Disney, entertainment value, film, George Lucas, Power, sci fi, Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars The Clone Wars, The Force Awakens, video games

The Star Wars Character Power Rankings

For a long time now I’ve wanted to do something like this.

I’ve always been one who deals in absolutes and in doing so, I always liked to stack up the competition against each other and see where everyone stands.

In other words, Star Wars is a vast collection of many diverse characters whom are all extremely powerful.

But who is the strongest? Who is the toughest?

When it came to Star Wars, I always thought about contests like this.

Well, the Sith Pacify Blog has been fairly inactive in the past couple weeks as only a couple posts over that time have been published.

The reason for this being I have been thinking of a way to quantify a power index on who the greatest mainstream characters within the franchise are.

Here’s what I’ve got.

Only Main Characters

As I recently stated, for this list I will only be discussing main characters.

Now, there is a bit of a caveat here.

There is going to be a number of characters within the rankings who can be looked at as “not the most important”.

The reason that some of these characters are to be included is because their style offers a breath of fresh air with their uniqueness and their adversity in respect to the others.



I have identified a number of statistics in which I will be classifying each character under.

For each category, there will be a number from 1-100 in which the skills and abilities will be placed under.

For example, someone like Yoda who is clearly one of if not the most powerful of Force-users would have a rating for the category of “Force Abilities” around 95.

For those of you who have ever played sports video games such as Fifa, Madden or 2k, the characters will be ranked in a similar way as the players in the previously stated sporting games.

Intangibles and Abilities 

In order to insure individuality, each character will have a couple categories that will be specifically catered to their abilities. 

For example, I’ll tell you right now that a character like Kylo Ren will have the category “emotion” listed.

For each category that a character receives, it will be stated whether they help the character or hurt them.

I also want to be clear that the intangibles are not just positive aspects of these characters’ prowess.

They can be a detriment to the individual or a powerful tool used in battle.

Descriptive Style

When I am classifying the powers of the characters, I will not be writing down the backstories for each hero or villain. 

Now I might list specific examples but I will not be doing this for every single category.

Simply put, each character will have their abilities described in great detail and will be given a rating depending on their strengths and weaknesses.

The Characters

As I said earlier in this post, I will only be looking at Force-users for this list.

In the future I will most likely add on those who do not have the abilities of the Force to this list but for now, characters like General Grievous and Boba Fett will not be included.

Without further ado, the following list of characters will be those listed within the rankings.

It’s important to note that this list is not in any particular order whatsoever.

  1. Anakin Skywalker
  2. Obi-Wan Kenobi
  3. Yoda
  4. Mace Windu
  5. Darth Vader
  6. Darth Sidious
  7. Count Dooku
  8. Kit Fisto
  9. Darth Maul
  10. Revan
  11. Darth Malgus
  12. Kylo Ren
  13. Rey
  14. Ki-Adi Mundi
  15. Plo Koon
  16. Kanan Jarrus
  17. Ezra Bridger
  18. Ahsoka Tano
  19. Asajj Ventress
  20. Darth Plagueis
  21. Qui-Gon Jinn
  22. Darth Malak
  23. Darth Bane

Well there you have it, my next many many posts will be the Official Sith Pacify Power Rankings.

Hope you all enjoy it.

-Sith Pacify out











Disney, George Lucas, Power, sci fi, short story, Star Wars, WordPress

Can You Feel The Hate?

The following is an excerpt from Emperor Palpatine’s personal journal. The entry was entered approximately three months after the overthrowing of the Jedi and the proclamation of the Galactic Empire….

The darkness surrounds me.

I am the darkness.

As I sit here on my throne on the capital of capitals, my mind drifts.

Coruscant is banished, that word no longer exists. To utter that very word is a punishable offense.

Imperial Center is the gem of the Galaxy. It has a fitting ring to it doesn’t it?

Long ago the great Sith Emperor Lord Vitiate renamed his homeworld to Nathema so why can’t I rename the center of the universe?

After all, it is mine isn’t it?

I did eliminate and butcher all those who opposed me right?

All those who rose up and attempted to quell my unquenchable thirst for power met the ax…or soon will.

You see, I am a force that handles power with grace. One who values extreme loyalty more than words can ever describe.

Ah yes, the dark shadows that constantly surround me are effervescent.


A normal being would succumb to its heinous malevolence but there is nothing normal about me.

I am Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith.

I am the Sith…

From when I was a little boy on my native planet of Naboo to when I was an aspiring politician traveling the mid-rim, I knew what I was.

Malicious intent was always my forte.

The guise of an elderly and kind man who’s trust was given to by every being in the Galaxy oh how foolish you all were.

You see, it was my plan the entire time to conspire against everyone and anyone.

To inevitably distort every reality as you all knew it.

Even mine.

I would forfeit my secure and lofty seat above the vaunted Republic for something more.

Gamble my good fortune and well being for something more extravagant.

I was already a mere mortal controlling the current situations of man but now I am a God controlling the very existence and destiny of man.

Do you see what I have become?

Do you understand the power that I command?

No, you never will.

It is a gift of vision, a gift that only I exude.

It is my weapon that is sprayed mercilessly throughout my Galaxy.

