were united, Qui-Gon Jinn’s long stubbornness and boldness finally came to fruition.

The Jedi found life after death…

Something no Jedi had done before.

Through his abilities and beliefs in the living force, he was effectively able to remain in the mortal world mentally-speaking through his conscience and soul.

Now that brings me to my main point.

As the show Star Wars: The Clone Wars shows us, Qui-Gon’s new ability is taught and given to his former Master, head honcho of the Jedi Order, Master Yoda.


If you remember the last three episodes from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Yoda embarks on a secret mission throughout the Galaxy.

It is here where Yoda learns of the living force and its importance.

Ironically, it was Yoda who was one of Jinn’s critics during his lifetime as the Jedi refused to bend to the Council’s ways.

Yet it was Yoda who could be harshly criticized himself for being too stubborn in not seeing the Jedi’s ways and how they were inevitably doomed to fail for the lack of progressiveness.

Nonetheless, Yoda gives credit where credit is due as he figuratively becomes the apprentice of his own former pupil, Qui-Gon Jinn.

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It is here where Yoda learns the skills and abilities as well as the significance of the living force .

If you recall at the end of Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Yoda tells Obi-Wan of the contact he has made, the resurfacing of Qui-Gon Jinn.

After Obi-Wan’s forever-changing bout with Anakin/Darth Vader, Kenobi goes into hiding on Tatooine as he watches over young Luke Skywalker from afar.

It is here where he practices and perfects his former Master’s teachings and learns the ways of the living force.

The real significance of this is when Obi-Wan is “cut” down by Vader in Episode IV yet is able to communicate through the force to Luke and Yoda.

Most importantly, with Obi-Wan still able to sporadically help his pupil, Luke Skywalker, the fate of the Galaxy is eventually restored.


Do you realize that without Qui-Gon Jinn none of that would have been possible!?

Out of every Jedi in the Order, none of them were able to achieve the level of brilliance that Jinn reached.

So, before you say who is the most powerful Jedi, remember there is power in knowledge.

Do not forget about Qui-Gon Jinn and all he did for the Jedi, for the good of the Galaxy and the future of existence.


-Sith Pacify out












sci fi, Star Wars, WordPress

Story Saturday: Picking up the Pieces


The winds were howling outside his window. The room was encased in bleak darkness that seemed impenetrable.

Obi-Wan Kenobi tossed and turned on his bed. His mind was everywhere and yet nowhere, wandering through the galaxy, searching and exploring.

It had been 10 minutes since Kenobi’s eyes left the same spot he regularly stared at. The space on the wall where the concrete swooped up and lifted itself in what was like a peaking island among the waves.

As the minutes began to progress into hours, the young Jedi began to drift off into a demoralized sleep.

Obi-Wan found himself sitting across from his Master in meditation. The image of his master immediately gave Kenobi a sense of calm and created a feeling of perfect serenity.

Qui-Gon Jinn opened his eyes and stared piercingly into Obi-Wan’s.

“He is the chosen one Obi-Wan, you must do what I cannot.” Qui-Gonn said firmly.

Kenobi knew his Master was referring to the freed slave boy that Qui-Gon raved and proclaimed was a savior to the force.

Confused and distraught, Kenobi’s voice felt like it was chained and suppressed, unable to respond.

Finally, mustering up his strength, Kenobi hesitantly replied, “But, Master…you are here. Will you not train the boy?”

All at once, Qui-Gon’s chest arced forward, a grimace of pain on his face as a crimson blade perforated the Jedi Master.

As the blade remained in his midsection, Qui-Gon’s expression of fear disappeared. In its stead, a solemn smile as his eyes met his apprentice’s.

Out of nowhere, a horned monster came into view behind Qui-Gon’s head. A smile of smug content crossed his face.

The last thing Obi-Wan remembered was his own voice shrieking in a mix of astonishment and agony.


Flying up from his bed, Kenobi almost smacked head-first into a young boy leaning over him.

“Master Obi-Wan sir, I heard you yelling from outside. Are you alright?” the youthful Anakin Skywalker timidly said.

Catching his bearings, Obi-Wan scolded his new apprentice for barging in unannounced.

Anakin originally tried to reason with the older Jedi but thought better of it and bashfully apologized.

It had been two weeks since Obi-Wan’s Master was killed. He promised Qui-Gon he would train the boy but he repeatedly questioned his ability as well as the youth’s readiness.


Later that afternoon, Obi-Wan wandered the Jedi temple looking for Master Yoda. He needed some guidance on his dreams.

The loss of Qui-Gon haunted him.

More and more Kenobi found himself calling on the force to help him get through his days as he had little to no sleep since his master’s death.

Kenobi was walking towards Yoda’s usual meditation quarters when he sensed a presence around him that was seeking his own counsel.