Death and hate.

Despair and misery.

Anguish and dejection.

There is no hope.

Everything and anything is mine.

Even you.

You are mine.

It is pointless to struggle.

What is done is done.

You all serve me now.

Unlike before where I gained your trust, I will ultimately take your very souls.

The darkness surrounds me and soon it shall surround you too.


-Sith Pacify out




Advertising, Disney, entertainment value, film, George Lucas, Star Wars, Star Wars Rebels, The Force Awakens

Star Wars Rebels Season Two Midseason Trailer…WOW!

Earlier today Star Wars fans were blindsided with the surprising release of something so substantial, it has come close to the hype that surrounded The Force Awakens.

That’s right, today we got to see the future of the animated series, Star Wars Rebels.

And let’s just say, it didn’t disappoint…

From scenes that were just plain awesome to scenes of cataclysmic proportions, the midseason trailer was beyond telling.

To give you guys the rundown, I’ve written down nine main points of interest within the trailer.

The following are all of these points…except two.

Those two…will come at the end.

  1. At the beginning of the trailer, Kanan speaks as the various scenes and images flash of the seventh sister and the fifth brother engaging Kanan and Ezra in repeated battles. It also seems that another Inquisitor has joined the ranks of the Jedi hunters. The thought-provoking clips tell us one thing…Kanan and Ezra have the full attention of the section of the Empire that deals with Jedi, which inevitably means Vader..rebels-season-2-mid-season-trailer_831db0e0
  2. If you’ve read Paul S. Kemp’s book “Sith Lords”, you’ll remember the inspiring and fearless leader of the resistance on Ryloth, Cham Syndulla, Cham of course being Hera’s father. Well it appears Cham is on a collision course with Rebels as he announces himself in the trailer. cham&hera (1).jpg
  3. We knew this before but hey, it doesn’t hurt to see it again! Princess Leia will be joining the gang in next week’s episode as we get a glimpse of her before A New Hope. What I found even more interesting than Leia simply being part of the show is Hera can be heard saying “he’s sending us reinforcements” regarding Leia’s adopted father, Senator Organa. What’s compelling about this is we are truly seeing the birth of the Alliance.Star-Wars-Rebels-812x522.jpg
  4. Since the destruction of the Jedi as we knew them occurred a decade and a half ago, the remnants of the Temple were all but wiped out…or so we thought. The unimaginable was witnessed within the trailer as many Jedi Temple Guards were throughout the various scenes. What this exactly means is still up in the air. Could it be another Jedi Temple was still populated at the time of Order 66? Possibly…the destination we see Luke in during The Force Awakens!? Hmmmm databank_jeditempleguard_01_169_3416bea1.jpeg
  5. Quite possibly the coolest sight within the trailer was the return of our “little green friend” Yoda! The Grand Master of the Jedi was seen talking to Ezra in a very ominous and cautious matter. Much like the Jedi Master once did with another Jedi, Anakin Skywalker…Screenshot-2016-01-15-at-1.53.39-PM.png
  6. Now I don’t know for sure but something looked oddly familiar within the trailer. Almost like a lost planet, one that we saw in Star Wars The Clone Wars. Well I’ll just spit it out, we may have  caught a glimpse of the sinister world of Korriban. The significance of this would be extreme. Could we possibly find out more of how Supreme Leader Snoke came to power in TFA maybe? With Sith holocrons and Sith artifacts you never know.  rEzkYuY.png
  7. This might be one of my favorite scenes in the trailer. When Ahsoka is sitting with Ezra and in between them is holovids of her former Master training. But the fascination continues to grow between Anakin and Ahsoka…You’ll find out more soon!tumblr_o10e03ry4Q1tiwa1fo1_500.gif








Now that I’ve shown you the very interesting points of what was in the trailer, it’s time we delve deeper, much deeper.

The following will blow you away.

Unless you’ve already heard what else was in the trailer, get ready…

  1. As we progress with Rebels, it’s inevitable that Ahsoka will cross paths with Darth Vader. I’ve said it in past posts. To see that episode will be a dream come true. But until then, we are left with curiosity and nothing more. Until now. The trailer touches on Ahsoka and Anakin’s close friendship. If you remember from The Clone Wars show, Ahsoka walks out on the Jedi Order. This might very well be how she survived the destruction of almost all of the Jedi, most at the hands of her fallen Master. A point of chilling fascination occurs between these two as Ahsoka appears to be in meditation, she hears Anakin’s voice saying, “Ahsoka? Why did you leave? Do you know what I’ve become?” It is at this moment where Ahsoka loses it and quickly pivots and turns around and engages her lightsaber as she slashes at the empty air. The whole time with tears streaming down her face…but it is at the end of the trailer when Ahsoka leaps at the man in black: Darth Vader.starwars_size3.jpg
  2. This is my favorite part of this entire post. I had to save the best for last because it is so shockingly amazing. At some point in the middle of the trailer, a familiar voice can be heard. The voice says “The Darkside…it pulls at him. It calls to him. You seek knowledge! Call me, Old Master…” It is at this point that a hooded figure starts to turn around. You can see just enough within the hood to make out who this is…you ready? DARTH MAUL!!! One of the most unique, fearsome and intimidating characters is back! THIS is what makes this so credible. How shocking!!

Well, there you have it!

Now there’s no need to watch the trailer if you haven’t all ready since I have you covered but you know what?

Forget that.

You MUST watch this trailer…

I just want to say well done to everyone involved in Star Wars Rebels.

You have all done an unimaginably perfect job and I commend you on your excellence.

-Sith Pacify out





















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The Most Defining Moment of Star Wars

A couple days ago I was rewatching  the main space battles from the original trilogy.

When I got to the Battle of Yavin, I thought of something…

The fate of everything and anything Star Wars related rested upon this fight.

Unlike any other bout or conflict, the Battle of Yavin was the most important military entanglement throughout all of Star Wars.

You might say, well what about the attack on Geonosis? Or what about the battle above Coruscant in which the Supreme Chancellor was taken hostage?

Or what about the Battle of Hoth or even the Battle of Endor?

Nope, I assure you. The Battle of Yavin was the most significant, trumping them all.

Before I begin, I think it is also worth noting that the Star Wars Galactic Timeline is based off of the Battle of Yavin.

All events are classified by the acronym of “BBY” or “ABY”.

Of course these terms simply mean, “Before the Battle of Yavin” and “After the Battle of Yavin” respectively.

That alone shows how categorically significant this battle truly was.

Now, on to the reasoning.

The consequences were never more dire.

Both parties in this instance (the Rebel Alliance and the Empire) practically had a gun to each other’s heads whilst being in a race to pull the trigger.

The Empire was very much aware that there was a weakness and they were vulnerable.

Although the Grand Moff Tarkin famously says, “Evacuate!? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!” I’m sure he was very much aware of the potential danger.


As for the Rebels, their situation was much more severe.

At the time of the Death Star’s destruction, the massive structure was preparing to fire down and obliterate Yavin 4.

The Alliance was well aware that they had approximately 15 minutes before the Death Star was in firing range at the beginning of the battle.


That gave them little to no time to get in position and end this thing, and that was even without a response from within the confines of the mechanical monstrosity!

As the fighting progressed, it was clear that the Alliance fighters had a decisive edge as the Death Star’s defenses were ineffective against the smaller Rebel ships.

I remember reading the novelization of Episode IV in which they described the Empire’s reasoning on the Rebel Alliance assault on the Death Star.

As I recall, the Empire including Tarkin, thought the attack to be useless as they believed their enemy’s goal was to attempt to blast through the impenetrable walling surrounding the Death Star.

At the start, they were out maneuvered as the Rebellion ambushed them from plain sight and engaged in a tactic that they simply were not ready for.

Had the Empire not responded, the Rebel Alliance would have been victorious much sooner than they were.

However, the Empire did respond…and what a powerful response it was.


As Vader enters the space encompassing the Death Star, he and his two supporting pilots wreak havoc and decimate all but the most minuscule of chances the Rebellion has to win the battle.

With the action raging on, Vader’s piloting was the ultimate equalizer in the fight.

After Red Leader’s failed shot at the exposed exhaust port, it was the Dark Lord himself to shot down the last hope of the Rebellion…or so they all thought.


This right here is one of the most pivotal moments throughout Star Wars.

Darth Vader, after depleting the Rebel forces one by one, is now a shot away from victory.

Normally, Vader would sense the impending danger before it even began to materialize.

But this was not a normal moment for Vader.

Something was different and he himself notes this as he says, “The Force is strong with this one.”

That is inconceivably high praise coming from Vader but he also began to see who his opponent was or what he represented.

A streak of pure light, of untarnished surging energy bathed in the Force is what Darth Vader saw as he looked upon his target.

Something was off…

Without warning, the pilot to the right of him was instantly vaporized throwing off the Sith Lord’s focus.

As Vader stared in disbelief in the direction of where the vaporizing shot came from, the fighter to his left did the same.

Unfortunately, the pilot was not nearly as skilled as Vader was and ended up drifting course and clipping the front wing of Vader’s fighter.

THIS is the moment of difference in everything. Throughout ALL of Star Wars, this little moment proved to be the architect for everything that was to come.

It’s simple really.

If Vader’s path was unimpeded, Luke would have been annihilated along with the Rebel base on Yavin 4.

As the Death Star is in range of the Rebel base, Luke Skywalker, one of the newest members of the Rebel Alliance, makes a name for himself.

Without the guidance of his targeting computer, Luke fires away two proton torpedoes which are direct hits.


Now we all know what happens next in the grand scheme of things but the magnitude of what occurred in this moment will never be forgotten.

The lasting effects are colossal.

The Rebel Alliance delivers the immortal Empire a critical hit which cements the Rebellion now as a credible threat.

However, the Empire loses on many levels here.

  • The weapon that has been planned for decades and has cost more than the mind can process is eliminated in the blink of an eye.
  • The Rebellion has now proven they can win and thus will garnish support throughout the Galaxy.
  • One of the greatest military minds the Empire had to offer has been lost. Not only was the Grand Moff proficient in war, he was also one of the Emperor’s most trusted members of his Empire.
  • The Emperor’s reliance on his apprentice has shockingly resulted in a monumental defeat. He will have to rethink his methods and adjust accordingly should the Empire survive.