All in one motion Kenobi flung himself around to find little Anakin standing behind him, looking up at Obi-Wan with a puzzled look on his face.

“Master Obi-Wan sir, what should I do? I meditated like you asked. Can I walk around with you?”

Feeling more and more annoyed at the boy, Kenobi took a deep breath and steadied himself in the force.

“You really must listen to me more carefully Anakin. I told you to remain in the chamber until I joined you. How are you supposed to learn the ways of the force without centering your mind?” said Obi-Wan with his voice rising.

He could see the boy’s shoulders physically slant and could feel his acknowledgment of his actions.

As much as Obi-Wan disliked his orders to be disobeyed, he knew the boy was just a curious youth.

“Anakin, please do as I say. I only want what is best for you now please, go back to your meditation chamber.”

The boy then responded with a comment that caught Obi-Wan off guard.

“But why? I keep seeing the same images. I keep seeing Master Qui-Gon too.”

At that moment, the boy paused, then looked up at him and said, “Master Obi-Wan, why did Master Qui-Gon die?”

Unsure what to say, Obi-Wan shifted his stance on responding and scolded the boy instead.

After, Anakin reluctantly went on his way to return to his studies.

As Anakin was walking away, a thought came to Kenobi…

What if Anakin was suffering too? After all, Anakin was promised by Qui-Gon to be trained…by him.


Obi-Wan knew he had to provide some kind of comfort, but he just couldn’t.

Kenobi had never been a soothing presence and since he too was suffering from the loss of Qui-Gon, he might be little help to Anakin.

Obi-Wan continued his search for Yoda when it was Yoda who found him.

A inquisitive look was on the aged master’s face.

Yoda told Obi-Wan that he and Master Windu desired his presence.

But for the first time, Yoda told Obi-Wan something he’d never heard before…the conclave between him and the Jedi masters was to be off record.

Obi-Wan walked calmly with Yoda in his usual slow-paced fashion.

As they arrived to the meditation chamber, Master Windu was already waiting.

The Korun master, standing at 6’4, gazed at Obi-Wan with a stoic look. He knew Kenobi was the only Jedi alive to best a Sith.

Not even Master Yoda had encountered a Sith in battle in his long extensive past.

As the three of them ventured inside the chamber, Master Yoda stopped short and paused.

Studying him closely, Master Windu could feel his next move.

“The boy, you feel him too?” Windu said to Yoda.

“Yes, his thoughts, his presence, near they are,” proclaimed Yoda.

Obi-Wan butted in and said, “Well, Masters, I instructed Anakin to meditate. I’m sure he is in his chamber .”

As Obi-Wan finished his sentence, he immediately began to worry and hope that Anakin had obeyed him and would be in deep mediation.

“Obi-Wan, your padawan, bring him here,” Yoda announced.

Kenobi lifted himself from his meditation cushion and made his way to the door. As he activated the door, he was taken back by Anakin’s shocking presence.

Skywalker was standing behind the door, with his head pressed up against the metal, listenting.

The two masters watched him as well as Obi-Wan’s look with great interrest. Seeing how Kenobi would react to his padawan’s actions would be a curious scene.


As Obi-Wan looked down on Anakin, he felt his own face warming and his embarrassment growing.

Obi-Wan knew this was most certainly a test from the Masters as well as an important learning experience for Anakin.

Kenobi began to scold Anakin as he told him exactly what he did wrong and precisely what he should have done when Yoda abruptly interrupted him.

“Anakin, sit with us, you may,” said Yoda in his usual wise manner.

Anakin, without saying a word, apprehensively walked over to the seat beside Yoda.

Now that everything was seemingly settled, Yoda carried on with why he summoned Obi-Wan.

Yoda explained to Kenobi that he had felt his mind through his own meditations. The old master understood what Kenobi was feeling.

“It is understandable that you’re upset, Obi-Wan. But tell me, have you had further observations on your fallen Masters assailant?” Mace Windu said clearly looking for more of an answer than his words let on.

As Obi-Wan took in the question, his thoughts shifted to the dreams he had earlier in the day….

His original thought was to hide that information from Anakin’s ears but thought better of it when he felt Yoda and Mace’s contemplating eyes on him.

As Kenobi retold the tale in great detail, leaving nothing out, Yoda continued to stare at him with no reaction.

When Obi-Wan finished his description of the ordeal, it was Anakin who broke the silence…

“I saw that evil man too, in my dreams, that is,” Anakin shyly stated.

With great anticipation, Master Yoda altered his gaze from Obi-Wan to Anakin. A grim look on his face, Yoda made his intentions clear.

“Young Anakin, know of this, I did. Forseen it, I have. Your reaction is what Master Windu and I required,” Yoda stated prophetically. “The Sith, they have returned, wary we must all be.”

To that comment Mace responded, “A cloud has formed over us all, we must proceed with caution.