There you have it.

That’s my take on why Darth Vader almost single-handedly preserved the Death Star which inevitably would have “crushed the resistance once and for all.”

-Sith Pacify out







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What to Make of the Japanese Trailer

An international trailer was released this week and wow did it deliver. Very similar to the third trailer that was debuted during ESPN’s Monday Night Football, this one seemed to show different angles of that one.

Showing never before seen interactions between BB-8 and Rey as well as the introduction between Rey and Finn.

What was fascinating and maybe a bit of an Easter egg as well was a new line of Kylo Ren’s, “I will fulfill our destiny.”

He apparently says this as he is huddled over the crushed remains of Darth Vader’s helmet.

Clearly Ren is related to a cause of Vader’s which you could point to the obvious and say the Sith.

However, I don’t know if that’s true.

Think about this, if Kylo Ren was heavily involved with the Sith and was following the Dark Side, wouldn’t he “finish what you (Darth Sidious) started” with the Emperor?

We won’t know for sure until December 18th but I have a theory that makes sense.

Maybe not so much theory as to a hunch but I think Kylo Ren’s following in Vader’s footsteps is referring to turning Luke to the Dark Side.

If he is following Vader and what “he started” than my theory makes a lot of sense.

The clear cut spotlight of this trailer had to be the total awesomeness of Kylo Ren’s saber.

Several scenes had a closeup of the blade which showed a much different weapon than any we’ve seen.

Besides the prong-like hilt, the blade itself looks like an unstable jagged flame with destructive purposes.

The climax of the trailer is when Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is at Rey’s neck.


Honestly, I don’t know what this scene is about but I am unbelievably excited to find out.

This new trailer has generated even more energy among the masses as they count down the weeks to this highly anticipated film.

What’s special about the trailer however is the new material it has brought us yet it has done so with very little information being told.

We really know nothing more, that’s the fantastic part of all this.

As I said earlier, it’s almost like the third trailer but from different view points.

Once again, Bravo Disney, another job well done.

-Sith Pacify out

Disney, Power, sci fi, Star Wars, WordPress

Good is a Point of View…or is it?

When I think of the word “good” I think of justice and triumph over evil.

Well, apparently when Chancellor Palpatine thinks of the word, he imagines absolute power and a Galaxy belonging to him.

The scene this post refers to takes place in Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

The setting is at the Galaxies Opera House, one of Palpatine’s favorite venues.


Anakin meets the Chancellor here and thus continues to be corrupted by Palpatine’s propagandist ways.

This brings me to my point.

You see, during this little meeting, the Chancellor and Anakin discuss the Jedi, the Dark Side and even Darth Sidious’ Master, Darth Plagueis.

Palpatine tells Anakin that “All who gain power, are afraid to lose it, even the Jedi”.

Anakin then goes on to defend the Jedi Order saying “The Jedi use their power for good”.

The next line in the conversation is where Palpatine shows his true colors.

His retort to Anakin’s comment is “Good is a point of view Anakin”.

Now to dissect Palpatine’s words is not too difficult. In fact in doing so allows us to see who this man is quite freely.

Normally a man of secrecy, Chancellor Palpatine shows us what he really represents…and it’s not pretty.


You see, when it comes to getting what he wants, Palpatine will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

Whether it’s the cold blooded murder of a billion lives on an innocent unsuspecting planet (Alderaan) or the “conform or die” attitude the Empire displays.

This is what he means when he refers to good as a point of view.

In the mind of Palpatine, good means “do anything necessary to get what you want”.

To understand Palpatine’s new order and new Empire, it’s very important to understand this.

Just think about it, do you really think this man thinks it’s a “good” thing to take over the entire Galaxy by force practically enslaving everyone not named Palpatine? Of course not.

He’s a nobleman who is well educated and lived a life of public servitude as a politician.

The irony in it all is that the Jedi Order had it all in front of them the whole time.

If they only trusted Anakin as well as their own intuition, they would have sniffed out the corrupt Republic leader’s plot to overthrow the Jedi and save the Galaxy and all its inhabitants.


As I write this, another thought comes to mind…

What if Palpatine was right when he was talking about the Jedi?

If you recall back to the duel between Sidious and Mace Windu, as the Jedi Master’s blade is at the Dark Lord’s throat, the Sith says to Anakin “The Jedi are taking over!”

Yes, they were taking over to ensure a safe transition to peace for the Republic, but does it really matter?

Was this scene foreshadowed by Palpatine’s statement of “good is a point of view?”

I think so.

It sounds hard to believe but hear me out.

What if Mace Windu killed Palpatine, returned to the Jedi Council and said it’s their time to take over.

Now let’s say, three months down the line, the Jedi are still holding the peace as they’re reigning over the Republic.

Why would they ever give it up? Would they really trust an independent politician for the post? Perhaps they would choose Senator Bail Organa.

Now here’s the problem.

If they did choose Organa, don’t you think he’d basically be a figurehead? Would the Jedi really let him be?

I doubt it.

I think they’re too bold and intricate to allow someone else to make their own decisions out of the fear (and paranoia) of another “bad egg” to come along.


This is why I think what Palpatine said to Anakin in that suite at the opera house has a bigger meaning than just the Sith.

I believe that scene is designed to let the audience in on a little hint, no one is safe from the distinction of good or bad.

After all, a taste of power does funny things to even the most honorable individuals…

-Sith Pacify out

entertainment value, film, sci fi, Star Wars, WordPress

What Star Wars Needs to have for TFA to be a Success


In exactly 45 days, The Force Awakens will be released around the United States.

As we count down the days, the hype and anticipation seem to be rising to unprecedented levels.

With the movie being looked at as one of the “biggest releases of all time”, much accompanies that title.

The expectations for this film are relatively high….no forget that, they’re astronomical.

The film’s cost was around $200 million to make plus an additional $423 million for marketing, printing and advertising costs, as well as making and distribution of home videos.

Now that’s not chump change we’re talking about here.

With that being said, what does this movie that people are freaking out about need to have for people to call it a sucess!?


For Star Wars movies and quite frankly all movies, the plot has to be rock solid for people to enjoy it.

Once the lights darken in the movie theaters and people begin to put away their phones because something else have captured their attention, people will be poking and prodding at the plot.

The plot is so important that it’s often the deciding factor that most people remember it by.

So, it’s a make or break!

Two recent films that were supposed to be major blockbusters (one of them was) that have weak plots were Gareth Edwards’ 2014 version of Godzilla and Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World.

In Godzilla’s instance, the film was a complete mess.

To be frank, it was terrible.

The movie was over two hours long and showed the ginormous reptilian-like monster for a measly 10 minutes!

The movie was called Godzilla for goodness sakes!

That in itself was a deal breaker for many fans, I know for me it was.

Now in Jurassic World’s case, the plot was a lot better than Gozilla’s (almost impossible for it to be worse) but not the best.

Almost every scene where something could go drastically wrong if the characters made a boneheaded decision, it went wrong.

You could almost feel the dumb choices being made before it even happened. Not a good mix.

Now for Star Wars, they must avoid predictability.

When a film is predictable, bad things happen.

We don’t want to know what’s going to happen, we want to see how things play out and say to ourselves “…wow, that was pretty darn cool!”

Movies that surprise us and have unexpected instances are great.

With all the secrecy surrounding The Force Awakens, I have a feeling we won’t know whats coming.

So far so good.

Main Characters 


For TFA, we need to see the originals. We need to see a lot of Han, Leia, Chewie, R2D2, C3PO and yes…LUKE!!

These figures ARE Star Wars. They represent the franchise that we know and love therefore, we must see them.

Don’t forget, we haven’t seen Han Solo, Princess Leia or Luke (besides the little babies) in a mind-boggling 32 years…

It’s been way too long and for fans to be satisfied and content, give us the heroes.

Changing of the Guard


Now, yes we want to see the main characters from the original trilogy, but they should not be the stars of the film.

This is a new age of Star Wars, we need one of these young guns to take up the mantle and deliver us to the promised land of originality, awesomeness and legitimacy.

One of the main characters whether it be Finn, Rey or Poe, they need to take Luke’s place as “the man”.

This is so vital to TFA’s success!

Without someone for us all to rally behind and support as the crucial piece, I feel the movie would some luster.

As in the original trilogy, Luke began to separate himself as the main guy which inevitably had us all thinking about Luke and what’s his next move and so on.

This is why it is essential for TFA to establish not only the new young characters but also create the earmark feature of the new trilogy moving forward with a face of the movies.

Good vs Evil

One of the many reasons why Star Movies are so great is because it’s a classic good vs bad story.

With the Empire considerably weakened after losing its two guys on top, will they still be able to enforce their will on the rest of the Galaxy?

What about the assumed “heroes” of the movie. Will they still have what it takes to combat this said evil?

This is so important. TFA must have an epic clash of wills that will inspire those watching the film to openly cheer on the good guys.

Even to this day, when I watch Return of the Jedi and I watch Vader go against his Master in order to protect his son, I still get chills.


That is what this movie must have in order for it to be successful.

An epic scene of triumph, something that ten years or twenty years from now we’ll all look back and say “Hey remember that scene where that happened?”

That is what will forever set TFA up for immortality amongst the awesome rankings.


For the TFA to be a success, we need to see it simply be a “Star Wars movie”.

What I mean by that is just let it be itself.

All Star Wars movies are great, just follow the same recipe.

I know this movie will be awesome and honestly, I’m such a huge Star Wars fan that I will love it unconditionally no matter what.

But hey, now you know what I think it will take for this movie to live up to expectations.

Now we wait…


-Sith Pacify out

film, sci fi, Star Wars, TV, WordPress

The Difference Between Luke and Anakin


Whether it’s the chosen one or the one who stood up to evil, they are arguably the two most powerful figures throughout Star Wars.

Yes, I’m talking about Anakin and Luke Skywalker.

Anakin, known as the chosen one, was said to bring balance to the force and eventually did but only after he brought the entire galaxy to the brink of oblivion.