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Story Saturday: The Failure of Exile

It’s common knowledge that Yoda went into a self-imposed exile after Chancellor Palpatine betrayed the Jedi and announced himself as the infamous Darth Sidious.

What isn’t so well known however is what happened to Yoda immediately after he arrived on Dagobah.

Well, the following short story will give you a better idea.


The premonitions were inevitable. A feeling long felt, dreamt, thought of, even daydreamed, yes he saw it coming.

Yoda, former Grand Master of the Intergalactic Jedi Order stands alone in his new home. While in exile on the Outer Rim remote planet of Dagobah, the nightmare of the demise of the Jedi replay in his head over and over.

Torture amongst solitude is enough to make even the strongest break.

But the once all-powerful leader of the respected Jedi, is now cracking under the sheer guilt and immense weight that reality has left him.

It was like a bad dream that plays over and over in his head. The faces of his slain comrades, their emotion of being caught off guard, surprised.

It was exactly three weeks since the Jedi were extinguished. To this point, Yoda’s journey to remain isolated from the rest of the galaxy has gone unexpected.

The impeding guilt of what happened mixed with the constant quiet that is Dagobah has started to deteriorate the mighty warrior’s mind.

Yoda knew being alone would certainly present its challenges but this situation he was unprepared for.

He could feel the force but it now felt different, very different.

A master of the force, a being of almost 900 years and for the first time, what he knew best was alien to him.

He felt as if all of his former padawans, his Jedi compatriots, were now submerged in a world of nothingness.

Almost as if their very existence now bear one thing in common: failure…

This “stinging wound” inflicted by the once so-called “chosen one”, Anakin Skywalker, brought Yoda unexplainable pain. The pain he felt was as if his body was impaled with a thousand singeing lightsabers held by all the former and current Sith Lords of the galaxy.

Today, Yoda woke up in the usual fashion. After intense mental clashing with his own conscience and psyche, the small creature found himself back in a deep sleep forced on him from pure exhaustion.

As if he was lifting 10,000 stones with his mind while sifting through his once vaunted Jedi archives searching for a single word of a foreign tongue in dozens of intricate yet different texts.

The short time he had been away from all he once knew had already began to deteriorate Yoda’s mind, spirit and body.

Yes the egregious results of the near past mentally scarred Yoda far worse than any physical injury could cause.

Yoda sat down on a branch gazing into the greenish gray forests as the morning sun mixed with rain sprinkled upon the trees and the moss that filled the planet’s ecosystem.


As Yoda prepared to allow his mind to fall back into a trance of mental meditation, he froze. He could feel the prodding mind of the all powerful Emperor mentally searching every crevice and interstice around.

His gaze was expanding, filling everything with awareness.

He was searching for someone, he was searching for Yoda.

However, the former Jedi champion knew he was safe. The boundaries of Dagobah protected its inhabitants with a one of a kind force concealment.

As the Emperor’s wave unknowingly washed over the planet with Yoda unscathed, the former Jedi sat back in deep reflection of his thoughts once more.

He knew over 98% of all beings who called themselves Jedi in any capacity were exfoliated, but he also knew within that very little known 2%, some holdouts remained.

Specifically, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Three weeks ago, the Jedi master dueled the spewing-with-hate Darth Vader on the volcanic planet of Mustafar and cursed the fallen Jedi to inexplicable punishment.

Unbeknownst to Obi-Wan, Vader survived the bout and went through emergency surgery to save and repair what was left of the once almighty body of Vader’s.

Yoda studied this new mechanical monstrosity that was now Darth Vader.

He could feel his dilapidated body stained with shame, confusion and anger. The last few months before the purge of the Jedi yielded great amounts of alienation for Skywalker.

Struggling to come to grips with his rapidly growing connection with the force and his second to none physical prowess, he became more and more unhappy with his role as a Jedi knight.

The gifted Skywalker demanded more.

More responsibility, more attention and more respect.

In the end, these feelings would push the very limits of reality and unfathomably joining the dark side of the force as Darth Sidious’s pawn.

In trying to come to grips with his situation, Yoda stretched his mind to the future.

The change of direction felt refreshing and for once in many years, the future existence of reality was no longer clouded.

Since the Dark Side had already struck, its great shadow of “unknown” was lifted.

Yoda saw decades ahead of intergalactic submission forced upon by the new regime.

However, he foresaw a meeting that shook him to the very core.

It was the offspring of Anakin Skywalker, the boy, Luke.

While Yoda was alone on Dagobah, young Luke was being carefully watched from a distance by Obi-Wan.

The boy would learn the force and eventually come to grips with his situation through Yoda himself.

This was the astronomical vision that Master Yoda could see!

As it began to fade out, Yoda regained an emotion that felt as if it was absent for centuries, happiness.

Deep in his heart and mind, Yoda knew of a secret, a new hope has arisen. Yes, Yoda knew…