I left out Anakin’s transformation into Vader for this piece since that was a completely different figure than Anakin including abilities, power, control and demand.

Luke on the other hand, had a much quieter journey to his status of power.

I’m going to strictly leave out any and all information within the expanded universe after ROTJ.

With that being said, Luke grew up on the quiet sun-bleached sands of Tatooine where he remained until his Aunt and Uncle were killed and he subsequently left with Ben Kenobi.

Luke would go on to drastically improve on his force abilities and finally reach his goal and become a Jedi.

What They Offer


If you’re talking about power, Anakin Skywalker is at the very top in every single way.

Not just his command of the force but within his 6’1 frame, he was pure muscle and was acrobatically gifted which only enhanced his abilities that much more.

I would also argue that Anakin’s mental drive to take over battles and lightsaber duels allowed him to never be overmatched.

Of course his mental capabilities also had drawbacks since it boosted his confidence so severely that he would run blindly into fights without assessing the situation first. (Dooku)

In addition, Anakin was clearly the most competitive Star Wars character of all time. This drive allowed him to rise to the occasion at ALL times making his enemies feel his wrath.

As for lightsaber combat, Anakin was also extremely gifted.

I would put him right up there with Mace Windu as the most lethal duelist.

Anakin was not only one of the most deadly warriors, but also a gifted pilot.

Ironically, the only other being in the galaxy who could possibly match his piloting prowess was his own son.


Now, it’s time to breakdown Luke…

Because of his severe lack of training, a great deal of describing his competence will have to go off of potential since compared to Anakin, Luke did not have as much opportunities.

With that being said, it should be known that Luke might have been just as or even more dominant than Anakin.

Because Luke didn’t start to scratch the surface of his Jedi capabilities till his later teen years, I believe that that somehow made his force aptitude that much more potent.

In my opinion, Luke’s greatest characteristic was rising to the occasion no matter what the circumstances were.

Two examples of this are one, when he carved up the Death Star defenses and for the first time ever flying a T-65 X-wing starfighter having the ability to annihilate a structure designed for extermination.

Two, when Luke rushed to judgement and foolishly thought he could face Vader during the ESB.

Of course he lost much more than just the fight but think about it for a moment.

At the time, Luke was a young 22 year old who just discovered he was even force sensitive just three short years ago.

He had never fought another lightsaber combatant up to this point and yet he faced Darth Vader, the clear cut perennial duelist in the entire galaxy.

It’s almost inconceivable to think that a young, inexperienced boy who had little to no training was able to injure the menacing Darth Vader.

Luke’s ability to never let anything overwhelm him is extraordinary.

I would say Anakin had a bit of this as well but no where near the level of his son’s.

Luke stood at just 5’7 but packed quite a punch. Much like his father, he was a gifted acrobat, not quite to the level of Anakin but nonetheless he had that going for him as well.

Another powerful attribute of Luke’s was his ability to revert back to an inner calm within himself and use common sense.

Unlike Anakin who thought with his heart, Luke was very much able to stay calm and assess the situation.

Differences and Similarities 


Both Anakin and Luke are physical freaks. They both are top swordsmen that have lightning quick reflexes allowing them to best anyone opposing them.

When it comes to fighting, unlike Luke Anakin thinks through his heart.

There’s been countless examples throughout the show Star Wars: The Clone Wars as well as the movies where Anakin throws caution to the wind in order to intervene with fate and save a comrade.

Luke definitely has this attribute within him but nine out of ten times he’s able to do what’s best for the mission and for the team.

An example of Anakin going against the greater good is when he directly disobeys the Jedi Council’s orders and flies off to Tatooine to potentially save his mother.

Now that’s one of many examples that I could have named but it speaks volumes of his character.

As for Luke, an example of him staying levelheaded and keeping the mission as the main priority is the following.

When childhood friend, Biggs Darklighter is covering Luke as they make their attack run in ANH against the Empire’s super weapon and Biggs suddenly comes under fire by Vader and his henchmen, Luke stays the course.

I have to say, Anakin would have most definitely engaged Vader (if that were possible) in hopes of allowing his lifelong friend to survive.

Of course there are examples that go against what I’m saying but for the most part, Anakin follows his heart as Luke uses his head.

As for piloting, Anakin and Luke are exactly the same in fact they are practically replicas of each other as they’re unequivocally the best.

When it comes to piloting, there’s no debate. The Skywalker duo are as good as it comes.

Another similarity between Anakin and Luke is their lightsaber combat.

Both used (and mastered) Form V.

Utilizing their athleticism and maneuverability, both had no problem matching their opponents onslaughts with defensive counters.

What enhanced both of their lightsaber forms was their ability to call on the force.

With Anakin, I would describe a fight against the chosen one as a “perfect storm”, perfect for Anakin, that is.

When Anakin is entrenched in combat, he seems to have full control over every single atom that surrounds him and his opponent.

It looks as if he wrote the outcome of the duel and can rewrite or change the events at will.

Now in contrast to Luke, I would describe his fighting style as “quiet calm”.

Luke doesn’t go out of his way to make things happen, he doesn’t aggressively engage his opponent yet he allows his own skill to play out.

He believes in his craft and his silent confidence and bravado during through his fighting shows that.

However, if there was ever an instance where Luke went against the grain and who he is, it’s when he defeats Vader in ROTJ.

If I were to describe that fight and the combatants were not named, you would think Anakin was fighting some enemy.

But that simply was not the case.

Vader successfully baited Luke into coming out of hiding and engaging him. What he did not expect was Luke tapping into an unexpected inner will and strength, some would even say, the Dark Side…


What Does it Mean?

Anakin and Luke are very similar and yet very different.

Both have identical styles but intentions that are completely different.

Anakin fought for love as Luke fought for the team, for the Rebellion.

My official statement on these two are much like them both, similar and yet different.

I strongly believe that if Anakin resisted Palpatine and the Dark Side, he would have gone on to be undeniably the most powerful, important and fulfilled Jedi of all time.

As for Luke, I believe if he received the type of training that Anakin did, he too would go on to be the indisputable Jedi champion of all time in his own right.

Ironically, Anakin would fall into the shadows of pure malevolence and go on to do only for himself and his exalted Master.

Luke is another story in total. He begins his journey through the force believing that he must confront Vader to avenge his father yet discovers Vader is in fact his father and alters course.

Instead of attempting to defeat his father, he tries to turn him and bring him back to the light.

We all know the ending of this story as Luke ultimately resists the temptations of the Dark Side and self-proclaims himself a Jedi, like his father before him.

In the end, these are two forces to be reckoned with. Of that, there is no question.


-Sith Pacify out

ESPN, film, marketing, sci fi, Star Wars, TV, WordPress

My Analysis on the Force Awakens Trailers


Last night, we finally got to see the highly anticipated third trailer for The Force Awakens.

So, now that we saw it, what did we think?

The word that comes to my mind when describing the trailer is tantalizing. 

Look I think this was easily the best trailer. It touched on so many facets of intrigue and curiosity for Star Wars fans.

Yet at the same time, it descended us all in an unimaginable deeper mystery.

We still don’t know what’s going on or what is really happening but there are plenty of ideas and rumors out there.


Now I want to compare the three trailers because I think I’ve found some connections.

The second scene in the first trailer has BB-8 desperately rolling away from somewhere or something.


Next you see stormtroopers inside what looks like an Imperial transport ship as the ramp of the vehicle drops down.


The following scene is what makes me see a connection between the trailers…

Rey looks as if she is in a frantic hurry as she rides away on a speeder.


Now fast forward to the second trailer.

It begins with Rey riding the same speeder towards a downed Star Destroyer.

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Next I want to jump to last night’s trailer, stay with me here, I think I’ve found a correlation.

In the beginning of the trailer, the second image shows Rey climbing some structure.

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The next couple scenes have Rey continue to search this vast room as she appears to be scavenging.

Here’s the connection.

All of these images and scenes came at the same points in all three trailers. It is very plausible to say that Rey was traveling towards the downed Star Destroyer, she goes inside what looks like an old broken down hangar and is searching around.

I think what happens next is the Empire somehow discovers her presence. That would explain the stormtroopers who appear to be unloading for some kind of action.

Well, what if inside that Star Destroyer, there was some kind of ancient artifact that was being transported before the enormous structure was shot down?

It could very well be since Rey looks like she’s leaving in a hurry from the same area in the first trailer as if she is being pursued.

Another scene that could help explain my theory is the fact that the third trailer shows Rey and BB-8 calmly walking throughout the deserts of Jakku.


Now, if Rey and BB-8 were discovered to be doing something that the Empire didn’t want them to do, the scene in the first trailer that I described above fits perfectly into my theory.

What if BB-8 and Rey got separated? It would definitely make sense since the little droid is seen rolling away as fast as he can with the emotion of fear all over in the first trailer.

The next image I want to disscuss is during the second trailer when we see the Millennium Falcon flying into what looks like the old remains of the same downed Star Destroyer’s engine.


Could it be that Han and Chewie somehow also learn of Rey’s presence in the fallen ship and try to rescue her from the Empire’s clutches?

I’m not sure but the stills definitely seem to agree with the theory.

In the third trailer, after the quick image of what looks like a forest being obliterated, you see the Millennium Falcon involved in a dogfight with two TIE fighters.

Of course this is all speculation but hey, who knows. The pieces seem to fit and there’s nothing concrete on what exactly is going on in these scenes at this point.

Now for all three of the trailers, as of right now I don’t see a huge amount of scenes that seem like they could be explained if put together so I won’t go from image to image.

What I was Looking For

On my Twitter account last night after the trailer aired, I listed three things I wanted to see in the trailer.


As you can see, 2/3 of these were fulfilled.

I have a feeling that the character of Kylo Ren is going to be so epic and awesome that his he will inspire future Halloween costumes for years to come.

What made me even more satisfied however was the fact that we got to hear Ren’s voice.

We’ve seen some similarities between him and Darth Vader thus far but the mechanically enhanced voice now just adds even more wonder.

Not to mention the fact that Kylo Ren seemed to be mystified by the crushed and mutilated helmet of Vaders’ as we saw in the trailer.


That was just plain cool!

The next on my list of what I wanted to see was more of the main characters.

This was fulfilled for me as well as we got to see and hear a lot more of Han as he indulged us in a perfect display of acting prowess as he seemingly told Rey and Finn that everything about the Dark Side and Jedi is all true.

I loved that seen. Harrison Ford is fantastic and it gives me chills just thinking about watching him on the big screen once again delivering another A+ performance of Han Solo.

Although we didn’t see much, we did see more of Chewbacca and you know what? What we saw was enough and okay for me.

As for Leia, we finally saw her as she is visibly upset and very much distressed while being embraced by Han.

Honestly, I don’t even want to speculate on what this could mean but for Leia and Han to be this mournful, it can’t be good…


Now, the final part of my list that I hoped to see in the trailer was Luke.

Of course we know that he did not appear or even speak. (like he did in the second trailer)

In addition to not seeing Luke, over the weekend the official Star Wars poster was released and there was one mammoth takeaway from it…THERE’S NO LUKE!!


So before I panic and we all lose our minds, where the heck is Luke!?

There’s no way of knowing for sure but here are some theories…

If he is one of the centerpieces of the film (we all assume he is) and something drastic is to happen to him, maybe they are building up anticipation?

Another theory I thought of is, what if he is somehow mangled and disfigured?

Think about it, we haven’t seen his face in any of the trailers yet and the one figure that could be him is when we see someone touching the dome of R2-D2 with a mechanical hand.


As we saw in the original trilogy, there was a flesh colored appearance over the prosthetic that replaced his right hand but if he was badly injured somehow…who knows?

The figure is shrouded in what looks like the classic Jedi cloak with the hood pulled over to hide the face.

So really I’m not sure, purely speculation at this point.

End Game

So, to sum things up, the final trailer was everything it had to be and more.

It was amazing, it was fantastic and it was really awesome.

Although I didn’t think it could happen, I am even more psyched for the release of this film.

I don’t have much criticisms for the trailer in fact for the whole Force Awakens campaign as a whole I have nothing negative to say.

Disney did everything right to this point and there’s no reason to expect that not to continue.

-Sith Pacify out

entertainment value, sci fi, Star Wars, TV, WordPress

Star Wars Rebels Season Two Premiere Reaction


Season two of Star Wars Rebels is upon us!

Tonight the season premiere aired and I have to say, it set up some alluring storylines to look for as the show progresses.

As I said last night in my preview of season two, I’m most looking forward to seeing what happens between Ahsoka and Vader.

Something is going to happen, that’s for sure.

Whether that be Ahsoka seeks him out or she just utilizes her knowledge of the dark lord to the Rebels advantage, it’s hard to say really.

Personally, I think that they’re both on a crash course to meet in a duel together but the outcome and the results are still undetermined.


The other major storyline of the season is the clones have returned!

Of course there’s Captain Rex, a hero from one of my favorite shows Star Wars The Clone Wars but also Commanders Wolffe and Gregor.

All three of these characters boost very different personalities but they play very well into the plot.

In addition to the plot, I think that the show is also trying to show that these characters who served together under extreme measures of conformity, have their own contrasting identities.

Commander Rex seems to be the only clone out of the three who is more or less the same from the Clone Wars, except maybe just a bit more edgier.

As for Commanders Wolffe and Gregor, they’re extremely different from Rex and even from each other.

For starters, Wolffe is very tense. As we see in the first scene that introduces the clones to us, it’s Wolffe who fires upon Kanan and company.

Rex eventually calms him down but the fun is just beginning as we meet Gregor…

Something is clearly wrong with him as he’s not afraid to show us his craziness.

As the episode goes on, the issues with Commander Wolffe take a turn for the worse as he admits to ignoring Ahsoka’s transmissions as well as contacting the Empire in hopes that the mighty Imperials will allow Wolffe and his fellow clones to keep on keeping on.

Since all clones from the Clone Wars were somehow “decommissioned”, he hopes that his efforts will secure their futures.

This of course poses a major problem but I guess we will find out what happens next time.

As for Gregor…he ends up using Zeb as bait for a giant creature known as a Jooper.

Something very interesting in the episode is when the clones touch on Order 66…

Kanan at first has some very tense moments with Rex and hey, who can blame him! After all, it was the clone troopers who turned on the Jedi and practically wiped them all out was it not??

Anyways, Rex says that they were able to take out the chips embedded in their heads as he points to a scar on the right side of his dome.


It’s a great scene and it really helps us fans understand how they were able to rebel against what they were programmed to do.

The episode comes to an end as everyone realizes that a Imperial probe droid has been watching them and attempts to escape.

If it wasn’t for Rex’s sharp shooting, all of them would be in a world of trouble.

Maybe that calmed down Kanan and the rest of them over Wolffe’s betrayal (odd if it did) but they seemed to all rejoice together.

All in all, the season debut wasn’t anything super spectacular but it stayed the course and laid the groundwork for the rest of the season.

My only gripe with Star Wars Rebels is how short the episodes are. I know The Clone Wars was only 30 minutes as well but it just feels like it should be longer.

With that being said, I look forward to next week’s episode!

Same time next week everyone, let’s hope it’s a good one!

-Sith Pacify out
